2015 Fund Drive

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Sea Turtle Directory


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- T -

Tabaranza, Djop -
Tabata, Carolyn - , 4th grade teacher
Tabata, Runa - kyoto university, student
Tabor, David -
Tabor, Denise -
Tachibanna, Juinchi -
Tada, Hiromi - Conservation International, Associate, Japan Program
Taft, Lucinda - , Consultant
Taggart, Gary -
Tagle, Ana Lilia - WWF-México, Administrative Asistant
Tagliolatto, Alícia - Universidade Federal Fluminense, mestranda
Tahmassebi, Minu - GSTC, Customer service
Tait, Ian -
Tait, Kathleen - Holy Family University, Adjunct Professor
Tait, Meghan -
Taiwo, Olalekan - Epsilon Technologies, GIS Consultant
Tajelleh, Morris - Liberia Wildlife Conservancy, Executive Director
Tajul Islam, Sheikh Muhammad -
Takahashi, Mutsuki - , student
Takahashi, Mutsuki - Tokyo University of Marine Science, Student
Takahiro, Nobetsu - , Researcher
Takase, Mai -
Takinana, Abitara - University of the South Pacific, student
Takuma, Shunichi - , teacher in junior high school
Talarico, Kristy - Deakin University, Student
Talavera, Ana - CICIMAR-IPN, PhD student
Talbert, Jane -
Talbert, Laura - University of Central Arkansas, Student
Talbot, Christina - St Johns County School District, teacher
Talbot, Tamara -
Talbot, Theresa - MCPS, Educator montgomery county public schools
Talentino, Susanne - Coastal Companion, Producerf
Talib, Zulkifli - MFRDMD, Research Officer
Talijančić, Igor - Institute of Oceanography and Fish, Associate expert
Talleur, Nancy -
Tallevast Mickle, Teresa Lynn - US Fish & Wildlife Service - Puerto, Refuge Manager
Talley, Catherine -
Talley, Lauren - Virginia Aquarium Stranding Program, intern
Talley, Melissa - Franklin County Public Schools, 7th grade life science teacher
Talley, Renee -
Talley, Zoe -
Tallia Galoppo, Marta -
Tallini, Rita -
Tallmadge, Philip -
Tally, Michael -
Talnagi, Madeline -
Tamai, Takaaki -
Tamarack, Jim - El Tigre Fund, Chairman
Tamasitis, Bonnie - SCUTE, volunteer
Tamasy, Patt - Seabrook Island , Walker
Tamata, Laitia - World Wide Fund (WWF) South Pacific, Marine Species Projects Coordinator
Tamburro, Tamara -
Tami, Ellis -
Tami, Ellis -
Tam, Pink -
Ta, My-Huong - , Doctor
Tanabe, Lyndsey -
Tanag, An -
Tanaka, Eriko -
Tanaka, Hideji - Kyoto University, Research fellow
Tanaka, Hideji - Hokkaido University, PostDoc
Tanaka, Hiroki - , HIWASA sea turtle museum
Tanaka, Shinichi - Everlasting Nature of Asia, Research Staff
Tan, Amy - Walla Walla University
Tan, Cassie - University of Melbourne, Australia, student/student teacher
Tancrelle, Catherine -
Tanczuk, Dakotah -
Tang, Yi Kiu -
Tanimoto, Akira -
Tanimowo, Esther - University of stellenbosch, Agricultural officer/ student
Tanis, Georgi - Georgia sea turtle ctr
Tanis, Georgi - GSTC
Tankersley, Nancy - , Volunteer
Tan, Kien Chun - Lunds Universitet, Sweden, Student
Tannen, Ann -
Tanner, Ana -
Tanner, Brad - Mote Marine Laboratory
Tanner, Claire -
Tanner, Elizabeth -
Tanner, Susan - SCUTE, teacher/turtle walker
Tannis, Ricketts -
Tan, Raymond - National Institute of Education, Teaching Fellow
Tansey, Ralph -
Tan, Thierry -
Tanyhill, Taylor -
Tapawan, Lexter - NOAA, Seattle
Tapia, Andrea - UMSNH
Tapilatu, Ricardo - State University of Papua (UNIPA), Researcher
Tapilatu, Ricardo - Marine Science Dept of UNIPA, Lecturer and Researcher
Tapp, Rachel - Little Cumberland Island/Audubon, Turtle Researcher
Taquet, Coralie - Tokyo institute of Technology, post-doctoral fellow
Tara, Lonie -
Tariel, Juliette -
Tarnowski, Betty -
Tarpinian, Melissa -
Tarquini, Erika -
Tarrance, Lee - Friends of Hunting Island, Volunteer
Tarrant, Greg - St Gregorys Primary, Year Two Classroom Teacher
Tarrant, John -
Tarrant, Martha - , volunteer
Tartaglia, Christina - OIB Sea Turtle Org., NC, Sea Turtle Volunteer, OIB, NC
Tarwater, Vivian - Bayside Academy
Tarzia, Marguerite - BirdLife International
Tasayco, Angie - , Independent Researcher
Taskavak, Ertan - Faculty of Fisheries, Prof. Dr.
Tassin, Shawn -
Tassoni, Alecsandra -
Tate, Jamie -
Tate, Jennifer -
Tate, Julianne - Edisto Beach State Park
Tate, Kate - Emerald Isle Sea Turtle Patrol, Nest Response Team
Tate, Marilue -
Tate, Rebecca -
Tate, Susan - PADI, Editor, The Undersea Journal
Tauer, Aubrey - Cūra Earth, President and Chief Scientific Officer
Tavares, Alda - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch Program
Tavares, Christiane - , Esthetician
Tavares, Melia -
Tavera Hernández, Cynthia Irene - Universidad del Noreste, student
Tavera-Rivera, Alejandro - CONANP
Tavita, Rosia - Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanct., Education Coordinator
Tawa, Atsushi -
Tawes, Rob - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biologist
Tawfeeq, Essa - PADI, ProjectAware
Taxonera Amoros, Albert -
Tayab, Muhammad - Ras Laffan Industrial City, Lead Environmental Engineer
Tayhan, Yahya -
Tayloe, Kate - Cape Charles Christian School
Taylor, Alan - Grant county boe, Former science teacher
Taylor, Alana -
Taylor, Alyssa -
Taylor, Amy - royal holloway, phd student
Taylor, Amy -
Taylor, Andy - Deakin University Burwood, student
Taylor, Ann -
Taylor, Anna -
Taylor, Anne -
Taylor, Arlene -
Taylor, Ashleigh -
Taylor, Ashley -
Taylor, Audra -
Taylor, Barbara -
Taylor, Bill -
Taylor, Bob -
Taylor, Brooke - Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc., Field Service Engineer
Taylor, Christopher -
Taylor, Clint - NC Aquarium PKS, Aquarium Curator
Taylor, Clyde -
Taylor, David - S.C.U.T.E., Walker
Taylor, Deanna -
Taylor, Don - Main Street Middle School, Teacher
Taylor, Douglas -
Taylor, Eleanor - university of exeter, student
Taylor, Elizabeth - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, student
Taylor, Emily - Coral World Ocean Park, Aquarist
Taylor, Ginger -
Taylor, Ginger - Georgia Dept. of Economic Developme, Director
Taylor, Graeme - University of Plymouth, Lecturer in geophysics
Taylor, Gwen -
Taylor, Haley -
Taylor, Harriette -
Taylor, Heather -
Taylor, Jacob -
Taylor, Jacqueline - , volunteer
Taylor, Jay - Whitewater high school, Teacher
Taylor, Jennifer - Cherry Hill Public School, jenntaylor@verizon.net
Taylor, Jeremy - NYS DEC, Environmental Educator
Taylor, Joe - Pritchards & Little Capers Island, Turtle Patrol Volunteer
Taylor, Justin -
Taylor, Kate - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Co
Taylor, Kathryn -
Taylor, Kelly - Point Harmony Elem., teacher
Taylor, Kim -
Taylor, Larry - Friends of Hunting Island
Taylor, Leigh -
Taylor, Lexie - Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital, Intern
Taylor, Lois -
Taylor, Loren - KDFWR, Avian Biologist
Taylor, Marc - Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Researcher
Taylor, Marc - Wildcoast, volunteer
Taylor, Mari-Ann - Friends of Hunting Island
Taylor, Mark - Emerald Isle Turtle Patrol, Beach walker
Taylor, Meridith -
Taylor, Nicole -
Taylor, Paige -
Taylor, Passion -
Taylor, Pat -
Taylor, Phil -
Taylor, Rachel -
Taylor, Rebecca - University of Georgia, student
Taylor, Renee - Sea Turtle Getaways
Taylor, San -
Taylor, Sarah - New England Aquarium, Senior Aquarist / Scientific Diver
Taylor, Shannon -
Taylor, Sheree - Combermere School, student
Taylor, Susi -
Taylor, Tina -
Taylor, Vern -
Taylor, Wendy - NOAA Fisheries, Engineering Team Leader
Taylor, Zak -
Tchanidze, Anna - czech university of life sciences, student
Tchanidze, Anna - czech university of life sciences, student
Teague, Ashley -
Teague, Teresa - Cash Elementary, parent volunteer
Teas, Wendy - National Marine Fisheries Service, Research Fishery Biologist
Tecklenburg, Julie -
Tedder, Beth -
Tedeschi, Carolynn - , Volunteer sea turtle patrol
Tedeschi, Gene -
Tedeschi, Jamie - University of Western Australia, Postdoctoral Researcher
Teear, Sharon -
Teece, Mark - Carnegie Institution, Research Associate
Teefy, Heather -
Teegarden, Michael -
Teeple, Karen - , volunteer
Teeter, Cynthia -
Teeter, Kay -
Teetsel, Linnea - Fripp Island Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Tegt, Jessica - Mississippi State University, Assistant Professor
Teisl, Barbara - , Account Administrator
Teixeira, Jordan - KBSTRRC
Teixeira, Maria -
Teixeira, Miguel -
Teja, Ricardo - Pronatura-PPY, Responsable de Campemento
Tekinene, Mataio -
Tekin, Meryem - DEKAMER Sea Turtle Research Rescue, Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center Manager
Tekin, Meryem - DEKAMER
Tekulsky, Sally - , volunteer
Telesford, Nickelyn -
Telford, Laura - University of Exeter, Student
Teller, Alan - The Collected Image
Teller, Brooke - Casco Bay High School, Science teacher
Teller, Grace -
Teller, Rachel - University of Charleston, graduate student
Tellez, Elena - , student
Tellez, Elise -
Telzrow, Mark - SeaWorld San Antonio, Assistant Curator of Aquarium
Tempesta, Milena - Miramare MPA, marine biologist
Temple, Ted - Friends of Hunting Island State Par, Sea Turtle Volunteer
Templeton, Beverly - Pine View School, science teacher
Templeton, Josey - The Citadel, professor
Ten Brink, Craig -
TenBrink, Jeni - New Era Elementary
Tenorio, Gabrielle - UFES
Tenorio, Paola - CIBNOR, student
Tenorio, Zoraida - Corcovado Foundation, Volunteer coordinator
Teodoro, Sarah - UNESP, phd student
Teo, Elvie - Borneo Marine Research Institute, Student
Tepe, Patricia -
Tepper, Lee Ann -
Teran, Rafael - zulia university
Teran, Rafael - Planetary Astronomy Laboratory, Researcher
Teregeyo, Marianne - CNMI DLNR & CNMI DLNR DFW, Acting Director, DFW & Special Assistant to Secretary of DLNR
Teresa, Ana -
Teresa, Nancy -
Terhune, Jill -
Terletskyy, Oleksandr -
Terman, Maureen -
Terpenning, Arlene - Roselle Park School District, Elementary Teacher of the Gifted & Talented
Terrell, John - Field Museum of Natural History, Regenstein Curator of Pacific Anthropology
Terrell, Nancy - , retired
Territorio, Ordenamento -
Terry, Ben -
Terry, Beth - My Plastic-Free Life
Terry, Darlene - Emerald Isle Sea Turtle Patrol, Zone 2
Terry, Elizabeth -
Terry, Jessica - Pryor Public Schools, teacher
Teruya, Shinnosuke -
Tervelde, Lex - none, hobby
Tessmer, Tom -
Testa, Michelle -
Test, NC -
Teston, Brenna -
Teters, Sandra -
Teters, Tom -
Teufel, Bruce -
Teumer, Meghan -
Teuscher, Jennifer -
Tewari, Femke -
Teyler, Tim -
Tezak, Boris - FAU
Tezsay, Nilay - VASAK ISTANBUL, Veterinarian
Thacker, Kirsty - Swansea University, United Kingdom
Thacker, Stacey -
Thackston, Meredith -
Thaker, Utpal -
Thakker, Rohan - ISRO, Ahmedabad, JRF at Indian Space Research Organisation
Thambusamy, Pushpanathan - university, lecturer
Tharani Tharan, Muthukumaran -
Thauvette, Anne-Marie -
Theesfeld, Barbara -
Theissinger, Kathrin -
Theo, Anne Heloise - Indian institue of science, Visitor
Theobald, Dorothy - , Ret Educator, Biologist, NMFS field biologist
Theobald, Emma - Exeter University, England, Student
Theobald, Judy -
Theobald, Lauren -
Theobalds, ED -
Theodorakou, Christina -
Theodorou, Panagiota - ARCHELON, Peloponnese Projects Coordinator
Theren, Thomas -
Therese, Revlock - Stark State College of Technology, professor
Theriault, Stereo -
Theriot, Craig -
Therrien, Corie - University of Alabama, Birmingham, grad student
Therrien, Matthew - Mote Marine Laboratory, permitted volunteer
Therrien, Ron - USGS PWRC, Research Engineer
Thi Thu Hien, Bui - International Union Conservation of, Marine and Coastal Programe Manager
Thiago, Serafini -
Thiam, Ndeyesene - Institut URTOMA, Coordinator
Thiele, Monika - World Wildlife Fund, Marine Conservation Program
Thiele, Rod - Sasakolo Conservation Project
Thiel, Rita - NEST, Ocracoke volunteer
Thiels, Sabrina - , Environmental Technician
Thiels, Sabrina -
Thierry, Cindy -
Thigpen, Libby -
Thigpin, Terry - nest,nc aquarium vol
Thimiri Dayasagar, Pown Arthi - UNCC, Student
Thirlwall, Mike -
Thirumalaiselvan, S - ICAR-CMFRI, Scientist
Thiruselvan, Sheena -
Thistle, Barbara -
Thoburn, Michelle -
Thollander, Robert -
Thomae, Beth - Kiawah Island
Thomae, William - , Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol
Thoman, Harold -
Thomas1, Brooks -
Thomas E. Flanagan, Thomas E. Flanagan -
Thomas Smith, Penny - SPOT, volunteer
Thomas, Anna -
Thomas, Austen - Western Washington University, Graduate Student
Thomas, Bonny -
Thomas, Carlos - DAI, Coordinador componente tortugas marinas Proyecto DAI/FUNZEL
Thomas, Carole -
Thomas, Chalky -
Thomas, Chuck -
Thomas, Danielle -
Thomas, Elizabeth -
Thomas, Ellen - Mary Pringles group, volunteer IOP Tuesday mornings
Thomas, Emily - , Head Aquarist / Animal Health
Thomas, Emma - Duke University, graduate student
Thomas, Erin - Southeastern Louisiana University
Thomas, Fay -
Thomas, Felipe - Reserva Playa Tortuga (RPT), Fotografo RPT
Thomas, Gayla - Fripp Island Loggerhead Patrol, Patrol team Fripp Island
Thomas, Harley -
Thomas, Harry - Wildlife Sense, Field Leader
Thomas, Helen - Queens Beach State School, Teacher
Thomas, J -
Thomas, James -
Thomas, James - , CEO
Thomas, Jim - , Prichards Island
Thomas, Joel - SCUTE, volunteer walker
Thomas, John -
Thomas, Joseph -
Thomas, Joseph - , DFO Kozhikode
Thomas, Juan -
Thomas, Karli - Greenpeace International, oceans campaigner
Thomas, Kellee - Hunting Beach, Turtle Watch
Thomas, Kimberly -
Thomas, Kirsten - Ross University, Veterinary Student/Research Assistant
Thomas, Knaan -
Thomas, Krystal -
Thomas, Leanne -
Thomas, Lee Ann - SCUTE, Surfside beach walker
Thomas, Leslie - Satellite High School, Marine science teacher
Thomas, Leslie -
Thomas, Lindsay - North Inlet - Winyah Bay NERR, Education Specialist
Thomas, Mary - EBLTP Dawn Patrol, Volunteer
Thomas, Mini - Correspondent, Senior
Thomas, M.L. - , DFO Trichur
Thomas, Pamela - , Emerald isle #1
Thomas, Rachel - Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Lab, Animal Care Manager
Thomas, Rachel - Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital
Thomas, Richard -
Thomas, Roy - , DFO Kannur
Thomas, Sally -
Thomas, Sarah - SB&A, Account Manager
Thomasson, Ravin -
Thomas, Sue -
Thomas, Terri - Hillcrest Academy, Lead Science Teacher
Thomas, Trista -
Thomas, Walt -
Thoma, Theresa -
Thome Alciati, Joao Carlos - Projeto Tamar-Ibama/Fundación Pro-Tamar, Director Regional
Thompson Brown, Jillian -
Thompson, Amy -
Thompson, Ann -
Thompson, Anna - QUB
Thompson, AnnaLee -
Thompson, Becky -
Thompson, Brian - University of Central Florida, Graduate student
Thompson, Candy -
Thompson, Car -
Thompson, Carolyn -
Thompson, Cathy -
Thompson, Cathy -
Thompson, Colleen -
Thompson, Courtney -
Thompson, Daniel -
Thompson, Dave -
Thompson, Debbie -
Thompson, Denise - Missouri State University, grad student
Thompson, Donna - Forestbrook Elementary School, teacher
Thompson, Erik -
Thompson, Gary -
Thompson, Ivana -
Thompson, Jan - Coastal Carolina Community College, Health Training Coordinator CE
Thompson, Jasmin -
Thompson, Jessica - REMSA, Inc., Marine Endangered Species Observer
Thompson, Jessica -
Thompson, Jodi - Georgia DNR, Sea Turtle Monitor - Little Saint Simon s Island (summer 2003)
Thompson, Joe -
Thompson, Julia - Duke University
Thompson, Kaitlin -
Thompson, Karen -
Thompson, Kathy -
Thompson, Katie - University of Washington
Thompson, Kaye -
Thompson, Kinsey -
Thompson, Korah -
Thompson, Lauren - University of North Carolinia Wilm
Thompson, Linda -
Thompson, Lisa -
Thompson, Lori - FOHI, Volunteer
Thompson, Mark -
Thompson, Melissa -
Thompson, Michael -
Thompson, Morgan - Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head, Volunteer
Thompson, Morgan - Unity Environmental University, Student
Thompson, Nancy - Keys Marine Lab, Director
Thompson, Nancy B. - National Marine Fisheries Service , Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Director
Thompson, Olivia - James Island Charter High School
Thompson, Pamela - UNC Charlotte, Catawba College, Professor
Thompson, Pamela - Catawba College, Associate Professor
Thompson, Patricia - Defenders of Wildlife, conservation consultant
Thompson, Peter -
Thompson, Rebecca -
Thompson, Rebecca -
Thompson, Richard & Pati - N.E.S.T.
Thompson, Scott - 1961
Thompson, September - SCUTE
Thompson, Sondra -
Thompson, Stephen -
Thompson, Susan -
Thompson, Susan -
Thompson, Susan -
Thompson, Taylor -
Thompson, Tiffany - Mineral Area College, Biology Student
Thompson, Tracy - University of Central Florida, UCF Marine Turtle Research
Thompson, Trevor -
Thompson, Wanita - Brownington Central School, Third grade teacher
Thomsen, Kai-Michael - Michael-Otto-Institute within NABU
Thomson, Allan -
Thomson, Brooks -
Thomson, John -
Thomson, Jordan - Florida International University, Post-doctoral associate
Thomson, Karen -
Thomson, Kath -
Thomson, Nancy - St Joseph Peninsula Turtle Patrol, volunteer
Thomson, Rachael - University of Exeter, Masters student
Thomson, Sherri-Lynne -
Thomé, Joca - Centro TAMAR-ICMBio, Coordenador Nacional
Thorburn, Craig -
Thorburn, Craig - Kelly Tarltons Sea Life Aquarium, Senior Curator
Thornburg, Alex -
Thorne, Cindy -
Thorne, Crystal -
Thorne, Joanna -
Thorne, Lesley - Stony Brook University, Lecturer
Thorne, Lynn - Bermuda Zoological Society, Interpretive Tours Coordinator
Thorne, Natalie -
Thorne, Susan -
Thornhill, Josiah - Student, N/A
Thornsbury, Noelia -
Thornton, Alex - Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Student
Thornton, Alyssa -
Thornton, Amber -
Thornton, Jared - Union City Elementary
Thornton, Michele -
Thornton, Michele - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Thornton, Sheila -
Thorpe, Deborah - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Thorpe, Dennis - , Private
Thorpe, John - british chelonia group, Norther regional Chairman
Thorpe, Mel -
Thorrold, Simon - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutio, Scientist
Thorsen, Aimy - Kemah Aquarium
Thorvalson, Kelly - South Carolina Aquarium, Sea Turtle Rescue Program Manager
Thrailkill, Megan -
Threatened and Endangered Species, Camp Lejeune -
Thresher, Sarah - University, student
Thrower, Larry - , Volunteer
Thrower, Norma -
Thums, Michele - Australian Institute of Marine scie, Research Scientist
Thuoc, Pham - Research Institute of Marine Products, Senior Researcher
Thurman, Suzanne - MERR Institute, Inc., Executive Director
Thurman, Tim - Mote Marine, President, Longboat Key Turtle Watch
Thurow, Brian - Sea Turtle Inc., Veterinary Technician and Marine Biologist
Thuy Anh, Nguyen - IUCN, Communications Officer
Thye, Melissa -
Thynge, Megan -
Tian, Jongdong -
Tibaldo, Joanne - Washington School, teacher
Tibbetts, Nicole - National High Magnetic Field Lab, PhD Student Geochemistry
Tibbott, Paula - Reed Custer School District, teacher
Tiburcio Pintos, Graciela - SyCOMA, AC, Asesor científico
Tidmore, Jennifer - , Film maker
Tidwell, Debbie - Mote Marine Lab, Education
Tierney, Keaton -
Tietjen, Jennifer - U.S. FWS--Hobe Sound NWR, Biological Technician
Tigano, Anna -
Tiger, Elizabeth -
Tighe, Steve - GA DNR, Ossabaw Island
Tignor, Dori -
Tikochinski, Yaron -
Tilby, James l -
Tilby, Linda -
Tilghman, Todd -
Tiller, Jason - Hilton Head Island Beach Patrol, General Manager
Tilley, Dawnelle -
Tilley, Raymond -
Tilley, Tina -
Tillison, Barbara - Pleasure Island Sea Turtle Project
Tillman, Sandra - Bald Head Island Conservancy, Volunteer sea turtle nest monitor
Tilly, Amy -
Tilton, Cheryl - Tybee Island Marine Science Center, volunteer
Tilton, Christina -
Timbers, Lisa - Villanova University, Student
Timings, Paul - Aro Turtle World, Turtle doctor
Timko, Joseph - Hammarskjold Middle School, Science Teacher
Timmerman, Carrie -
Timmerman, Darleen -
Timmerman, Drew -
Timmerman, Lindsey -
Timms, Bernie -
Tinaz, Berke - Skidmore College
Tindel, Marisa -
Tindle, Jason -
Tingle, Kristy -
Ting, Leon - Bedok View Secondary School, Student
Tinnes, Jen - Bigcreek Academy, Teaching
Tinsley, Jane - , Retired
Tinsung, Fredyanna Gabriellia - Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Student
Tipper, Laura -
Tippins, Staci - Sea Turtle Trackers, Inc., Sea Turtle Biologist, Board Member
Tipps, Teresa -
Tipton, Brandi - friends of hunting island
Tipton, Ida - Town of Edisto Beach Turtle Patrol, Town of Edisto Beach Turtle Secretary
Tipton, Nicole - NEST, Volunteer
Tipton, Thomas - J. B. Sanderlin Elementary School, Inquiry Tech. Coordinator
Tirado, Luis - U.S. Geological Survey, Research Assistant
Tirakalyanapan, Bussara -
Tisen, Oswald - Sarawak Forestry Department, Assistance Director of Wildlife
Tiso, Kathryn -
Titmus, Andrew - Hawaii Pacific University, graduate student
Titone, Toni - Oibspot
Titova, Irina -
Tiwari, Krishna - University of Illinois , Field Scientist
Tiwari, Manjula - National Marine Fisheries Service
Tizol, Rafael - Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Director General
Tkachuk, Maria -
Tobin, Mary -
Tobin, Ruby - University of Exeter
Tobin, Tom -
Tobón López, Alexander - CIMAD
Tobón López, Alexander - Fundación CIMAD, investigator
Todd, Andrew - , student
Todd-Blue, Raeven - n/a, any
Todd, Charlie -
Todd, Erica - Central Queensland University, Honours student
Todd, Janet -
Todd, Michaela -
Todd, Nicole -
Todd, Susan - Caswell Beach Turtle Watch Voluntee
Todd, Tristan -
Todt, Andrea -
Tognin, Frederico -
Togridou, Anatoli -
Toh, John -
Toh, Timothy -
Toji, Taiichiro - Sea Turtle Association Japan
Tokpa, Andrew - Save My Future (SAMFU) Foundation, Programs manager
Toland, Brian - Brevard County Natural Resources Management Office, Endangered Species Coordinator
Tolbert, Judy - , owner
Tolboom, Jules - Radboud University Nijmegen, principal consultant
Toledo, Fany -
Toledo, Fany -
Tolfree, Sharna - NC Audubon, Biological Tech
Toline, Catherine Anna - National Park Service, Regional Marine Ecologist
Tollas, Kate -
Tolle, Angie -
Tolve, Sarah -
Tomaras, Erin - ARCAS, Volunteer and Research Coordinator
Tomasek, Terry - Elon University, Assistant Professor
Tomasello, Stefano -
Tomasello, Virginia -
Tomas, Jesus - University of Valencia, Contracted Researcher
Tomczak, Kim -
Tomita, Naoki - Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Researcher
Tomiyama, Ryo -
Tomkiewicz, Stanley M. - Telonics, Inc., Director of Environmental Programs
Tomlinson, Dana - Emory Elementary School, 6th gr teacher
Tomlinson, Sandy B/Anthony S - , walker - Pawleys Island, SC
Tommaso, Giarrizzo -
Tom, Mike -
Tomoaki, Iseki -
Tomonari, Mioko -
Tompkins, Kelly -
Tompkins, Lesli -
Tompkins, Wendell - Georgia Southern University, Director of Alumni
Tompsett, Scott - , Student
Tom, Ray -
Toms, Christina -
Tondreault, Nancy - Bauder Elementary school, teacher
Tonelli, María -
Toney, Kim -
Toney, Sierra -
Tonkin, Rachel -
Tonkin, Stacey - Swansea University, Student
Toolen, Madeline -
Toosey, Sally - Self-Employed, Conservation Workshop Leader
Topo, Salome - WWF Solomon Islands
Topping, Sandra - SCUTE, volunteer
Topp, Stephanie -
Torbeck, Nancy - Cayman Islands Government -Educ., ESL Coordinator
Torborg, Scott - Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Student
Tordoff, Evelyn - Topsail Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Tordoir, Marcus - Van Hall Institute Netherlands, Student
Tordoir, Mark - Van Hall Insitute, Student
Torfer, Willi - , operator
Torikka, Emmi -
Tor, Kelly -
Tornabene, Charles -
Torner, Harris - Gumbolimbo Nature Cntr.,, Sr. Marine Tank Guide Volunteer
Tornisielo, Valdemar Luiz - center of Nuclear Energy in Agricul
Toro, Mary - Collier County, Environmental Specialist
Torrente, Carlos -
Torres Arteaga, Marina -
Torres Centeno, Carlos Felipe - GTTM-GV
Torres de Amorim, Larissa - , Student
Torres Irizarry, Natalia -
Torres Peraza, Keylin - CIRENAS, project manager
Torres, Andrea - UMSNH, student
Torres, Cecilia - University of Georgia, Student
Torres, Cecilia -
Torres, Danielle -
Torres-Delbrey, Gilberto - University of Western Ontario, graduate student
Torres-Florez, Juan Pablo - , student
Torres, Joemaris -
Torres, Kimberly - Pebble Hills High School, student
Torres, Kitsie - El Nido Resorts, Environmental Officer/Resort Naturalist
Torres, Lyssa - UNCW, Undergraduate
Torres, Maru - Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México, A, Programs Coordinator
Torres-Montoya, Edith Hilario -
Torres, Nicole - University of Puerto Rico , student
Torres, Perla -
Torres, Raul -
Torres, Rosanna - , student
Torres, Yayr - UMSNH, Estudiante de Biología
Torres, Zarilys - , Teacher
Torrez, Semiramides -
Torruella, Alfredo -
Tortorici, Cathy - NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Serv, Branch Chief
Toth, Sue -
Totten, Jackie - Austin ISD- Gullett Elementary, Teacher
Touchberry, Jack - retired, retired
Touchstone, Deborah -
Toudal, Leif - DTU, Associate Professor
Toule, Sara - University of Aberdeen, Graduate
Touliatou, Smaro -
Touray, Amie - Parks & Wildlife Management, Research Officer
Touray, Momodou .k. - Tanji Bird reserve, senior wildlife ranger
Touray, Ousainou - Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodi, coordinator
Tousignant, Susan -
Tous, Mat -
Toussaint, Jerrard - Ocean Spirits, Trainee Educator
Toussaint, Patty -
Tovalin, Anabel -
Tovar, Jessica - Facultad de biología UMSNH
Tovar, Susan -
Tovar, Tania - Facultad de biología umich
Towanabut, Norrapat - VMARC, Veterinarian
Tower, Shelly - , Marketing and communications coordinator
Towers, Jared -
Towers, Ross - Independant, Turtle Ecologist
Toweson, Eric - SCUTE, Walker
Toweson, Lisa -
To, Willa -
Towle, Catherine -
Townley, Brandi -
Townsend, Cale -
Townsend, Claudia -
Townsend, Jacquelyn -
Townsend, Judy -
Townsend, Kathy - The University of Queensland, Manager Research and Education/Marine Biologist, Moreton Bay Research Station
Townsend, Kim -
Townsend, Mary Jo -
Townsend, Ronald -
Townsend, Terri -
Townsend, Traci -
Towson, Gina -
Trackwell, Maria - Decatur Central High School
Tracy Ong, CP - Tunku Putra International School, Teacher
Tracy Richmond, Nancy -
Tracy, Cynthia -
Tracy, Denise -
Trager, Laurel - National Park Service, Park Ranger
Trainor, Colin -
Tra, Jack Daniel -
Trammell, Christine - U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Tran Chinh, Khuong - WWF Indochina Programme, Marine Programme Officer
Trance, Seth -
Tran, Emily - Hunting Island Sea Turtle Conservat, volunteer
Tran, Huy - Aquatic Habitats Inc., Aquatic Habitats Manager
Tran, Leslie - Elementary, Student
Transue, Natalie -
Trantom, Katrina -
Trapani, Christina - Eco Maniac Company, Owner
Trapp, Bethany -
Trapp, Cathy - Kingsport City Schools, Teacher
Trapp, Michael -
Trask, Adam -
Trautz, Tyson - Belmont Hill School, Education
Travaglini, Andrea - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Research Assistant
Travaglini, Andrea - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, technician
Travers, Caelan -
Travis Wieszmann, Eddie Moore and - Frederick School, 5th Grade
Travis, Janice - Hunting Island State Park
Travitz, Craig - Turtle Kraals Museum, Key West, volunteer
Travland, Erin -
Traweek, Colby -
Traweek, Julie - Sea Turtle Foundation, Project Manager
Traxler, Greta -
Traynum, Steven - Coastal Science and Engineering, Scientist
Trayte, Jaclyn -
Treadwell, Lea -
Trease, Marilyn -
Treat, Renee -
Treece, Andrea - Center for Biological Diversity, Staff Attorney
Treglia, Gianluca - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, student
Tregner, Laura - , Edisto Town Beach
Trego, Marisa -
Treiber, Staci -
Trejo Robles, Jose Antonio - Centro de Ecología Costera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Profesor e Investigator
Trejos, Carlos - Ecology Project International, Costa Rica Program Associate
Trelfa, Amanda - Lakeview middle, Teacher
Tremain, Rawleigh -
Tremayne, Helen -
Tremblay, Jack -
Tremblay, Lisa -
Tremoureux, Emily - Waldorf School of Atlanta , Teacher
Tremper, Karyn - Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Resource Management Specialist
Trenchak, Abigail - Genentech-parent
Trenkamp, Gina -
Trent, Erin -
Trent, Paula - Geo-Marine, Inc., Project Manager
Treonis, Nathalie - Lonboat Key Turtle Watch Inc
Treonis, Rosemary -
Tresr, Jen -
Tressler, Amy - Coastal Discovery Museum, Curator of Education
Tressler, Cory - Hilton Head Sea Turtle Project
Trevisan, Karen -
Trevor, Anne - SPREP, Turtle Database Officer
Trevor, Michael N. -
Tri Hartono, Tjahjo - MMF - Indonesia, Researcher
Trialfhianty, Tyas - Queens University Belfast
Tribbeck, Steve -
Trice, Kathleen -
Trierweiler, Christiane - University of Groningen, PhD student Animal Ecology
Trießnig, Petra - University of Vienna
Trifari, Walter -
Trigo, Sergio -
Trimble, Greg -
Trim, Holly - University of New South Wales, hollytrim1995@gmail.com
Trimmer, Jessica - XO Jessica
Trimpey, Amanda - Hunting Island Sea Turtle Project, Volunteer
Trindade, Joana -
Trindell, Robbin - Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Trinidad, Tamara - Universtiy of Puerto Rico, Senior Student
Tripathi, Ashutosh - Madras Crocodile Bank Trust
Tripathy, Ambika -
Triplett, Pat - Pleasure Island Sea Turtle Project, Volunteer PISTP
Tripodi, Diane -
Tripolskaya-Erman, Anna -
Tripp, Cheryl - , Teacher
Tripp, Linda -
Tripp, Tracy - Charlotte Catholic High School Scie, educator
Triska, Judy -
Trisna, Nur -
Tristan, Tim - Texas Sealife Center/UTMSI - ARK, Veterinarian
Tritaik, Paul - Archie Carr NWR, Refuge Manager
Tritapoe, Brittany -
Trivedi, Jignesh - The M.S. University vadodara, post graduate student
Trocini, Sabrina - Murdoch University, Perth (WA), PhD student
Trogdon, Kelly - Faithful Friend Mobile Veterinary C, veterinarian
Trogdon, Matt -
Troiano, Jeanne - Garden Elementary, Mote Marine Lab, Teacher
Troidle, Anneliese - John B Sliney Elementary, student
Troke-Thomas, Kathy - University of Exeter, Student
Trollinger, Susan -
Trommater, Pat -
Trongo, Jolica -
Trono, Romeo B. - World Wildlife Fund, VP for Conservation & Field Operations
Trotman Valdes, Erick - Caribbean Conservation Corp., Nest Surveyor
Trotter, Alexis - Florida Institute of Technology, Student
Trotter, Alison -
Trotter, Alyson - NPS, Sea Turtle BioTech
Trotter, Alyson - Florida FWC, Sea Turtle Stranding Coordinator
Trotter, Joyce -
Trott, Steven - Myrtle Beach Police Department, Animal Control Officer
Troupin, Charles - SOCIB, Leader of Data Center
Trout, Kenn and Lora -
Troutman, Lindsey -
Troutman, Mari Taylor -
Trowbridge, Cynthia -
Troxell, Anna - , 11
Troxell, Jeremiah - UVA
Troy, Crider - Myrtle Beach State Park, Park Manager
Troy, Diane - Island Turtle Team, Volunteer
Troyo, Benjamin -
Troëng, Sebastian - Conservation International, Director, Regional Marine Strategies
Trua, Alessandra -
Truax, Louise -
Truax, Terence -
Trueblood, Susan - NEST
Truesdale, Katherine - UNCW, KBSTRRC intern
True, Tamara -
Trujano, Adileny -
Trujilllo Susunaga, Pablo Antonio - Ayotzintli A.C., Director General
Trujillo Pinto, Ana Margarita - CICTMAR-VENEZUELA
Trujillo-Arias, Natalia - CIMAD
Trujillo, Phil -
Trukhanova, Irina -
Trukhin, Alexey -
Trull, Steven - Merritt Island NWR
Truman, Jennie - Stradbroke Island Management Organi, President
Trumble, Bob - MRAG Americas, Inc.
Trumble, Holly -
Trumpfheller, Ina -
Trump, Gina -
Truong, Tam - institute of tropical biology, researcher
Truslow, Jane -
Trzesniowski, Przemek - ALPHA-DIVERS, IANTD Adv. EANx Instructor
Tsai, Rung-Rung -
Tsai, Welly -
Tsaros, Paul - Archelon, stranding network coordinator
Tsekoura, Athina - ARCHELON, Environmental Education Officer
Tseng, Cheng Tsung -
Tseng, Jayc -
Tseng, Peter -
Tseng, Yaoting - University of Trinidad and Tobago, Assistant Professor
Tsikalaki, Katerina - ARCHELON, Education Officer
Tsui, Wing - Global Vision International, Staff member
Tsukada, Naomi - Tokyo University of Fisheries/Circle for Sea Turtle Research, Student
Tsung-shun, Huang - Institute of Marine Biology, NTOU, post
Tsuruta, Yuji - Osaka Prefecture University, master
Tsutsumi, Sayaka - Kenya Sea Turtle Cnservation Commit, Member
Tuan Hung, Pham -
Tuan Hung, Pham - Bai Tu Long National Park, Director
Tubb, Katherine -
Tubbs, Mollie - Michigan State University, Research Asst I
Tubrick, Sheena -
Tucci, Michelle -
Tucek, Jenny - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Univers, PhD-student
Tucker, Brian - Georgetown Co. Chamber of Commerce, President
Tucker, Debbie -
Tucker, Deva - Holden Beach turtle patrol, Stranding
Tucker, Jessie - , Student
Tucker, Jolene -
Tucker, Julie -
Tucker, Kimberlee -
Tucker, Kimberly - College of Coastal Georgia, Assistant Professor
Tucker, Linda Lovvorn - , Turtle Team Volunteer
Tucker, Lynn -
Tucker, Stacey -
Tucker, Sylvia - University of Florida, Lab Scientist
Tucker, Tony - WA DBCA, Senior Research Scientist
Tuckett, Tiffany -
Tuck, Rachel - Pro Peninsula, Volunteer
Tuck, Ray -
Tudman, Michael -
Tudor, Patricia -
Tudor, Ray - St. Phillips Island, Gen. Mgr
Tufts, Adrienne -
Tufts, Becky -
Tugafx, Tone - Tonetuga FX
Tuggle, Arron -
Tulenko, Krysta -
Tulipani, Diane - VIMS, Ph.D. graduate student
Tully, Suzanne - Island Turtle Team, volunteer
Tully, Tiffany -
Tumbas, Carol -
Tumlin, Mandy - LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries, LDWF Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding & Rescue Program Coordinator
Tumlin, Mandy - , Recent college graduate
Tuncay, Dogan -
Tune, Julian -
Tung, Ka Yan, Agatha -
Tunks, Shannon -
Tunnacliffe, Sue -
Tupacz, Edward "e;Jerry"e; - US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Refuge Specialist
Tuplin, Brian -
Tupper, Ralph - Friends of Hunting Island
Turbeville, Pebbles -
Turbidy, Sandy -
Turbok, Andra -
Turcotte, April -
Turek, Sharon -
Turgut, Gokhan -
Turgut, Serdar Rifat -
Turkecan, Onur - WWF-Turkey, PhD
Turkoglu, Cansu -
Turk, Robert - Institute of the Republic of Sloven, Head of Regional Unit Piran
Turla, Emily - Florida Atlantic University, Marine Laboratory Technician
Turley, Elizabeth - Unity College
Turmo Mayol, Maria -
Turnage, Anita - SCUTE, Volunteer
Turnauer, Marty -
Turnbull, Beth - New England Aquarium, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Turnbull, Shannon - University of San Diego, graduate student
Turner Tomaszewicz, Cali - UC San Diego / NOAA SWFSC vol, PhD Student
Turner, Alex -
Turner, Ashton - Botany Bay Plantation, Beach Manager
Turner, Carol -
Turner, Claire - SCUTE, Walker
Turner, Debbie -
Turner, Deborah -
Turner, Elaine -
Turner, Holly - The Maritime Aquarium, Aquarist
Turner, Holly - Hunterdon Central High School, Biology Teacher
Turner, Jason -
Turner, Jean - Sea turtle patrol, Volunteer
Turner, Jess - , post
Turner, Katherine -
Turner, Katie -
Turner, Kristin - , sea turtle volunteer
Turner, Kristina - Exeter University, Cornwall Campus, Msc student
Turner, Larry -
Turner, Michael - Seabrook IslandTurtle Patrol, Volunteer
Turner, Michael -
Turner, Olivia -
Turner, Pam -
Turner, Rachel - Glamorgan university, Student
Turner, Randi -
Turner, Randy -
Turner, Scott -
Turner, Shenandoah - Retired Navy , Retired Navy
Turner, Stacy -
Turner, Stephen -
Turner, Tania -
Turner, Tiffany -
Turney, Jean - Greenville Elementary, 3rd Grade Teacher
Turney, Thomas - NewCap Partners, Inc, Partner
Turnipseed, Mary - Duke University, Graduate Student
Turnmire, Kim -
Turny, Avanaisa - WWF Guianas, MT conservation ass.
Turowski, Linda -
Turrisi, Elaine -
Turtle Conservation, Bubbles - Bubbles Dive Resort, Internship Position
Turtle, Sea -
Turtle, Turtle -
Tustin, Randy -
Tutas, Denise - SCPRT
Tuthill, Howard -
Tutor, Dale -
Tuttle, Catherine -
Tuttle, Donna -
Tuttle, Frances -
Tuttle, Jacob -
Tuttle, John -
Tuttle, Tanya - , Volunteer
Tutton, Jane - US Fish & Wildlife Service
Tuuga, Augustine -
Tuxbury, Kathryn - New England Animal Medical Center, Veterinarian
Tuxbury, Sue - Florida Atlantic Univ.
Tuxpan Torrijos, Gibrán - Parque Nacional Arecifes de Cozumel, resarch assistant
Tuzinski, Jodi -
Tuzun, Emre -
Tvarozkova, Barbora -
Twaddle, Helen -
Tweedy, Kate -
Twillman, Linda -
Twitchell, Erica -
Twitchell, Jules -
Twohig, Deirdre -
Twohig, Lorraine -
Twomey, Liam - nationalaquarium of ireland, director
Tyack, Sarah - IFAW, Campaigns Manager
Ty, Christopher John - UPCES/Sagip Pawikan Philippines, Project Leader
Tye, Alex -
Ty, Jeffrey - ngo, Asst. Researcher
Tylak, Daniel J - , Beach House to Dewees
Tylee, Saundra -
Tyler, Barbara - , hatching volunteer
Tyler, James -
Tyler, Leigh -
Tyler, Marion -
Tyler, Nancy -
Tyler, Pat -
Tyminski, John - Mote Marine Laboratory
Tynan, Susan -
Tyner, Linda - , Volunteering
Tyree, Wendy - Williams Township School, Media Specialist
Tyrer, Lynn -
Tyrrell, Christine - Na, Na
Tyson, Sharon - , Biologist
Tzeek Tuz, Miriam - Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México, coord de info y capacitacion. Campamentos tortugueros
Tzeek Tuz, Miriam del Rosario - Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Türkmen, Gencer -
Türkozan, Oguz - Adnan Menderes University, Prof. Dr.


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