2015 Fund Drive

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Sea Turtle Directory


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- E -

Eaddy, Vance - U.S. FWS, Resident Agent in Charge
Eades, Kendra -
Eagle, Matthew - , Engineer
Eakett, Jessica - NC State University
Eakins, Laurie - East Carolina University, Instructor
Eames, Todd -
Eanes, Cindy -
Eanes, Scott -
Eareckson, Lee Anne - Moscow High School, Idaho, Biology Teacher
Earl, Alison - SCUTE; Huntington Beach State Park
Earle, Sylvia - Conservation International, Senior Director, Marine Programs Division
Earley, Delayna - The Island News, Assistant Editor
Earl, Patricia -
Early Capistrán, Michelle María - UNAM, Graduate student
Early, Laura -
Earnheart, Debbie -
Earp, Joni -
Eason, Ellie -
Eason, Tamara - Eastside Elementary, 3rd grade teacher
East, Elvin -
East, Erin - Eastern Health, Nurse Donation Specialist
Easter, Jonathan -
Easter, Robert -
Eastman, Bob -
Eastman, Catherine -
Eastman, Diana -
Eastman, Kevin - Canyon Middle School, Castro Valley, teacher
Eastman, Kevin - canyon middle school, teacher
Eastman, Michael -
Eastman, Scott - UF / Eastman Environmental, Research Assistant
Eastmond, Cynthia -
Eastoe, Toby -
Eatmon, Kathy - Emerald Isle, NC, turtle patrol
Eaton, Aly -
Eaton, Chris - FL Fish & Wildlife Conservation Com, In-water Biologist
Eaton, Gail - Palm Beach Zoo, grants writer
Eaton, John - SCDNR, Sea Turtle Technician
Eaton, Judy - Turtle Time, Inc., Assistant Director
Eaton, Tammie -
Eavenson, Jake -
Eaves, Katie -
Ebat, Patrick -
Ebbenhouse, Andrea -
Ebbenhouse, Andy -
Ebbenhouse, Ralph -
Eberdong, Joshua - Bureau of Marine Resources, Sea Turtle Coordinator
Eberhard, Michael -
Eberle, Mark - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Biologist
Eberlin, Julie - Edisto Beach, SC, EB volunteer
Ebersole, Theresa - School District of Philadelphia, teacher
Ebert, Diane - Elliott Elementary, teacher
Ebert, Mariana - IPeC, reseacher
Ebert, Sarah - , Volunteer
Eberts, Rebecca - University of Regina, Student Representative for COTERC
Ebling, Mark - N/A, Tour Guide
Ebling, Patti -
Ebner, Michael - Tortugario El Garitón Guatemala, President
Ebner, Tim -
Eccles, Heidi -
Echaverry, Silvio - Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Delegado Departamental
Echelmeyer, Ann -
Echenique, Cintia - Proyecto Peyu, Student
Echeverria, Fernanda -
Echeverria, Monica - WWF, Communicationssn Coordinator
Echeverri, Laura -
Echols, Nancy - Padre Island National Seashore
Eckenstein, John -
Eckert, Adam - WIDECAST
Eckert, Karen L. - WIDECAST, Executive Director
Eckert, Leslie -
Eckert, Matt - Friends of Huntington Beach
Eckert, Scott - Wider Carib. Sea Turtle Consv. Netw, Director of Science / WIDECAST
Eckert, Shirley - Friends of Huntington Beach
Eckes, Maxi - Eckerd College, Research Student
Eckstein, Kristi -
Edafe, Taslim -
Eddngton, Janet - sunset beach turtle watch
Edelberg, Roz - Georgia Aquarium, volunteer
Edelman, Cassie - Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Sea Turtle & Aquatic Biologist
Eden, Jonnell - NEST Chapter, Turtle Tracker
Edet Osung, Osung - sea turtles initiatives the Gambia, project coordinator
Edgar, Paul - Herpetological Conservation Trust, Rare Species Conservation Officer
Edge, Phoebe -
Edge, Phoebe - Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Edgerton, Laura -
Edge, Sara -
Edgington, Jennifer -
Eding, Ashley -
Edinger, Kim -
Edington, Anne -
Edirisooriya, Wasantha - Turtle Conservation Project, Research Officer
Edith, Soriano - Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Student
Edmands, Suzanne -
Edmisten, Roberta -
Edmond, Kat - DNR/PRHS, Asst. Mgr. Reynolds Mansion
Edmonds, Jacqueline -
Edmonds, John -
Edmondson, Amy -
Edmondson, Jo -
Edmondson, Sandy - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Assistant Refuge Manager
Edmonds, Peham -
Edmonds, Rebecca -
Edmunds, Deana - New England Aquarium, Lab. Manager
Edmunds, Lorene -
Edralin, David -
Edris, Scott -
Edson, Rick -
Educacion, Departamento -
Edward J.K., Patterson - Suganthi Devadason Marine Research, Director
Edward, Loveson - CMFRI, ICAR, India, Scientist
Edwards, Abby -
Edwards, Amanda -
Edwards, Angie -
Edwards, Barbara - WiLDCOAST, Board Member
Edwards, Beverly -
Edwards, Brittni - , teacher
Edwards, Candie -
Edwards, Cassian - QMW College - University of London, Darwin Initiative Marine Turtle Project
Edwards, Connor - NUI Galway, Undergraduate Zoologist
Edwards, Dinah - , volunteer
Edwards, Donald - Duke Energy Retired , Turtle nest watcher
Edwards, Jackie - N/a, N/a
Edwards, Jamon - Barbados Community College
Edwards, Jessica - SCDNR, Sea Turtle tech
Edwards, Jessica - Cornerstone Christian Academy , Jessedd18@aol.com
Edwards, John -
Edwards, Judie -
Edwards, Judith -
Edwards, Karl -
Edwards, Katherine -
Edwards, Kathryn -
Edwards, Ken - Queens University
Edwards, Laura - Environment Agency, Conservation Technical Officer
Edwards, Lucine - Fisheries Division, Fisheries Officer
Edwards, Michelle -
Edwards, Nelson -
Edwards, Nicole -
Edwards, Pat -
Edwards, Randy - University of South Florida, Scientist
Edwards, Rhonda -
Edwards, Sara -
Edwards, Sharon -
Edwards, Tyler -
Edwards, Windell -
Edyvane, Karen - Charles Darwin University, Senior Research Fellow
Edyvane, Karen -
Efaw, Myra -
Efird, Adam - Moffatt & Nichol, Senior Environmental Scientist
Efird, Judy -
Eflin, Vicki -
Egana-Callejo, Aitziber - Aranzadi Society of Sciences, Biologist
Egan, Ann -
Egan, Cindy - Curtin University of Technology, Student
Egan, David -
Eganey, Casey -
Egan, Katie -
Egan, Theo -
Egbreghts, Gielmon - Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire, projectassistant
Egeland, Bill - N/a, N/a
Eggenschiller, Patricia -
Egginton, Abigail - Ethel Walker School, Biology teacher
Eggler, Peter -
Eggleston, Martha - Topsail Sea Turtle Hospital
Eglinton, Patricia - , walkeer
Eglseder, Kate -
Egner, Kelsey -
Eguchi, Tomo - NMFS/NOAA, Quantitative Ecologist
Ehlers, Nick - UNBC, Graduate Student
Ehle, Sharon -
Ehmig, Kathy -
Ehret, Dana - Monmouth University, Instructor of Biology
Ehrgottt, Dianne -
Ehrhart, Llewellyn M. - Dept. of Biology; University of Cen, Professor Emeritus
Ehrlich, Rebecca - Disney's Vero Beach Resort
Ehsan, Foysal - Marinelife Alliance, Database Manager
Ehsan, Foysal - Marinelife Alliance, Database Manager
Ehsan, Mohammad Foysal - Marinelife Alliance, Finance Secratary/IT Manager
Eich, Anne Marie LeBlanc - NMFS, Technical Writer
Eichel, Linda -
Eichenberger, David -
Eichholz, Diane - Hope Lutheran School, Teacher, grade 1
Eichhorn, Goetz - Netherlands Institute of Ecology (N, PhD
Eidson, Emily -
Eidson, Haley -
Eidsvaag, Morten -
Eielson, Oliver - Milton Academy
Eike, Brian -
Eilers, Alex - Pink Palace Museum, Manager of Education
Eilers, Kristin -
Einfeld, Jann - Gale Thomson, Production Editor
Eippert, Katherine -
Eisemberg, Carla - Institute for Applied Ecology, PhD student
Eisenberg, Raymond -
Eisenhauer, Jim -
Eisenstein, Adele -
Eizaburo, Harima -
Eizaguirre, Christophe - Queen Mary University of London, Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics
Ejupi, Venhar -
Ekanayake, Lalith - Bio Conservation Society (BCS), Chairman
Ekman, Eric - Western CT State University, Graduate student
Ekram, M. - , Turtle Activist
Ekþi, Elçin -
El Filali, Amber -
El Khoury, Joanna -
El Ouaer, Ali - Institut National des Sciences et T, Chief sea turtle rescue centre
Ela Mba, Miguel Angel - National University of Equatorial G, Administrator
Elagoz, Ali -
Elani, Deena -
Elbers, Francis -
Elder, Amanda - Nacogdoches ISD, First grade teacher
Elder, Angela - world vision
Elder, Helen -
Elder, Shelby - College of Charleston , Emergency Veterinary Technician
Eldridge, Eileen -
Eldridge, Juanita -
Electric & Plumbing, Hamilton -
Elementary School, Rock Quarry -
Elementary, Upper - Montessori School of Pensacola, School
Elens, Audrey -
Elf, Dewi - Sma saraswati 1 denpasar
Elhoff, Emma - NEST
Elia, Jessica -
Elias, Cassandra -
Eliason, Georgina - Titley Scientific
Elias, Pooja -
Elias, Walid -
Eliazar, Peter - Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research, UF
Eliseo, Cantellano -
Elizabeth, Holloman -
Elizalde de Alvarado, Sindy -
Elizalde, Mariana -
Elizondo, Daisy -
Elkins, Chris - tarheelboatworks, retired
Elkins, Jim -
Ellerbeck, Matt - www.turtleconservationist.com
Ellerbroek, Angie -
Eller, Eloise -
Ellington, Judith - The Florida Aquarium, Volunteer
Ellington, Stephanie - OKI Turtle Watch
Ellington, Teresa -
Ellinwood, Albertine -
Elliot, Erica - Holy Name of Mary CSS, Teacher
Elliot, Judie -
Elliot, Nicholas - University of Reading UK, Msc student
Elliott, Angel - None , Potential nest parent
Elliott, Beth -
Elliott, Brianna -
Elliott, Cindy -
Elliott, Drew - Aberdeen University
Elliott, Jennifer - University of Central Florida (UCF), Coordinator, UCF Arboretum Programs
Elliott, Jess - Cape Lookout National Seashore
Elliott, Kate -
Elliott, Kate -
Elliott, Lucy -
Elliott, Matthew -
Elliott, Megan - , Turtle patrol volunteer
Elliott, Riley -
Elliott, Riley - University of Auckland
Elliott, Rocket -
Elliott, Susan - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Poi, student
Elliott, Taylor -
Ellis, Angie -
Ellis, Bill -
Ellis, Carol -
Ellis-Cockcroft, Isabelle - Exeter University, Student
Ellis, David -
Ellis, Erin - New England Aquarium, Senior Aquarist
Ellis, Huong -
Ellis, Ingunn -
Ellis, Jane - , retired
Ellis, John - dept of interior fish and wildlife , fish and wildlife bio
Ellis, Kacey - University of Redlands, Research Assistant
Ellis, Maddi - Kirby Elementary School, 2nd Grade
Ellis, Margaret -
Ellis, Nikolas -
Ellisor, Debra -
Ellis, Paige -
Ellis, Richard - AMNH, Research Associate
Ellis, Sean -
Ellis, Stephanie - Marymount University, Professor
Ellis, Susan - Bridge City Middle School, Teacher
Ellis, Ted -
Ellsworth, Becky - The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Aquarist
Ellwood, Molly - US Marine Corps, Biological Science Technician
Elmendorf, Pamela - Bluebonnet Elementary School, Science Instructional Coach
Elmi, Amir mohammad - Department of Environmnet,, Senior expert of aquatic affairs and reptiles
Elmore, Darren -
Elmore, Ron -
Elmore, Tammy - Mason Jayce Foundation
Elrod, Debi -
Elrod, Jennifer -
El-sadek, Islam - Red Sea Protectorate
Elshafie, Abdulkadir - Sultan Qaboos University, Professor
Elsner, Marlit - Van Hall Larenstein
Elston, Chloe - UHCW Walsgrave Hospital, Research Assistant
Elston, James - Captiva Erosion Prevention District, Administrative Director
Eltayeb, Mohamed - Ministry of Environment and Water, Marine Expert
Elvin, Sandra - AZA, Director, Conservation Planning
Elwick, Imogen - Swansea University, Student
Ely, Natalie -
Elzinga, Ms. - , Teacher
Emanuele, Geraldine -
Emata, Christine Louise - Silliman University, graduate student
Emberg, Sasha -
Embrey, Brandy - Seabrook Island, Volunteer
Embuldeniya, Naveen - HTPL, Application Specialist
Emeott, Amanda - Clare Primary School, teacher
Emer, Sherri - Eckerd College
Emerson III, Ray - Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Volunteer
Emerson, Ray - Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Volunteer
Emerson, Shayle - Hanover High School, educator
Emery, George -
Emery, Shelley - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Emi, Inoguchi - Everlasting Nature of Asia
Emirbuyuran, Ogunc -
Emlak, Engin - biology, teacher
Emmanual, Lal - Nagenahiru Foundation, President
Emmanuel, Paul -
Emmanuel, Saah - Institute of Agricultural Research, Senior research Officer
Emmert, Lisa -
Emmons, Susan -
Emms, Leanne -
Emo, Lana - International Bird Rescue Research, Rehabilitation Manager
Emory, Linda -
Emrick, Charles -
Encalada, Sandra -
Enciso, Ildefonso - Universidad de Guadalajara, Profesor Investigador
Enciso-Padilla, Ildefonso - Universidad de Guadalajara, Dr
Enciso-Saracho, Fernando - Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, proofesor e investigador
Enciso-Saracho, Fernando - FACIMAR-UAS, Profesor
Endelson, Julia -
Endres, Courtney -
Endres, Courtney - UNC Chapel Hill, graduate student
Enever, Robert - , marine biology BSc
Eng, Amber Wendelin - Wilmington Beaches, NC, Volunteer
Engbring, Julie - , IOP Turtle Team Volunteer
Engelbert, Sue - National Aquarium, Interpretive Specialist
Engelbert, Theresa -
Engelhard, Sarah -
Engelhardt, Connie -
Engel, Karen - UTMDACC, retired
Engelmann, Nichole - University of Exeter, MSc Student
Engels, Mike - International Crane Foundation, Spatial Analyst
Eng, Joaquin - UMSNH
England, Karen - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, volunteer
England, Mike -
Englehart, Deirdre - University of Central Florida, Instructor
Engle, Nancy -
Engley, Kerri -
English, Chris -
English, Megan - Camp Lejeune, Wildlife Tech.
English, Rachel -
Engstrom, Tag - California State University, Chico
Enholm, Jake - USMC, Operations Research Analyst
Enloe, Toni - , Educational Consultant
Ennis, Anna -
Ennis, Kristin - SCDNR Wildlife Biologist, Hatching Patrol
Enoch, Howard -
Enright, Greg - EcoTeach, Director
Enright, June - (COTERC)Canadian Organization for T, Executive Director
Enriquez, Howard -
Ensenat, Eric - NPS, Volunteer
Enser, Kelly -
Enslow, Lindsay - Lotek, Marine Telemetry Specialist
Enticknap, Ben - Oceana, Pacific Project Manager
Entz, Jackie -
Enzerra, Bob - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, walker
Epage, Thusarapala - Department of Wildlife, Game Ranger
Epley, Michelle -
Eppenberger, Leila - , Switzerland
Epperly, Sheryan - Chester Consulting, retiredm NOAA, NMFS
Epperson, Deborah - DOI-BSEE, Protected Species Coordinator
Epple, Alexandra - Virginia Aquarium Stranding, Stranding Technician
Epps, Sheila - none
Epstein, Marc - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, refuge biologist
Epting, Michele -
Erb, Lori - MA Div. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Turtle Conservation Biologist
Erb, Melody -
Erb, Sheila - consulting dietitian
Erb, Stephanie -
Erb, Victoria - Mote Marine Laboratory
Ercelawn, Aliya - Yale University, Graduate Student
Ercetin, Evrim - Biology/Ege, MSc. Student
Erchenian, Hovsep Joe -
Erdag, Adnan -
Erdeljon, Barry - Marymount University, Professor - video, web, and multimedia
Erd, Patricia -
Erel, Ilgaz - none, none
Ergene, Serap -
Ergül Kalaycý, Tuðba -
Erhard, Maureen -
Ericksen, Jennifer -
Ericksen, Sean -
Erickson Stevens, Mia - Gulf Coast Explorers
Erickson, Kristin - Marinelife Center & VIMS, Laboratory and research specialist
Erickson, Lindsay -
Erickson, Tara - University of North Carolina at Wilmington, UNCW Graduate
Eric, Stephan - APECS, Projects coordinator
Eriksson, Felicia - billy blue, student
Eriquez, Lynn - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Erkol, Itri Levent - Çukurova University Fisheries Fclty, Undergraduate Student
Erkol, Levent - Çukurova Univestiy Dept.of Fishery, Student/Oceanography
Ernest, Bob - Ecological Associates, Inc., President
Ernest, Patricia - Ecological Associates, Inc., Associate
Ernest, Robert - Ecological Associates, Inc., Senior Consultant
Ernest, Robert - Ecological Associates, Inc., President
Ernst, James -
Ernst, Lindsay -
Erny, Barbara -
Erogbogbo, Omobola - Merrymaid nigeria ltd, CEO
Erol, Tuna -
Erosa Solana, Ana Isabel - Protortuga A.C., Jefa de Investigaciòn
Erosa, Ana Isabel - ECOARSA, Biol.
Eros, Gentilini - Unil
Errett, Marcia -
Errick, Jan -
Errickson, Clifford -
Errickson, Mary -
Ersoy, Eray -
Ertolacci, Shauna -
Ervin, Brian -
Erway, Jeff - , Biologist
Erway, Rhonda - Garden City/Surfside Beach, Walker
Erwin, Karen - Friends of hunting island
Eryigit, Ahmet -
Esbach, Michael - American Museum of Natural History
Esbrandt, Jodi -
Escalante, Jose Luis - Sycoma, Partner
Escalante, Kimberly - Karen Beasley Center, Education Coordinator
Escalante, Rosa - AG-GUA, Guarda Recurso
Escalera, Mario -
Escamilla, Enid -
Escamilo, Aixa -
Escaravage, John -
Escaravage, Susan -
Escobar Patterson, Jocelyn -
Escobar Santiago, Angelly Morelia - Universidad michoacana
Escobar, Cristina - Caribbean Conservation Corporation, Membership Coordinator
Escobar, Dafnis - Universidad del Mar, Student
Escobar, Ivette - IATTC
Escobar, Ricardo - www.tortueskuna.com
Escobar-Vásquez, Carolina - Centro Interdisciplinario deCiencia
Escobedo-Bonilla, Cesar - IPN CIIDIR Sinaloa, Researcher
Escobedo, Diana - IPN-CIIDIR Sinaloa, Research professor
Escobedo, Valeria -
Escorriola, Ignacio - Asociacion Ambiental VIDA, Scientific Director
Escudero Hernández, Abraham - Grupo de Tortugas Marinas México, student
Escudero Wisor, Eileen - Office of the Attorney General,CNMI, Coral Reef Attorney
Eshelman, Carolyn - Island Turtle Team
Eshleman, Tina -
Eskew, Trent - SCDNR, Yawkey Sea Turtle Intern
Esliman Salgado, Aaron - Grupo Tortuguero, Director
Esliman, Aarón - Grupo Tortuguero de las Californias, Director Ejecutivo
Esmenjaud, Manuel - Empresas VIctor pintura, Administrador
Esmeralda, Guerra - UMSNH (Fac.biología)
Esono, Rigoberto - INDEFOR, wildlife officer
Espat, Beatriz - Milenya
Espe, Sharon - , volunteer
Espina, Carlos -
Espinaze, Marcela - Stellenbosch University
Espino Chavez, Ma. Teresa - Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Jefe de Departamento
Espino-Barr, Elaine - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESCA, researcher
Espinoisa, Guadalupe -
Espinosa A, Chale -
Espinosa Carreon, Leticia - IPN CIIDIR Sinaloa, Researcher Professor
Espinosa Marin, Eduardo José - Univesity of Florida
Espinosa, Georgina - Universidad de la Habana, Facultad de Biologia
Espinosa, Jenifer -
Espinoza Romo, Brenda Aracely - Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Espinoza, Evelyn -
Espinoza, Felipa - , agent
Espinoza, Joelly -
Espinoza, Jorge -
Espinoza, Ninive - GTTM-GV
Espinoza, Raimundo - University of Maryland-College Park, Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology MSc Student
Esposito, Lisa - Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, Marine Turtle Specialist
Esquilin, Ivonne -
Esquivel Bobadilla, Sarai - UABCS
Esquivel, Alejandro -
Esquivel-Ramirez, Alondra -
Essenmacher, Angie -
Esser, Imre - Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire, President
Esslinger, Diane - Hamilton Twp. BOE, Media Specialist
Esteban, Nicole - Swansea University, Biosciences, Project Manager
Esteban, Ruth - CIRCE (Conservation, Information an, Researcher
Estep, Becky - College of Charleston, S.C., Graduate Student
Estep, Laura - Eckerd College, Student
Estep, Linda -
Estes Layton, Jennifer - Samford University, Assistant Professor
Estes, Alison - Prescott College, student
Estes, Chris - CLS America, Inc., Director, Information Technology
Estey, Katherine -
Estol, Carlos - Trident Technical College, Professor (Ph.D.)
Estrada Vela, Jorge Luis - Reforestadora Mangle, Propietario
Estrada, Aaron -
Estrada, Bryan -
Estrada, Camila -
Estrada, Carmen Rosa -
Estrada, Dafni - INE, researcher
Estrada, Lilia - SEMARNAT, Jefe del Departamento de conservacion de la vida silvestre
Estrada, Sandra - , Office Administrator
Estrades, Andrés - NGO Karumbé, Director
Estrella, Lazaro - unacar, Estudiante
Eszlinger, Darcy - Grafton Public Schools, 7-8 teacher
Etheredge, Cady - Clemson University, PhD student
Etheridge, Leslie -
Etheridge, Rachel -
Etherington, Amy - National Park Service, Biological Science Technician
Ettensohn, Kate -
Ettinger, Kelly -
Eubanks, Amanda -
Eure, Whitney - Hidden Harbor Turtle Hospital, Veterinarian
Eustace, Renelle - turtle village trust, artist
Evacitas, Florence - UPCES/Sagip Pawikan Philippines, Co-Project Leader
Evans, Alissa -
Evans, Andrew - University of Queensland, graduate student
Evans, Angela - Bowling Green State University, Student
Evans, Becky -
Evans, Bev -
Evans, Brian and Mary Lee -
Evans, Charlotte -
Evans, Chase -
Evans, Dan - Sea Turtle Conservancy, Research and Technology Specialist
Evans, Dane -
Evans, Gayle - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol
Evans, Jemma - UWS, Student
Evans, Josh -
Evans, Kaye - Sunset Beach Turtle Walkers, Retired Educator
Evans, Kimberley -
Evans, Lauren - Tisk Address, Project Manager of Lamu Marine Conservation Project, Kenya
Evans, Lauren -
Evans, Linda -
Evans, Liz - National Aquarium, Baltimore
Evans, Liz - Hawaii Preparatory Academy, student
Evans, Lynn - Edisto Beach, Volunteer
Evans, Melissa - Memorial University of Newfoundland, Postdoc
Evans, Nancy -
Evans, Norma - Beaufort County Schools, teacher
Evans, Paul - Victoria University of Technology, Maribyrnong River Waterwatch coordinator
Evans, Peter - Sea watch Foundation, Director
Evans, Renee - Hammocks Beach State Park, Park Ranger
Evans, Sandy - Emerald Isle, volunteer
Evans, Shea -
Evans, Simon - University of wales, swansea, Student
Evans, Thomas Bradley - Southeastern Regional Medical Cent, R.N.
Evans, Tom - CAnMove, Biology, Lund University, Post graduate researcher
Evans, Tracy -
Evans, Vanita - Cleveland Co Schools, Teacher
Evaristo, Leonor - CEPABI AC
Evatt, Letha -
Eve, Hammond - Minerals Management Service
Evenari, Gail - Maiden Voyage Productions, filmmaker/educator
Even, Katherine -
Evenson, Joe - Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Waterfowl Survey & Sea Duck Specialist
Evens, Ruben - Hasselt University, PhD-student
Evens, Shawn - Brandon University
Everett, Darci - Coastal discovery museum
Everett, Judy -
Everhart, Barbara - , Instructional Technologist (retired)
Everhart, Jennifer -
Everhart, Steve - Campbell University, Professor Emeritus of Biology
Everson, Bette -
Evers, Terry - Ewing Young Elementary
Evert, Jason - Dial Cordy & Assoc Envir Consulting, Biologist
Evich, Lisa - College of Charleston, Student
Evilsizor, Ruth - Topsail Turtle Project, Substitute volunteer
Evou, Nancy - St. Andrews Bay RMA, student
Ewart, Joshua - Aquatic Ventures, Owner
Ewen, Holly -
Ewen, Kristen - National Park Service, Biological Tech
Ewing, Cyndy - South Carolina DNR, volunteer
Ewing, Isaiah - Science Ninjas STEAM Club
Ewing, Lonnie ( Bill ) - Gertrudes Eco Gallery
Exley, Laura - COPROT/Latitud 10, Project Coordinator
Explosion, Nathan -
Eyeington, Gwen - Jrosspublishing, Publisher
Eyer, Kevin - Western Washington University
Eyler, Susan -
Eyre, Stephen -
Eyring, Devon - NEST, Volunteer
Ezeafulukwe, John -


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