“At first I was like ‘Dude! We need to get more 90’s comics on comiXology’ and then I was like ‘didn’t that Kevin Smith guy do a bunch of great stuff, when that one movie came out?’ and then the next thing I know I’m looking at this stuff in Guided View and it’s just like…whoa!” said comiXology’s PR guy Chip Mosher.
“I figured ‘What The Hell?’ sounds cool to me,” said Kevin Smith "I've been digitally manipulating myself since I was 12, but I'm gonna enjoy my digital comics way more than that favorite pastime! I'm ecstatic the adventures of Jay and Silent Bob are joining comiXology in the 21st century!"
In a puff of smoke, these books appeared April 20th, 2013 as Kevin Smith and company hit the road for Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie tour. Fans of Kevin Smith’s one of a kind Clerks universe can now experience Bluntman & Chronic, Clerks, Chasing Dogma and the Tales From The Clerks collection…and in comiXology’s unique Guided View™ reading technology. Which makes for one trippy reading experience.
The full list of books released includes: (In case you didn’t actually read the above paragraph).
ClerksIn addition to these latest offerings comiXology
Tales From The Clerks
Bluntman and Chronic
Chasing Dogma