Showing posts with label MANLY ART. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MANLY ART. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

C-3P-Ho Who is Pimp2-D2's Big Score is Coming to SDCC 2014 from DKE Toys

“The second toy release from the cult droidsploitation film “Pimp2-D2′s Big Score” is here! C-3P-Ho (See-Threepeeho) is a pleasure droid manufactured by Cybot Galactica. She is Pimp2-D2′s go-to droid. Fluent in 6 million forms of stimulation, she’s always the life of the party. C-3P-Ho might be Pimp2′s favorite, but he’s not the jealous type. He’s always willing to share… for a price! Standing 3.75 inches, featuring a translucent cape and 5 points of articulation, C-3P-Ho’s bound to bring you hours of pleasure! Brought to you by Manly Art ( and coming to a galaxy near you at SDCC 2014 via DKE Toys Booth 5045!”
DKE Toys SDCC 2014 Release: C-3P-Ho figure by Manly Art

$80 each
Handmade resin figure. Edition of 50.

We first met Jason Chalker at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo where he introduced Pimp2-D2 for his second time around. He first released it at NYCC and it became an instant craze. We are definitely hoping and looking forward to getting our hands on a C-3P-Ho at DKE Toys. Something tells us though with a run of only 50, she will be very difficult to come by. 

If you have not had a chance to see Jason Chalker aka ManlyArt's first figure Pimp2-D2, we have a couple shots right here.

Here is Mr. Chalker signing our Pimp2-D2 at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo last year.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Meeting Jason Chalker "Manly Art" at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2013

Comikaze Expo's third year has come to pass with another amazing year in seeing how fast Los Angeles' very own Pop Culture Convention continues to grow in size and popularity. We as toy and comic collectors had our minds set on purchasing a few Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo exclusives and items from artists we hoped to meet. One of the booths we were definitely targeting would be Manly Art, Jason Chalker's booth. We would have to meet Jason Chalker and look for the one figure I was after, Pimp2-D2. 

We first learned about Pimp2-D2 from New York Comic Con. Jason Chalker released the Pimp2-D2 in a very limited run on a Star Wars style Early Bird card. He mentioned that it was a very limited run that he sold out of very quickly and saved a few for friends. Even Seth Green had to pick one up at New York Comic Con. 

Jason Chalker is a great guy who definitely has a love for Star Wars as you can see in his works. He has worked as a Topps Sketch Card artist for Mars Attacks and Star Wars. He also created a piece for Designer Con 2013 in DKE Toys, 99 Deaths of Jar Jar Show featuring many incredible artists. 

Here were a couple of shirts that he had available and has available on the Manly Art site. He had his Mickey Martian and Boba Fink t-shirts available. We loved Chalker's Boba Fink shirt that has the Ed Roth's Rat Fink style with everyone's favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter. We actually scored a shirt by doing a trade for a Boba Fink shirt for our "Day of the Dead Koala" shirt! 

 And there it was, the original art for Jason Chalker's amazing creation of Pimp2-D2 along with the Pimp2-D2 figures that he had an extremely limited run available at Comikaze Expo. 

He would then be in my grasp!  

Jason Chalker signing my Pimp2-D2 figure. It was great to meet Jason Chalker at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo. We had great talks throughout the weekend. Definitely became an instant fan of his works and look forward to what he will be creating next. 

Stay tuned for our review of Pimp2-D2!