The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge started a little over a week ago and I completed my first EVER unit of 28mm Napoleonics. These are part of a joint project with Ray and we are doing The Retreat from Moscow in 1812. These are 1812 Russian Grenadiers, but they are wearing slightly out-of-date equipment. They still wear the 1808 pattern ‘stovepipe’ Shako with its enormous plume. From February 1811 regiments started being equipped with the new ‘Kiwer’ style shako with a much thinner Plume. Still, many had not received these before the French invasion in 1812 and some regiments didn’t fully change to the new regulation uniform until 1814.
Monday, 30 December 2024
Sunday, 29 December 2024
I monetized my channel and nobody noticed
A year ago I took the advice of a couple of well-respected YouTubers and decided to monetise my channel. I never expected to make much money but monetization enabled me to control when and where adverts would show in my videos, and even a degree of control over what type of adverts I wanted shown (or more accurately what I didn't want to appear). I have earned more than I expected and all of that revenue has returned to my hobby and the channel instead of going to 'the man' at YouTube.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Painting Together: The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Learning & Teaching New Rules
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
The Secret Project Revealed!
This is a period that I have wanted to do for a long time, but the idea of taking on the whole thing single-handed was daunting. I've never painted any Napoleonic figures before, and aside from fantasy figures for D&D or Frostgrave, I rarely paint anything in 28mm. So from the beginning, this was going to be a huge but exciting challenge. And of course, the best forum for a challenge of this nature is the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge which starts in a little under two weeks.
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Sunday, 8 December 2024
No Video Today 😔
No video today I'm afraid. The gastrointestinal bug that I have had for the last three weeks has not gone away and if anything is making me feel even worse. I've managed to crawl into work this week because I had some training I couldn't get out of, but the end result has been crawling right into bed as soon as I got home. So no painting, and certainly no writing or filming. I'm hoping I'll be back to normal soon (the Painting Challenge starts in just a couple of weeks) but I've been thinking that for a while.
Instead, I have pulled this one from the back catalogue. I know some of you enjoy my videos on a Sunday (thank you) so hopefully this can fill the gap.
Keep an eye open on Wednesday for a special announcement. I'll be revealing the 'secret project' that I have been collaborating on with a friend of mine for a few months. No painting has happened yet, thats for the Painting Challenge, but a lot of technical details have been worked out between us. I'm itching to get started as this will be my first collab project and I'll be stepping outside of my comfort zone as you will see when all is revealed on Wednesday.