Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 June 2024

The Medway Gaming Festival 2024

Today I have been to the Medway Gaming Festival with my daughter. She didn't just come because it was Father's Day, our fandoms overlap significantly in the ven-diagram of geekdom, so we both had a great day at the festival. Like me, she also has a YouTube Channel (TheNerdyGoth) so I challenged her to a 'Short-off'! We both shot videos during our day out and published a Short mini-video of the event today (both went public at 17:00 today). The winner is the video with the most views by 8pm tomorrow night. Let the battle commence! 

The festival includes a selection of Tabletop Wargames, Roleplaying Games, Cosplay, Computer Games (modern and retro) and can only be described as a celebration of geek culture. Here are a few pictures form the day.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Wargaming your Guilty Pleasures: What's yours?

What are your wargaming 'Guilty Pleasures'? Which periods do you play (or would like to play) that are a bit off the beaten track? Periods, wars, or battles that are not commonly seen on the pages of hobby magazines or are considered uncommon or too niche to be supported by a rule system or figure line?