2015 Fund Drive

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Sea Turtle Directory


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- F -

Fabbiani, Cecilia - Karumbe, education
Faber, Phyllis -
Fabiano, Ralph -
Faburada, Mercy - EMEG, Marine Biologist
Facka, Aaron - North Carolina Sate University, Research Assistant
Fackelman, Bud - Div Sea Turtle Sci & Rec, NPS, Consultant
Fackler, Valerie -
Facundo, Juan - Proyecto Peyú
Fadden, Kara -
Fafoglia, Jeff - Go Get Lost...Worldwide Adventures, President
Fagan, Jennie -
Fagan, Meredith - , environmental consultant
Fagan, Sarah -
Faga-Pacheco, Fabiano -
Fagg, Kendra -
Fagin, Sandy - OIBSTPO, Nest parent
Fagois, Jokin -
Faherty, Dot -
Faherty, Taylor - , St. Catherines Island
Fahey, Bill -
Fahey, Deanna - St. Theresa School, Middle School Teacher
Fahey, Deanna - St. Theresa School, Middle School Teacher
Fahey, Kaitlin - Canadian Sea Turtle Network
Fahey, Nancy - Wrightsville Beach Sea Turtle Proj
Fahlén, Joanna -
Fahrenreich, Anna - , high scool student
Fahrner, John -
Fahsbender, Elizabeth - University of South Florida
Fahy, Christina -
Fahy, Christina - National Marine Fisheries Service, Sea Turtle Recovery Coordinator
Faijullah, Md - Desh Seba Sangstha
Faile, Lisa -
Faine, Marie - ISF Believers, Volunteer
Fain, Myra - State Government, Retired
Fairbanks, Morgan -
Fairchild, Jodi -
Fairchild, Judy -
Fairchild, Reggie -
Faircloth, Billie -
Fair, Denise -
Fairfax, Denise -
Fair, Kristina - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Biological Technician
Fair, Patricia - National Ocean Service, Branch Chief
Fairweather, Kirsten - Projeto Biodiversidade, Scientific Coordinator
Faison, Taylor -
Faith, Sheila -
Fajardo, Aura M. - Eckerd College
Fajardo, Eneida - La Universidad del Zulia
Fakunding, Patti -
Falabella, Valeria - Sea and Sky Project - WCS, Assistant Director
Falay, Kutsal -
Falcone, Erin - Cascadia Research Collective, Biologist
Falcone, Lisa -
Falconi, Jessica - FEMM, member
Falcon, Sonya -
Falgout, Ric - , VP
Falkenstein, Dennis -
Falkenstein, Francis - Drexel University, Research assistant
Falk, Jonathan -
Falkner, Chris and Charline -
Fallabrino, Alejandro - Karumbé, Investigator
Fallas Bonilla, Greivin - ASVO, Investigador
Fallaw, Helen -
Fallin, Sarah -
Fallon, Scott - , Volunteer
Falsa, Corona -
Falvo, Kelsey - University of South Florida
Famighette, Deborah -
Family, The Forrestall - , Turtler - First Year
Fanayan, Omid - Millen Primary School, Primary School Teacher
Fancher, Donna -
Fancher, Max -
Fanguy, Heather -
Fan, Mark -
Fannin, Gina -
Fannin, Sherry - Huntington Beach State Park, Beach Walker
Fansler, Gary -
Fansler, Gary - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, coordinator
Fansler, Terry - , Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol
Fantauzza, Jill -
Fantin Rezende, Cleiton -
Fant, Jill - Boardwalk 12. Zone 6, Nest watch patrol
Farabee, Ann and Ben - Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol, Hatching Patrol Members- Zone 4 captain
Farabee, Ann and Ben -
Farah, David - GTMNERR, Volunteer
Farbu, Sunniva -
Fargo, MaryAnn -
Farhadi, Ahmad - university of tehran, student
Faria, Ana camila - Ucg, Biologist
Faria, Fernando -
Faria, Luan -
Faria, Thiago -
Faridi, Ameera -
Farier, Austin Jay - Dept Of Planning & Environment, Physical Planning Officer
Farkas, Lynne -
Farley, Catherine - Kiawah Island, SC, Volunteer for hatchlings
Farley, Jennifer -
Farley, Maureen - Triton Regional High School, teacher
Farlow, Brad -
Farmer, Andy - Littlefeet Environmental, Director
Farmer, Edward -
Farmer, Jim -
Farmer, Kelly -
Farnan, Jude -
Farner, John -
Farnham, Sue -
Farnum, Elizabeth -
Farrar, Alice -
Farrar, Barbara -
Farrar, William -
Farr, Diane -
Farrell-Buchanan, Sara - Oak island sea turtles protection p, Nest Parent
Farrell, Ellen -
Farrell, Peter -
Farrell, Ron -
Farrington, Kristi -
Farris, Seth -
Farris, Virginia - CH2M HILL, environmental planner
Farr, Mary - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Farrow, Lindsey -
Farr, Rebecca -
Farrugia, JD - fish4tomorrow, Core Team Member
Farthing, Terri -
Fasano, Candida - World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Ta)
Fasceon, Virginia -
Fassnacht, Von -
Fastenau, Joann - , Teacher/Girl Scout Leader
Fastigi, Marina - YWF-Kido Foundation, Co-country Coordinator WIDECAST in Carriacou, Grenada
Fathers, Rachel - Compass International School, Doha, Teacher
Fatima, Ema - Centre for Ecological Science, Student
Fatino, Henry -
Fattaleh, David -
Faty, Issa -
Faucett, Richard - Thomas County Central High School, rpfaucett@gmail.com
Faucett, Rita -
Faucher, Constance -
Faucher, Kristin - , teacher
Faught, Charlie - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, Walker/education/inventory
Faulk, Carole - , volunteer
Faulkenberry, Brian -
Faulkner, Betty - EISeaTurtleProtectionProgram, Walker/sitter/substitute
Faulkner, Brandy -
Faulkner, Mary Alice -
Faumui, Celeste - Hawaii Technology Academy, HTA Elementary Enviromental Club-K Teacher
Faura, Danielle - Friends of Hunting Island, FOHI Sea Turtle Volunteer
Faust, Becky -
Faustino, Patricia -
Faust, Joy - , Teacher
Fava, Gabriel -
Favorito, Felicia - , Kiawah Turtle Patrol Zone 8
Faw, Ellen -
Faw, Larissa -
Fayak, Stephanie -
Fay, Gabrielle - Newburgh Enlarged City Schools, Teachet
Fay, Kallie -
Fealtman, River - NPS volunteer, Nest sitter
Fearheiley, Scott - Conservation International, Graphic Designer
Fearing, Annmarie -
Featherstone, Bryan - BBPP, Sea Turtle & Monkey Research Assistant
Febrer Mesquida, Antoni -
Fecho, Cecelia - NEST, Volunteer
Feck, Alexandra - James Cook University
Fedak, Mike - University of St Andrews, Prof
Fedder, Bevis -
Fedele, Barney -
Fedis, Tara -
Fedorko, Brian -
Feeney, Roisin - University of Queensland
Feggans, Tamara - Bowling Green Elementary, teacher
Feher, Kathleen -
Fehrenbach, Amy - Edinboro University
Fehr, Eric -
Feibelman, Camilla - Sierra Club - Coalition Pro CEN, Field Organizer
Feichtner, Erin -
Feider, Félix -
Feiler, Lisa - , nurse
Feindel, Liz -
Feinerman, Sandy -
Feinsot, Andy -
Felan, John -
Feldman, Mark -
Feldman, Timothy -
Feldsine, Kelly - Emerald Isle Sea Turtle Patrol, Walker
Felger, Richard - Drylands Institute, Research Biologist
Feliciano, Yadira - Interamerican University, Biologist
Felix, Ashley -
Felix, Marie-Louise - World Wildlife Fund, Marine Turtle Coordinator
Feliz Jimenez, Pablo - Grupo Jaragua
Felker, Brian - Hunting Island, Turtle Patrol
Felker, Donna - Hunting Island, Turtle Patrol
Felker, Jackie - Karen Beasley , Volunteer
Feller, Tiffany -
Fellhofer, Christine - University of Vienna
Fellner, Kim - Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol, Hatching Volunteer
Fellows, Vaqs - Virginia Aquarium, Fellow
Feltens, Ralph -
Feltman, Peter - SUNY Geneseo, undergraduate
Felton, Elbert - Caswell Beach Turtle Watch
Fennell, Perry - SCDNR, Marine Turtle Conservation Program, Natural Resources Technician II
Fenner, Krystall -
Fent, Cliff - Bluefin Power Boats, Manger
Fentes, Erik -
Fenton, Kelci -
Fenton, Mikey -
Fereday, Felicity -
Ferenbaugh, Joy - James Madison University
Ferger, Dianne -
Ferguson, Betty - Edisto Beach , Volunteer
Ferguson, Janine -
Ferguson, Jenn -
Ferguson, Judith - HHi
Ferguson, Kacie - SC DNR
Ferguson, Karen -
Ferguson, Karen -
Ferguson, Kathryn -
Ferguson, Maria -
Ferguson, Monica -
Ferguson, Ricky -
Ferguson, Robin -
Ferguson, Sharon - Dept of Environment & Conservation, A/ District Nature Conservation Coordinator West Kimberley
Ferguson, Tiegan -
Ferguson, Veronique -
Fergusson, Michael -
Ferina, Daniella -
Feringa, Tom -
Ferland, Gina -
Fernandes, Amanda -
Fernandes, Ashish -
Fernandes, Dearlyn - National Institute of Oceanography, Project Assistant
Fernandes, Gerald - Goa Justice & Labour Foundation, Advisor
Fernandes, Matilde -
Fernandes, Michelle -
Fernandes, Raquel - Centro Terra Viva
Fernandez Caleri, Diego -
Fernandez de Larrinoa, Pablo - Fundacion CBD-Habitat, Project director
Fernandez Vilert, Robert -
Fernandez, Andres -
Fernandez, Carlos - Endangered Wildlife Trust, Representative of Pacuare Reserva in Costa Rica
Fernandez, Edna -
Fernandez, Eduardo - U.E. Colegio Claret; GTTMGV, Student
Fernandez-Galiano, Eladio - Council of Europe, Head of Division
Fernandez, Katrina -
Fernandez, Lorraine - Al Naboodah, HR Assistant
Fernandez, Rafael - La Universidad del Zulia.LUZ, Estudent
Fernandez, Sebastian -
Fernandez, Yvette -
Fernez, Antoine -
Fernández Coria, Ana - , Biologist
Fernández Maldonado, Carolina - CEGMA del Estrecho, Veterinarian
Fernández, Edgar - Facultad de Biologia UMSNH
Fernández, Maria -
Fernández-Silva, Pablo -
Ferrando Gaibisso, Virginia - Karumbe, Veterinary
Ferrante, Lisbet -
Ferrara, Camila - INPA, studant
Ferrara, Flavio - Agência E-brand, Research Developer
Ferrari, Andrea -
Ferrari, Marco - Gruner+Jhar/Mondadori, journalist
Ferraroli, Sandra - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, student second year Ph.D
Ferraro, Paul - Policy School, GA State University, Assistant Professor
Ferraz, Diogo - , student
Ferreira, Gabriel - UFES, Phd Candidate
Ferreira, Isabella -
Ferreira, Juliana -
Ferreira, Maria Betania - , Coordinator Marine Turtle Conservation and Research Program of Guinea Bissau
Ferreira, Marisa -
Ferreira, Rogerio - Centre of Marine Sciences
Ferreira, Telma - Univ.Lisbon / Univ. Madeira, Biologist
Ferrell, Chessie - Univ. North Carolina at Wilmington
Ferrell, Josh -
Ferrell, Katie -
Ferrell, Linda & Mick -
Ferrell, Melinda -
Ferrer Barbany, Nuria -
Ferrera, Alexis -
Ferrer, Arian -
Ferrer, Donaldo - 312 102 65 01
Ferrer, Eugenia -
Ferrer, Heather -
Ferrer, Luis -
Ferrero, Katie -
Ferrer, Sergio -
Ferreti, Maria - Nicaraguan Conservation Network, Student
Ferrett, Andrea & Adam -
Ferretti, William - NEST
Ferrie, Joseph - , volunteer
Ferrier, Judy - Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Resue Cent, Volunteer
Ferrier, Tom - OLSH CAtholic School, Teacher
Ferris Wolfe, Sigourney Kirk - Ipsa consectetur ut ut culpa porr, Dolores sit voluptas
Ferris, Andrea - American Intl. School of Bucharest, MS Science teacher
Ferris, Marian - Amelia Island Sea Turtle Watch, Inc
Ferris, Rochelle - Australian Seabird Rescue, president/manager
Ferris, Russ - Amelia Island Sea Turtle Watch, Inc
Ferry, Allyson -
Ferry, Laura -
Ferré Rodríguez, Walter Richar -
Fertig, Sue -
Fertl, Dagmar - Ziphius EcoServices, Marine Mammal Biologist
Ferwerda, Jelle - , Graduate Student
Fessel, Stephanie -
Festa, Grace -
Festa, Roger -
Festi, Martina -
Fettermann, Ticiana - , Biologist
Fetzer, Janet - Seabrook Island, SC, Turtle Patrol Coordinator
Fetzer, William - Seabrook Island, SC, Turtle Patrol, Cheif Narrator
Feuerborn, Bob -
Feuillet, Guillaume - KWATA NGO, Awarness activities coordinator
Feuling, Rachael - Morgan Elementary, Intern
Fey, Claus -
fFlynn, Deb - LES, teacher
Fialkowski, Deborah -
Ficarra, Joseph - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, Walker & Inventory
Fickes, Kim - Harbor Is SC Turtle Team, Patroller
Fickling, Janet -
Fico, Rosario - Istituto Zooprofilattico Grosseto, Veterinary
Fidan, Esat -
Fidler, Robin - UNiversity of Wales, Swansea, student
Fiedler, Wolfgang - Max Planck Institute f. Ornithology, staff researcher
Field, Carolyn -
Fielder, Debra -
Fielder, Mike -
Field, Eugene - Patterson High School, teacher
Fielding, Lauren - BYU Hawaii
Fielding, Mark -
Field, John - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisheries specialist
Field, Jonathan - Leeds University, Student
Fields, Angela - University of the West Indies, lecturer
Fields, Donna -
Fields, Laurie -
Fields, Susan - South Pointe High School, Environmental Science Teacher
Fiel, Rosa - Proyecto Tinglar Dorado, Press Secretary
Figgener, Christine - Texas A&M University, PhD Student
Figg, Leslie - Marinelife Center of Juno Beach, Education Director
Figueroa, Antonio - FlyWire Cameras
Figueroa, Eber - Facultad de Biología UMSNH
Figueroa, Rosa -
Figueroa, Rudy - , Architecture
Figura, Peter - California Dept of Fish and Game
Figurski, Kim -
Filani, Remi -
Filannino, Caterina -
Filgueiras, Henrique -
Filipovits, Katie -
Filippos, Luciana - , student
Films, Heartlands -
Filpus-Luyckx, Mary -
Finch, Michaela -
Findlater, Ruth -
Findlay, Leah - Durham University, Researcher
Fine, Fran -
Finesilver, Matt -
Finkbeiner, Elena - Stanford University
Fink, Catherine -
Fink, Debra -
Fink, Dennis -
Fink, Janie - Birds of Prey Northwest, Raptor Biologist
Fink, Jennifer -
Fink, Kris - Sand Creek Elementary School, 4th grade teacher
Finnan, Jeffrey - GTM NERR, Volunteer
Finn, Dan -
Finn, Diann -
Finnegan, Mike and Lynn -
Finney, Danelle - Bangor University, Wales, UK, Marine biology undergrad
Finney, David - Florida Gulf Coast University, student
Finnigan, Walter -
Finn, Jennifer -
Finn, Linda -
Finn, Maeve - queens university belfast, Student
Finn, Sarah - NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Biologist
Fintak, Deborah - Beasley turtle project, walker
Finzel, Cindy -
Fiola, David - Na, Na
Fiore, Greg - Longboat Key Turtle Watch, Florida, Licensed Turtle Watch Volunteer
Fischelis, Bill -
Fischer, Angela - , Concerned Vacationer
Fischer, Barb - , volunteer
Fischer, James Karl - The Zoological Lighting Institute, Executive Director
Fishbein, Alyson - Palm Beach State College and FAU, Student
Fishburn, Kathleen -
Fishburn, Richard -
Fish, Elise - Vandercook Lake schools, teacher
Fisher Jr, Lou - Marine Science Consultation LLC, owner
Fisher, Andie -
Fisher, April Girl -
Fisher, Becky -
Fisher, Brandy -
Fisher, Brittany -
Fisher, Charles - TAT turtle sanctuary, big helper
Fisher, Christine - Florida Aquarium
Fisher, Cindy -
Fisher, Daniel - Tampa Bay Green Consortium, President/CEO
Fisher, Gena -
Fisher, Karen - Edisto Beach Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Fisher, Katie - Liberty Public School, Teacher
Fisher, Krishna -
Fisher, Kristine - GSTC
Fisher, Leah -
Fisher, Lou - Broward County NRPMD, Natural Resource Specialist
Fisher, Lynn -
Fisher, Marnie -
Fisher, Michelle - Three Rivers College, Instructor
Fisher, Robyn -
Fisher, Susan -
Fisher, Tera -
Fisher-Yahn, Libby -
Fish, Marianne - WWF LAC, Marine and Coastal Climate Adaptation Leader
Fisk, Bruce -
Fisk, Diane -
Fisk, John -
Fissel, Benjamin - UCSD, PhD student
Fisser, Sandy -
Fitch, Alice -
Fitchett, Laura -
Fitch, Jody -
Fitch, Lisa - CSU Vet student, Wildlife Rehabilitator; Reptiles, Birds, Mammals
Fitch, Mare Lynn - SCUTE, New volunteer
Fitzgerald, Celia -
Fitzgerald, Karen - N.E.S.T., President/Volunteer
Fitzgerald, Kevin -
Fitzgerald, Michael -
Fitzgerald, Paul -
Fitzgerald, Robin -
Fitzgerald, Ryan - ASU, Sr. Creative Producer
Fitzgerald, Sionnan - n/a, graduate school applicant
Fitzpatrick, Jenny -
FitzPatrick, Kaleigh -
Fitzpatrick, Karen -
Fitzpatrick, Linda - Deakin University, Student/Volunteer
Fitzpatrick, Marion -
Fitzpatrick, Sharon - NEST
Fitzpatrick, Tara - , Project Manager
Fitzpatrick-Wacker, Erin - , Marine Biologist
FitzSimmons, Nancy - Griffith University, Adjunct Associate Professor
Fitzwater, Melissa - , Volunteer patrol
Fixsen, Dale - Topsail Island Sea Turtle Patrol , Volunteer
Fixsen, Sandi - Topsail Island Sea Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Fixter, Francesca -
Flagg, John -
Flagg, Marco - Desert Star Systems LLC, CEO
Flaherty, Teresa -
Flakus, Lesley -
Flakus, Samantha -
Flammini, Marcia -
Flammini, Robert -
Flanagan, Ann - Corpus Christi ISD, teacher
Flanagan, Jaime -
Flanagan, Joe - Houston Zoological Gardens, Senior Veterinarian
Flandinette, Paul -
Flannery, Jim -
Flannery, Robin -
Flaquer, Jose -
Flatley, Eoin - NUI Galway
Flatley, Helen -
Flatt, Russell -
Flavell, Tiffany -
Flavin, Amelia -
Fleay, Annette -
Fledderjohann, Scott - Salem Middle School, Teacher
Fleetwood, Jane -
Fleischer, Kathleen -
Fleischhauer, Karen -
Fleishaker, Beth - NEST
Fleitas, Vicky -
Fleming, Arthur -
Fleming, Benjamin - Fort Macon State Park, Park Ranger
Fleming, Brooke - Cumberland Island National Seashore, Sea Turtle Intern
Fleming, Eliza -
Fleming, Elizabeth - Defenders of Wildlife, Florida Representative
Fleming, Ellen -
Fleming, Gloria - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Fleming, Janie - , walker
Fleming, Katherine - NEST, NEST member
Fleming, Lisa - Lighthouse Realty, Broker-in-Charge REALTOR
Fleming, Midge -
Fleming, Natosha - Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, Share The Beach Volunteer
Fleming, Rebecca - Health Canada, Scientific Officer
Fleming, Sue -
Flesness, Kyle - St. Olaf College, student
Fletcher, Abigail -
Fletcher, Beth - MCG, PA-C
Fletcher, Christopher -
Fletcher, Henry - UEC, student
Fletcher, John - Holden Beach Turtle Watch Program, Member
Fletcher, Jonathan - , Environmental Advisor
Fletcher, Marty -
Fletcher, Michelle - WSB
Fletcher, Neil -
Flibotte, Janice -
Flibotte, Michael -
Flickinger, Brad - Bethke Elementary School, Tech Teacher
Flickinger, Jacob - SCDNR, Sea Turtle Technician
Flickner, Paul -
Flieger, Alison -
Flint, Greg -
Flint, Mark - University of Florida, Veterinary Intern
Flint, Russell - Ocean Spirits, Research and volunteer supervisor
Flisek, Ali - DEP, Staff Assistant
Flocken, Jeff - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, International Affairs Specialist
Florane, Tefferny -
Flora, Richard -
Flora, Tawnya - Volunteer, Help with hatching
Floren, Daniel - Diving the Crab, GM
Flores De Gracia, Eric Enrique - Coiba Scientific Station-COIBA AIP, Staff Scientist
Flores Hernandez, Sandra - , Practica privada
Flores Lopez, Cesar Augusto - Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas, Sub-Jefe de Guardarrecursos
Flores López, Cesar Augusto - CECON - USAC, ranger
Flores Millán, Eloy - Universidad de Guadalajara
Flores Ramirez, Sergio - A University of Baja California Sur, Full Time Research Professor
Flores Sanchez, Humberto Javier - Facultad de Biología UAS, estudiante
Flores, Alejandra - Campamento tortuguero Isla de Pájar, Teacher
Flores, Arturo - umsnh
Flores, Arturo -
Flores, Cesar -
Flores, Eglé -
Flores, Elisabeth -
Flores, Hayley -
Flores, Ingrid - , student
Flores, Joshua -
Flores, Karen -
Flores, Lori - , Volunteer Patrol
Flores, Luis - Ecologistas en Acción, Veterinarian
Flores, Quinn -
Flores, Ronny -
Flores, Sergio - COSTASALVAjE A. C., Press Coordinator
Flores-Villela, Oscar - Museo de Zoologia, Full time researcher
Flory, Abby - Colorado State University
Flournoy, Larry - UT Marine Science, Consultant
Flowers, Amy - NEST
Flowers, Brandon - Designaxiom, Creative Director
Flowers, Gracie -
Flowers, Kristy - University of Sussex, Biology Teaching Supervisor
Flowers, Laurie -
Floyd - Cutler, Sherrie - New England Aquarium
Floyd, Cher - Greggy Girl
Floyd, Crystal - North Myrtle Beach STP
Floyd, Deanna -
Floyd, Frank - Florida Institute of Technology
Floyd, Jennifer - Florida Atlantic University, graduate student
Floyd, Kelly -
Floyd, Kim -
Floyd, Lauren -
Floyd, Robert -
Floyd, Robert -
Floyd, Sarah -
Floyd, Scott -
Floyd, Sherrie - New England Aquarium, Senior Aquarist
Floyd-Wiles, Caroline - Sunset Beach, Turtle volunteers
Fluharty, Carolyn -
Fluker, Jim -
Flusche, Lynnette -
Flynn, Gayle - Harvard Extension, Student
Flynn, Hannah - Swansea University, Student
Flynn, Jay -
Flynn, John - , Conservation Director
Flynn, Keith - Marineland Leisure inc., Facilities Engineer Life support Water Quality
Flynn, Maddie - FOHI SeaTurtle Conservation Project, Volunteer
Flynn, Michael -
Flynn, Natalie - , Volunteer
Flynn, Natalie - , Volunteer
Flynn, Paul -
Flynn, Ruth - Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol, Hatching Patrol Member
Flynn, Ryan -
Flynn, Shannon -
Flynt, Jennie - Gifford Middle School, 6th-8th Gifted Science Teacher
Foale, Charlotte - COTERC, Station Manager
Foertschbeck, Vicki - SCUTE, S. Litchfield Beach, SC
Fogle, Dorothy -
Fogleman, Amy -
Fogleman, Peggy -
Foix-Cablé, Mathilde -
Fok, Andrew -
Foley, Allen - FL Fish and Wildlife Conserv Com, Wildlife Biologist
Foley, Aoife -
Foley, Carol -
Foley, Cathy -
Foley, Glenn -
Foley, Grace - Brevard County EEL Program
Foley, Jessica -
Foley, Kaitlyn - Turtle Conservancy, Research Associate
Foley, Laura - Institute of Bankers, Ireland, Student
Foley, Patricia - Emerald Isle Turtle Patrol, NRT
Foley, Susan "Fred" - Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, volunteer
Foley, Tammy - SCUTE, Walker
Foley, Tina -
Foli, Bennet - University of Ghana, Legon
Foligno, Alyssa -
Folkerts, Jeffrey - Elon University, Student
Follmer, Trisha -
Follrich, Cyn - Friends of Hunting Island, Web Communications
Folsom, Natali -
Foltz, Kevin - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Foltz, Patricia - Seabrook Island, Volunteer
Foltz, Zachary -
Folwer, Melinda -
Folzenlogen, Sarah -
Fomin, Sergey -
Fondren, Lise - Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium, volunteer
Fonferek, Andreas -
Fonferek, William J. - US Army Corps of Engineers
Fong, Chialing -
Fonseca Escalante, Ana - WWF Latin America and the Caribbean, LAC Species Program Coordinator
Fonseca, Luis - Universidad Nacional, Student
Fonseca, Luís - University of Algarve
Fonseca, Paulo - Institute for fisheries research
Fonseca, Rafael - Tamar, Student
Fontana, Donna -
Fontana, Fred -
Fontana, Pat -
Fontan, Elizabeth - Woodstock District 200, Teacher
Fontanilla, Ana - , Environmental consultant
Fontecilla, Constanza -
Fontenot, Mandy - , Teacher
Fonvielle, Wende -
Foor, Nancy -
Foo, Siang Choon - WWF-Malaysia, Community Liaison Officer
Foote, Emily -
Foote, Gwen - Nautilus Middle School, science teacher
Foote, Jerris - Sarasota County Government, Supervisor
Foote, Kurt - Fort Matanzas National Monument, Natural Resource Manager
Footer, Tracey - Eastern Research Group, Environmental Scientist
Foote, Sheryl -
Forbes, Greg - Dept. Life Sciences
Forbes, Megan -
Forbes, Scott -
Forbes-Smith, Kay - Edisto Beach, Turtle Patrol Volunteer
Forbes, Suzannah - Berry College, student
Force, Liz - , night turtle nest moniter
Forcione, Francis - Friends of Hunting Island, Prober
Ford, Al -
Ford, Ann-Francis -
Ford, Dr. Charlie and Pat - SCUTE, volunteer turtle patrol
Forde, James -
Fordham, Mona -
Ford, Jack -
Ford, Jaclyn -
Ford, Jennifer -
Ford, Jessica - , student
Ford, Karen - Ponte Vedra High School, teacher
Ford, Keith -
Ford, Libby - Nixon Peabody. LLP, Sr. Env. Health Engineer
Ford, Liz -
Ford, Mandy -
Ford, Mark -
Ford, Nancy -
Fordon, Ruth - NEST, volunteer
Ford, Pamela -
Ford, Paula - SC SCute, Scute walker
Ford, Richard -
Ford, Thomas -
Ford, Traci -
Ford, Winston -
Forehan, John -
Forehan, John - Stockbrands Co Pty Ltd, Managing Director
Foreman, James -
Foreman, Lee Anne - N.E.S.T, volunteer
Forero, Katelyn -
Forero, Lina - Qarapara, Tortugas Marinas Chile
Formia, Angela - Universita di Firenze, Researcher
Formosa, Jennifer -
Forneiro, Yanet -
Forneiro, Yanet -
Forney, Karin - NOAA Fisheries - SWFSC, Research Fishery Biologist
Fornoff, Poppy -
Forrester, Jack - NOAA Fisheries
Forrest, Lilly -
Forringer, Brooke - Myrtle Beach State Park, Volunteer
Forsberg, Kerstin - Proyecto Tortugas Marinas - Tumbes
Forslund, Linda -
Forster, David -
Forster, Peter - University of the South Pacific, Senior Lecturer
Forsyth, Amanda -
Forsyth, Brett -
Forsythe, Faith - Turtle Trackers, volunteer
Forsyth, Leah - , Intern
Forsyth, Mike -
Forte, Christopher -
Forte, Laura - Sea Turtle Conservancy, President, Board of Directors
Fortier, Darlene -
Fortin, Christian - FORAMEC inc., Biologiste
Fortin, James -
Fortino, Andres - Paradigm Research International
Fortner, Beth - Twinsburg City Schools, Retired teacher
Fortner, Bethaney -
Fortner, Naomi -
Fortner, Rosanne -
Fortner, Shenna - Peace Corps, Peace Corps Volunteer
Fort, Steve -
Fortuna, John -
Fortuna, Robin - NCORE - RSMAS, U. Miami
Fortunato, Carol -
Fortune, Michelle - Myrtle Beach state park, volunteer
Fosdick, Paul -
Fos, Martí - UPC, Student
Fossaceca, Kathryn - Marymount University
Fossette, Sabrina - NOAA-SWFSC, Postdoc fellow
Foss, Krisann - , Folly Beach Turtle Watch
Foster, Alicyn - , Sec 2 GC Pier to Yucca 601
Foster, Charles - NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Foster, Claire - University of Western Australia, Student
Foster, Daniel -
Foster, Donna -
Foster, Drea - , Caretaker
Foster, Eva -
Foster, Gary -
Foster, Howard - South Pacific Projects, Company Director
Foster, Kaylee -
Foster, Kristen -
Foster, Linda -
Foster, McKenzie -
Foster, Michael J. - American Museum of Natural History, Biology Educator
Foster, Paula - NPS, Volunteer
Foster, Rachelle -
Foster, Sharon -
Foster, Stacy - FPL, Sr. Environmental Specialist
Foster, Teresa -
Foster, Terri - County of San Diego, Land Use/Environmental Planner
Fostroy, Jacques C. - Ass. Proteccion Tortuga Baulas, Vice President
Fotland, Barbi -
Fouch, Rachel -
Fougner, Svein - Hawaii Longline Association, Policy Analyst
Foulkes, Linda - , Coordinator Episkopi Turtlewatch
Foundation, Turtle -
Found, New - NIES, China
Fountain, Donna - Pawleys Island SCUTE, Walker
Fourie, Anne -
Fournier, Gay Marie - Thomas M Ryan Intermediate, teacher
Fournier, Hayley -
Fournier, Patricia -
Fournies, Betty -
Fournies, Sandy - , Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Specialist
Foust, Emily -
Foust, Guenevere -
Fouts, Shannon -
Fowle, Heather - , MMO
Fowler, Aurora - Little St Simons Island
Fowler, Camille - Garfield High School
Fowler, Candy - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Fowler, Dan -
Fowler, John -
Fowler, Justin - Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Herpetology Research AmeriCorps Member
Fowler, Meredith -
Fowler, Robin -
Fowlkes, Donald -
Fowlkes, Kim -
Fox, Charles - , Project Manager
Fox, Charles - Edisto Beach SC State Park, Volunteer
Fox, Dewayne - Delaware State University, Associate Professor
Fox, Elizabeth B - National Park Service, N.E.S.T., sea turtle volunteer -nests & cold stuns
Fox, Evan -
Fox, Fredda - none, research
Fox, Gary -
Fox, Jarell -
Fox, Jenni - Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort, Environmental Manager
Fox, Jennifer -
Fox, Jennifer -
Fox, John/Marg -
Fox, Kenneth -
Fox, MaryKay -
Fox, Paula -
Fox, Paula - Topsail Turtle Project Nesting Prog, Volunteer
Fox, Pierce -
Fox, Sherry -
Fox, Susan -
Fox, Suzi - Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch, Director
Fox, Trevor - Arizona State University, Undergraduate Researcher
Foy, Julie -
Fraga, Columba -
Fraga, Iliana - Centro de Investigaciones Pesquera
Fraga, Nairana -
Fragoso, Mariana -
Fragoso, Natalie -
Fraley, Debbie -
Fraley, Tommy -
Fralick, Mitchell -
Fralin, Kelly -
Fralix, Jared -
Frallic, Preston - Holden Beach Turtle Patrol, HBTP member
Frallic, Terry - Holden Beach Turtle Patrol, HBTP member
Francia, Aldo Gabriel - WWF, Project Coordinator
Francisco, Sam Onofre -
Francis, Sam - Friends of OSA, RFA
Francis, Sandy & Greg -
Francis, Susan -
Francke, Devon -
Franco, Carolina - Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Marine Biologist
Francoeur, Rachel - University College Cork, Zoologist
Francois, Bill -
Francois, Ruddy -
Franco, Pedro - Campamento Cerro Hermoso - RHCO
Franco, Rosmery -
Franco, Sallysmarie - , Volunteer
Francourt, Helena - SCMRT-MPA, Research Officer
Frandsen, Hilary - National Park Service, Biological Science Technician
Frank, Amanda -
Frank, Angela -
Frankel, Adam -
Frankel, Anna - Texas Christian University, graduate student
Frankel, George - Eternal Reefs
Frankenberger, Jessica -
Franklin, Alice -
Franklin, Anne - University of Nebraska at Kearney, Adjunct Professor
Franklin, Betty - , Artist
Franklin, Craig - The University of Queensland, Professor
Franklin, Kimberly -
Franklin, Nancy -
Franklin, Robert -
Franklin, Stuart - University of Exeter, Public Relations Manager
Franklin, Teresa -
Franklin, Veronica - Monterey Bay Aquarium, Senior Aquarist
Frankovic, Richard -
Franks, Bryan - Drexel University, Student
Franks, Jay -
Franks, Jay - FOHI
Franks, Lynne - Hunting Island SC, volunteer
Franks, Tiffany -
Frank, Warren -
Frantom, Sandy -
Frantom, Sandy -
Frantzen, Janelle -
Frantz, Jennifer - , teacher
Frantz, Lauren -
FRANYIE-Lecusay, Viviana -
Franze, Justin -
Franzellitti, Silvia - CIRSA, University of Bologna, PhD
Fraser, Bob -
Fraser, Bob -
Fraser, David and Sonja -
Fraser, Susan - B-C#1 Grammar, Lexington 2 Schools, Art Teacher
Frasier, Kaitlin -
Frazer, Carol -
Frazer, Faye -
Frazer, Nat - Utah State University, Professor
Frazier, Amy -
Frazier, Bryan - SCDNR, Fisheries Biologist
Frazier, Chip -
Frazier, Glenn - , Team Leader
Frazier, John ("e;Jack"e;) - , Researcher
Frazier, Terri - Georgia Aquarium, Trainer
Frazier, Trent -
Frederick, Charles -
Frederick, Deborah - SCDNR, Volunteer beach walker
Fredison, Idris - STINASU
Fredrickson, Alisha - Living Seas @ Epcot, Aquarist
Fredric, Sarah -
Fredriksson, Denyse - PISTP, stranding volunteer
Freedman, Arielle -
Freelund, Talia - Sturgis Charter Public School, student
Freeman, Alastair - Environmental Protection Agency, Technical Officer Threatened Species Group
Freeman, Andrea -
Freeman, Carolyn G. -
Freeman, Dean -
Freeman, Donna Lee - Bogue Banks Public Library, Adult Services Library ASST.
Freeman, Edward - Sarasota Co. Natural Resources, Environmental Specialist III
Freeman, Elaine -
Freeman, Fred - Conservation & Fisheries Office (BVI)
Freeman, Jacob - Hawaii Wildlife Fund, Project Engineer
Freeman, Jaylen -
Freeman, Kerrie -
Freeman, Lee -
Freeman, Linda - Fripp Island, volunteer
Freeman, Linda L -
Freeman, Mike -
Freeman, Philip E. - Turtle Time, Inc., Assistant Director
Freeman, R. Todd -
Freeman, Robert - Fripp Island Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Freeman, Robin - , Post-doc
Freeman, Simon - NOTW, Journalist
Freeman, Sloan - Duke University Marine Lab, Research Associate
Freeman, Terry -
Freer, Amanda - , student
Free, Rex - TMI Multimedia Productions, Video Producer
Freese, Morgan - NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island, Environmental Educator
Freestone, Amy -
Freestun, Rebecca -
Freggi, Daniela - Lampedusa Sea Turtle Rescue Centre, director of lampedusa rescue center
Frei, Asia - Virginia Stranding Response Program, Intern
Freibaum, Joy - University of Miami, RSMAS, Graduate Student
Frei, Don - NOAA, biologist
Freire, Jordana -
Freire, Nathan -
Freitag, Susan - Prescott College, Arizona
Freitas, Margarida -
Freitas, Mariana -
Freitas, Paulo - Universidade do Algarve, student
French, Drucilla - Sunset Beach Sea Turtle Patrol, Turtle volunteer
French, Georgia - Marine Conservation Society Seychel, Project Coordinator
French, Kim -
Frete, Efrain -
Fretey, Jacques - UICN-France, Scientist
Frett, Gary - Conservation & Fisheries Dept, Marine Biologist Trainee
Freund, Chip -
Freund, Jenna - Sterling Elemetnary School, Teacher
Frew, Charles - SLMD
Frey, Alison - SCDNR, Zone captain
Frey, Amy -
Frey, Eric - Cape Hatteras Natl Seashore, NPS, Biological Technician
Frey, JoJo -
Frey, Katy -
Frey, Kevin -
Frezza, Dominic -
Frias, Marissel - , student
Fricano, Andrew -
Frick, Candace -
Frick, Michael - Caretta Research Project, Assistant Director/Research Coordinator
Frick, Rebecca -
Frick, Susan -
Friday, Morgan -
Frid, Chris - University of Liverpool
Fridy, Kim -
Friedman, Annabelle - BGU universuty, anthropologist
Friedman, Kim - Dept Environment & Conservation, Principal Research Scientist
Friedman, Stav -
Friedrichs, Stefanie - Zoological Society of Milwaukee, Assistant Conservation Coordinator
Fried, Xander -
Frierson, Rob -
Frischmann, Peter - Winchester Thurston School, Teacher / Dean
Frisch-Nwakanma, Heidrun - UNEP/CMS Secretariat, IOSEA Turtle MOU Coordinator
Frisinger, Cecelia - Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Frisk, Ken -
Fritsches, Kerstin - University of Queensland, Research Fellow
Fritz, John -
Frizzera, Flavia - UFES
Frketic, Sue -
Frohlich, Kipp - FL FWC, Section Leader
Frohlick, Darrell - N/A, Individual
Frohling, Nicole -
Frohman, Lora - facoltà di veterinaria Bologna, university student
Frolli, Erin -
Fromme, Sibyl - Town of Kiawah Island, Volunteer
Fromme, Tom - Town of Kiawah Island, Volunteer
Fronduti, Matt -
Frost, Charles - PADI, Master Scuba Diver trainer
Frost, Sandy -
Frost, Susanne - University of Wales, Swansea, Student
Frushone, James -
Frushone, Sam -
Fry, Connie -
Frye, Brielle -
Frye, Donna - Cherokee County Board of Education, Teacher
Frye, Jackie -
Frye, Jessica -
Frye, John -
Frye, Mary - Edisto Beach, S.C., group leader
Frye, Mary -
Fry, Sarah -
Fry, Stephanie -
FU Youn, Tasi -
Fuchs, Beth -
Fuentes Mascorro, Gisela - Univ Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oax, Profesor Investigador
Fuentes, Alma - Universidad Michoacana, Professor
Fuentes, Alma Lilia - University of Michoacana, Biologist
Fuentes, Andrea -
Fuentes, Mariana - Florida State University, Associate Professor
Fuentes, Simone -
Fugare, Rameshwar - , Project officer
Fugazzotto, Peter - Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Campaign Director
Fuhrman, Richard - Fuhrman Diversified, Inc.
Fujii, Ronald -
Fujinaga, Aya - tokyo univ.agriculture, student
Fujisaki, Ikuko - University of Florida
Fujita, Kento -
Fujiyama, Ami - Tokyo University of Marine Science, Student
Fukasawa, Shun -
Fukaye, James - Whittier College, Student
Fulanda, Bernerd - Kenya Marine & Fish. Res. Inst., Research Officer, Fisheries & Aquaculture
Fulcher, Christina -
Fuldagli, Sherene - , Marine biology graduate
Fulford-Gardiner, Michelle - Dept of Env & Coastal Resources, Deputy Director
Fulford-Gardiner, Michelle - DECR, Deputy Director
Fulk, Delores - Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Volunteer
Fullenkamp, Lindsay -
Fuller, David - Qld Parks & Wildlife, Senior Ranger
Fuller, James -
Fuller, Jason - Caretta Research Project
Fuller, Jeannette - NEST, Member
Fuller, Jennifer - , Environmental Educator
Fuller, Jennifer -
Fuller, Kathy - National Aquarium, Youth Programs Coordinator
Fuller, Keith -
Fuller, Kris -
Fuller, Leesa -
Fuller, Scott - , disable
Fuller, Stephanie - , Elementary teacher
Fullerton, Sara -
Fuller, Wayne John - Near East University, Lecturer
Fulop, Ed -
Fulton, Amy -
Fulton, Karena -
Fulton, Kristin - Tyler Junior College, Texas, student
Fulton, Makayla -
Fultz, Lisa - Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association, Zone Leader
Fultz, Steven -
Fumero, Amanda -
Funck, Sarah -
Funes, Ana -
Funes, Luca - A.R.C.H.E.
Fung Chen, Chung - Chelonian Research Institute, Visiting Researcher
Fung, Jonathan - Maritech/ ProAquatix, Ornamental Broodstock Manager
Funk, Adrian - Main library Univerity of Zurich, librarian / information specialist
Funk, Deanna - Millersville University, Student
Funk, Leigh - Kennesaw State University, Sea Turtle Volunteer
Funk, Rebecca - Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Funsch, Dan - The Alleluia Community School
Fuqua, Louis - , Photographer
Fuquene, Ingrid - VAQS, VAQS Intern
Furaha Salumu, Marthe - Ministere de lEnvironnement, Division des Eaux Transfrontalieres
Furchgott, Jane - Nicaragua Sister City Project, Environmental Coordinator
Furer, Deborah - KBSTRRC, Volunteer
Furey, Danielle -
Furgeson, Evie Michelle -
Furler, Sue - Universtity of Basel, PhD Student
Furler, Sue - university of basel/ switzerland, student
Furlow, Cathy -
Furman, Beverly - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch, volunteer
Furman, Carol -
Furman, Marilyn - , Beach volunteer
Furman-York, Erin - , Zone 7
Furr, Janet - OIBSTPO, rescue
Furst, Nick - The Science Exchange, Intern
Furtado, Florisvindo - Direcção Geral do Ambiente
Furukawa, Seishiro -
Fury, Christine - Southern Cross University, Post-doctoral Fellow
Fusaro, Edward -
Fusco, Kiley -
Fusco, Stacey -
Fuss, Karen - Coastal Carolina University, Graduate Student Services Coordinator
Fusté, Roger -
Futch, Marie-Elena -
Futia, Marjorie - NSB Sea Turtle Conservancy
Futrell, Jennifer -
Futrell, Nora - SC Aquarium STCC, Volunteer
Futterer, Deb -
Fuxjager, Matthew - UNC at Chapel Hill, Graduate Student
Fye, Heidi -
Fyola, Jennifer -


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