2015 Fund Drive

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Sea Turtle Directory


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- J -

Jaafar, Liza - WWF-Malaysia, Community Liaisons Officer (Melaka Turtle Conservation)
Jabado, Rima -
Jablon, Sam -
Jablonski, Pamela - , retired
Jabour, Teri - The Nature Conservancy, Program Manager
Jacinto, Milene -
Jack, Bobby -
Jacketta, Aidan -
Jacketta, Ajdan - Wyoming 22
Jackman, Helen -
Jacks, Allen - ENSR Corporation, Senior Staff Specialist
Jackson, Amanda -
Jackson, Amy -
Jackson, Andrew - Medical Research Council, Data Analyst
Jackson, Beverly -
Jackson, Bob -
Jackson, Brenda -
Jackson, Candace - , Hilton head turtle patrol
Jackson, Carlee - Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, Marine Turtle Specialist
Jackson, Carrie -
Jackson, Chris - ABP Marine Environmental Research, Marine Biologist
Jackson, Christopher -
Jackson, Dan - GreenPlaces, News Director
Jackson, Dayna -
Jackson, Edie -
Jackson, Elizabeth -
Jackson, Haley -
Jackson, Hayley -
Jackson, Heidi -
Jackson, J. Andrew -
Jackson, Jennifer -
Jackson, Jennifer - Duke University Marine Lab, PhD candidate
Jackson, Jessi -
Jackson, John - NIST, IT Specialist
Jackson, Kelli -
Jackson, Kelly -
Jackson, Keya -
Jackson, Kris -
Jackson, Laura - American Youth Academy, Media Specialist
Jackson, Lauren - Queens University of Belfast, Student
Jackson, Leon - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Auth, A/Manager, Indigenous Partnerships Group
Jackson, Lillian - , Grandmother
Jackson, Linda - National Marine Life Center, Volunteer
Jackson, Lisa - Civilian, Coast Guard
Jackson, Micha - NAILSMA, Project Officer
Jackson, Natalie - University of the West Indies
Jackson, Nola - Pleasure Island Sea Turtle Project
Jackson, Rebecca -
Jackson, Rick - PADI, Scuba Instructor
Jackson, Robert -
Jackson, Rodney - VENDOR
Jackson, Sally -
Jackson, Sarah -
Jackson, Sharon -
Jackson-Smith, Linda - South Walton Turtle Watch, Volunteer
Jackson, Toni -
Jacky, Audrie - WWF Indonesia, Coordinator Monitoring and Surveillance
Jacob, Mary Ann -
Jacobmsa, Katherine - Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol
Jacobo, Francisco Javier -
Jacobo, Javier - Universidad de Guadalajara, Profesor Investigador
Jacob, Sally -
Jacobs, Corinne -
Jacobs, Dana -
Jacobs, Donna - , Volunteer
Jacobs, Herbert -
Jacobs, Ilana - , Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol
Jacobs, Kelly -
Jacobs, Len - , photographer
Jacobs, Mara - , Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol
Jacobs, Nancy - Oisbo, volunteer
Jacobson, Elliott - University of Florida
Jacobucci, Finola - SCUTE, walker team leader
Jacomini, Carlo - Italian Env Prot Agency (APAT), Nature Defence Dept, Parks, Ecosystems and Biodiversity Service
Jacomy, Sergio - Australian Seabird Rescue, Make Turtles Count co-ordinator
Jacques, Steve -
Jadhav, Adam - American University
Jadhav, Neeta - The Institute of Science, PhD research scholar
Jaeger, Susan - GCSB turtle team
Jaffe, Deborah - Loggerhead Marinelife Center, Director of Development
Jaffe, Rose - Montana State University, Research Associate
Jaggard, Cameron - The Pew Charitable Trusts, Associate, Pew Environment Group
Jagger, Brianna - , teacher
Jaggi, Ralph -
Jah, Yoni -
Jaine, Fabrice - University of Queensland, PhD candidate
Jakob, Lance -
Jakus, Bob - Beyond the Classroom Aquarium
Jalimin, Siti Nabilla - Borneo Marine Research Institute, student
Jallow, Abdou - Parks & Wildlife Management, Park Ranger
Jalovaara, Heini -
Jamalludin, Muhamad Allim - Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, student
Jamerson, Khrystyne -
Jamerson, Sandy -
James, Allison -
James, Ashley - The Citadel
James, Audley - GMTCS, Turtle Warden
James, Barbara -
James, Christine -
James, Ethan - , student
James, Goodin -
James, Jeri - , Holden Beach Turtle Patrol - Volunteer
James, Jill -
James, Joshua - Byron Bay Sea Turtle School, Director
James, Lisa -
James, Marc -
James, Megan - SC Dept. of Natural Resources
James, Michael - Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Population Ecology Division
James, Ricky -
James, Robert - Corcovado Foundation, Director of Sea Turtle Conservation Program
James-Rubin, Janis -
James, Ruth - Hunting Island State Park-DNR, Volunteer
James, Sherrod - Environmental Awareness Group, Executive Director
James, Stephanie -
Jamieson, Murray -
Jammeh, Kawsu - Department of Parks and Wildlife, CBD PoWPA Project Coordinator
Janabajal, Jun -
Janakiraman, Subramanian - Pondicherry university, Student
Jancsy, Michaela - , student
Jandrain, Leslie -
Janes, Margaret - N.E.S.T
Jang, Jean - Royal Roads University, Master of Science student
Jang, Soojin - Ewha Womans University, Ph.D candidate
Jani, Hiren - Prakriti Nature Club
Janik, Antoinette - Sandpiper Elem, 3rd gr teacher
Jankowski, Ashley - NYU, Student
Jankowski, Mike -
Janning, Steve -
Janowski, Chad - Shawano Community High School, Biology Instructor
Jansen, Lauren Elizabeth - Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol, Hatching Patrol Member
Janssen, Bill -
Janssen, Carolyn - SSI, volunteer
Janssen, Jennie -
Janusz, Ian -
Jaouiche, Alexandra -
Jaques, Sondra -
Jaquish, Joseph - faa
Jaquith, David -
Jaradat, Hashim -
Jaramillo, Ursula -
Jardim, Adriana - Projeto TAMAR, Biologist
Jarecki, Lianna - H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, Faculty
Jarish, Marina - , Manager
Jaroneski, Melissa -
Jarrett, A -
Jarrett, Jo Ann -
Jarrett, Shawna - SIPOA, Communications Administrator
Jarvis, Ashley - , biology student
Jarvis, Christina -
Jarvis, Nancy -
Jarvis, Patty -
Jarvis, Paul -
Jarvis, Ronald -
Jarvis-Ruble, Lisa - Holden Beach, NC Sea Turtle Patrol, stranding team member
Jarvis, Steve - Holden Beach Turtle Watch, Turtle Patrol Volunteer
Jasinski, Geryl -
Jasinski, Robin - Cassadaga Valley Central Schools, Teacher
Jaska, Steve -
Jaskot, Richard -
Jason, Rueter -
Jasso, Catherine -
Jasti, Padma -
Jauregui, Bryan - Todos Santos Eco Adventures, Owner
Jauregui, Guiomar Aminta - Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Santa Marta - Colombia
Javier, Fernando -
Javitch, Ronald - Javitch Natural Hisrtory Rare Book, Curator in Chief
Javor, Megan -
Jaworski, Sarah -
Jayabalan, Aarthi -
Jayathilaka, Mahendra - NARA, Research Assistant
Jay, Culberth -
Jay, Justin -
Jean hude, Moudingo Ekindi - CWCS, Programme Officer
Jean, Claire - Kelonia, Project Manager
Jeane, Grover -
Jean, Muratet -
Jeannott, Brenda - Surfside Beach VFD, Firefighter
Jean, Penelope - SCUTE, volenteer
Jeans, Meghan - Ocean Conservancy, Pacific Fish Conservation Manager
Jeansonne, Jim - Office of Response & Restoration, NOAA NRDA Specialist
Jebarani, T -
Jeddry, Alexandra -
Jeded, Adnan - S.t, Seaturtle-sy.com
Jeffcoat, David -
Jeffcoat, Debbi -
Jeffers, Dan - , educator
Jeffers, Melisa - GCPS, Teacher
Jefferson, Heather -
Jefferson, Melissa -
Jeffers, Victoria - University of Exeter, MSc Student
Jeffery, Carol -
Jeffery, Rachelle -
Jeffery, Sarah - The EcoTeach Foundation, Project Manager, Las Siete Quillas Education Center
Jeff, Lawson - Hatyai Witylahla
Jeffrey, Christopher - NOAA, Marine Biologist
Jeffries, Allegra - Palm Beach Maritime Academy
Jeffries, Amy - University of South Florida
Jeffries, Shirley -
Jenkins Young, Karen - The Jordan Firm, Attorney
Jenkins, Amanda - , Myrtle Beach State Park
Jenkins, Andrew -
Jenkins, Bruce -
Jenkins, Carmen -
Jenkins, Catherine -
Jenkins, Cheryl -
Jenkins, Christopher -
Jenkins, Edna -
Jenkins, Erin - National Aquarium in Baltimore
Jenkins, Frances -
Jenkins, Huw -
Jenkins, Jacqui - Cape Fear Community College, Marine Science Instructor
Jenkins, Jeannine -
Jenkins, Jennifer -
Jenkins, Jill - Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle Sch, Assistant Principal
Jenkins, John -
Jenkins, John - Friends of Hunting Island, volunteer
Jenkins, John - NEST, Nest Parent
Jenkins, Justin - Texas A&M University at Galveston
Jenkins, KeeLeigh -
Jenkins, Kiki - University of Washington, Assistant Professor
Jenkins, Lora - Tyner Middle Academy of Math, Scien, 8th grade science teacher
Jenkins, Lynn -
Jenkins, Marie -
Jenkins, Misty - Campbell University, Student
Jenkinson, Kay -
Jenkinson, Sophie - Marine turtle conservation project, Project leader
Jenkins, Ruby -
Jenkins, Russell -
Jenkins, Sue - CSIRO Tropical Forest Research, Field Conservation Director
Jenkins, Tammy -
Jenkins, Ted -
Jenkins, Teresa -
Jenkins, Yvonne -
Jenney, Clifton -
Jennifer, Hendricks -
Jenni, Khevan - Topsail turtle project, Walker
Jennings, Denise - East Cooper Hospital, Registered Nurse
Jennings-Giles, Andrew -
Jennings, Howard - SPOT, volunteer
Jennings, Johnny - 325 CES/CEANN, Biological Technician
Jennings, Mike - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biologist
Jennings, Tom - Swansea University, Student
Jensen, Ann - Sunset Beach Turtle Patrol, Turtle patrol volunteer
Jensen, Chris -
Jensen, David -
Jensen, Jewel - SCCF
Jensen, Karen - National Park Service, USA, Wildlife Biologist
Jensen, Michael - South West Fisheries Science Center, Post Doc (NRC felowship)
Jeppsson, Jonathan -
Jepson, Maisie -
Jerome, Melanie - seabrook island, walker-inventory
Jerome, Robert - Seabrook island turtle patrol, volunteer
Jerry, Dent - Lakeview Comm. Schools, teacher
Jerwers, Annette -
Jeschke, Bettina - Institute of marine research Kiel, Germany, student
Jeske, Jenny -
Jessen, Arla - Dewees Island, Environmental Educator
Jessen, Christian -
Jess, Mellissa - Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Senior Research Manager
Jessop, Carolyn -
Jessop, Tim - CRES-San diego Zoo, post-doctoral fellow
Jesus, Jose -
Jeter, Chris -
Jewell, Chris -
Jewell, Melissa -
Jewler, Kenneth - Friends of Hunting Island, SC, Volunteer
Jewson, Jane - , journalist/photographer
Jhaveri, Rishiddh -
Jiang, Li - Hall high school, student
Jia, Yilia -
Jia, Yuyan -
Jiddawi, Narriman - Institute of marine Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Jikus, Olivia - SLUSE-M, UNIMAS, Student
Jimenez Ayala, Fatima - facultad de biologia
Jimenez de Resendiz, Beatris - Campo Archelon, Biologist
Jimenez Gutierrez, Stephanie - Instituto Tecnológico de Los Mochis, estudiante
Jimenez Marquez, Francisco Javier - INE-SEMARNAP, Delegación Jalisco, Técnico del Programa T.M. en el Estado
Jimenez Robles, Octavio -
Jimenez, Danny -
Jimenez-Huff, Lynn - , Teacher-retired
Jimenez, Lea - Davao Oriental State University, Director
Jimenez, Paola -
Jimenez, Patricia -
Jimenez-Quiroz, Ma. del Carmen - Centro Regional de Investigacion Pesquera-Mzllo, Scientist
Jimenez, Robert - Isle of Palms Police Department, Sergeant Patrol Division
Jimenez, Sydney - Gumbo Limbo
Jimenez, Viviana - The Ocean Foundation, Program Officer
Jimins, James -
Jiménez, Mariona -
Jiménez, Randall -
Jiménez, Saray - , post
Jirousek, Bill -
Jirousek, Carolyn -
Jit, Joytishna -
Jiwa, Hasmukh Hoslo - GreenLife Society International, Director
Jjenkins, Colleen -
Joaquin, Leila -
Jobe, Jon -
Jobe, Seanna -
Jobity, Ann Marie - Institute of Marine Affairs, Principal Research Officer
Jobsis, Paul - University of the Virgin Islands, Associate Professor
Jochem, Frank - Florida International University, Assistant Professor
Jochem, Janet - Wooster School, Department Chair
Joder, Greg - , Founder
Joder, Greg - BajaTrekker.com
Joder, Greg - , Founder
Johannes, Lois - WDW, Animal Care
Johannes, Yardwarune -
Johansson, Niklas - Swedish EPA, Senior Scientific Adviser
Johari, Sofia - KK Reef Watch, Vice President
John Suresh, Robert Thangaiah - Indian Trust Act, Executive Director
John Xavier, Nepomuceno - Cavite State University - Naic, Extensionist
John, Camile - , Teacher
John, Charlotte -
John, Denise -
Johndrow, Erika - Carver Elementary School, Grade 4 Teacher
John, Elgan -
John, Hayley - Swansea University, Student
John, James -
John, John-Robert - catawba college
John, Lyndon - Forestry Department, Research Officer
John, Natasha - nil, saving sea turtle eggs
John, Sajan - wildlife institute of india, researcher
John, Saw - ANET
Johns, Bill - Sea Turtle Patrol of SPVB, Volunteer
Johns, Crystie -
Johnsen, Blake -
Johnsen, Colleen -
Johnsen, Sonke - Duke, Asst professor
Johns, Melissa -
Johnson, Alida -
Johnson, Allison -
Johnson, Amanda - National Wildlife Federation, Trade Program Associate
Johnson, Amanda -
Johnson, Amanda - CZR Incorporated, Biologist
Johnson, Angela -
Johnson, Annette -
Johnson, Annie - Myrtle Beach State Park, volunteer
Johnson, Anya -
Johnson, April - University of Florida, Graduate Research Assistant
Johnson, Barb - Anna Maria Is Turtle Watch, volunteer
Johnson, Bill -
Johnson, Bill -
Johnson, Caroline -
Johnson, Catherine - , Master of Science in Environmental Management
Johnson, Cheryl -
Johnson, Chris - earthOCEAN.tv, Filmmaker
Johnson, Chris - Project Leatherback Inc., Vice President
Johnson, Chris - Marinelife Center of Juno Beach, Project Coodinator
Johnson, Christina -
Johnson, Christine -
Johnson, Clay -
Johnson, Cole -
Johnson, Colin -
Johnson, Crystal - New Horizons Computer Learning Cent, Operations Assistant
Johnson, Crystal -
Johnson, Cyndi - , Project Manager
Johnson, Dale - Florida Museum, Designer and illustrator
Johnson, Danielle and Corey -
Johnson, Dawn -
Johnson, Debora - McClintic LIbrary, librarian
Johnson, Deborah -
Johnson, Derrick -
Johnson, Deveri -
Johnson, Ele - UWA, Rockingham environ centre
Johnson, Elinor -
Johnson, Elizabeth - Friends of Hunting Island, Volunteer
Johnson, Ellen -
Johnson, Erika -
Johnson, Gail -
Johnson, Gary -
Johnson, Harold -
Johnson, Harry -
Johnson, Heather -
Johnson, Heather -
Johnson, Heidi -
Johnson, Isabel -
Johnson, Jennifer -
Johnson, Jennifer - Camino Pablo Elementary School, Site Technology Coordinator
Johnson, Jennifer -
Johnson, Jennifer -
Johnson, Jessie - , volunteer
Johnson, Jim -
Johnson, Judy -
Johnson, Julie -
Johnson, Julie - North Carolina Aquarium Fort Fisher, Aquarist
Johnson, Justin -
Johnson, Kathy -
Johnson, Katie -
Johnson, Kelly -
Johnson, Kelly - Folly Beach Turtle Watch Crew, Volunteer
Johnson, Kenneth - Tybee Island Sea Turtle Project
Johnson, Kim -
Johnson, Kimberly -
Johnson, Krystal -
Johnson, L -
Johnson, Leroy -
Johnson, Libba -
Johnson, Linda - Oak Island Parks & Recreation, Rec Center Assistant
Johnson, Lynn - Sunset Beach Turtle Watch
Johnson, Mae -
Johnson, Malisa - Oak Pointe Elementary, fourth grade teacher
Johnson, Mandy -
Johnson, Marianne -
Johnson, Mark -
Johnson, Mary E - Resident of Ohio , Visitor
Johnson, Matthew -
Johnson, Melanie -
Johnson, Monica -
Johnson, Myra - , Retired
Johnson, Nat - College of Charleston, Graduate Student
Johnson, Neil -
Johnson, Nicholas - coastal carolina university, student
Johnson, Patrick -
Johnson, Paul -
Johnson, Paulette -
Johnson, Peter -
Johnson, Ray -
Johnson, Rebecca -
Johnson, Rick -
Johnson, Robert - University of Florida, Graduate Student
Johnson, Rocio - Sea Turtle Conservancy, Public Relations Coordinator
Johnson, Russell -
Johnson, Ruth - NOAA Fisheries, Permit Specialist
Johnson, Ryan -
Johnson, Sabrina -
Johnson, Sandra - Edingsville Beach, SC, Permit holder
Johnson, Sara -
Johnson, Scott -
Johnson, Shannon - Jacksonville Country Day School, Science Specialist
Johnson, Shannon -
Johnson, Shannon -
Johnson, Sharon - Emerald Isle sea turtle patrol, Zone 10
Johnson, Sheree -
Johnson, Sheryl -
Johnson, Shoni - Connecting Waters Charter School, teacher
Johnson, Steve A. - University of Florida, graduate student
Johnson, Stewart -
Johnson, Sue -
Johnson, Susan -
Johnson, Tabatha -
Johnson, Thane - Oklahoma City Zoo, Asst Librarian/Horticultural Tech
Johnson, Thane - Oklahoma City Zoo
Johnson, Theresa -
Johnson, Theresa - , Interested person
Johnson, Traci -
Johnson, Wanda -
Johnsson, Stefan -
Johnston, Amy -
Johnston, Annmarie -
Johnston, Charlene -
Johnston, Corinne - SCDNR Yawkey Wildlife Center, Sea Turtle Biologist
Johnston, Doug -
Johnstone, Ben -
Johnstone-Laurette, Stephanie - Ecology Action Centre, School Travel Plan Facilitator
Johnston, Emmett - Irish Basking Shark Study Group - Q, Researcher
Johnstone, Paul -
Johnston, Jill -
Johnston, Kathleen -
Johnston, Kendra -
Johnston, Lori - Tarawa Terrace Elementary , Teacher
Johnston, Margaret - , N/A
Johnston, Michelle - UNCW, Student
Johnston, Mike and Laurie -
Johnston, Pamela -
Johnston, Tennill -
Johnston, TJ -
Johnston, Traci -
Johnston, Victoria -
John, Vreeland -
Joklik, Vivien - Seabrook island turtle patrol, Walker
Joligon, Maria Tresna - University of the Philippines
Jolis, Gavin - WWF-Malaysia (Semporna), Species officer
Jolivette, Raymond - Karen Beasley STH, beach patrol
Jolivette, Stephanie - University of Washington, Graduate Student
Jolivette, Suzanne - Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital, Topsail Sea Turtle Patrol Volunteer
Jolly, Jamie -
Jolly, Mike - BISS puxi, shanghai, teacher
Jolon-Morales, Mario Roberto - PROBIOMA, Investigador
Jonas, Vilks -
Jonda, Scott -
Jones Garrison, Sandi - NEST
Jones Padidar, Karen -
Jones, Abby - Myrtle Beach State Park - SC, volunteer
Jones, Allen -
Jones, Amy -
Jones, Ann -
Jones, Benjamin -
Jones, Benjamin - Cape York Sustainable Futures, Project Manager
Jones, Beverley -
Jones, Brandy -
Jones, Carolyn - Friends of Hunting Island, volunteer
Jones, Casey -
Jones, Celia - Wrightsville Beach Sea Turtle Proje, volunteer
Jones, Ceri -
Jones, Charissa - New College of Florida, Undergrad Student
Jones, Christie -
Jones, Cindy -
Jonesco, Jane -
Jones, Crystal - , Self
Jones, Danielle - NAVFAC Atlantic, Marine Resources Specialist
Jones, Darlene - NEST
Jones, Dave -
Jones, Dave - GVI Costa Rica, Country Director
Jones, David -
Jones, David - University of British Columbia, Professor (UBC)
Jones, David -
Jones, David -
Jones, Deborah -
Jones, Debra -
Jones, Diane - University of Liverpool, UK, postgraduate student
Jones, Diane -
Jones, Donna -
Jones, Eddy - nil, doc
Jones, Elizabeth -
Jones, Emma - S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources, Sea Turtle Technician
Jones, Frank -
Jones, Ginger - Georgia Southern University, Temporary Faculty
Jones, Graham - , Artist/Maintenance Engineer
Jones, Hannah - University of wales Swansea, student
Jones, Heather -
Jones, Jack - , President
Jones, Jan -
Jones, Janet -
Jones, Jean - , businesswomen
Jones, Jennifer - South Walton Turtle Watch Group Inc, Secretary
Jones, Jenny - QUB, Student
Jones, Jonathan -
Jones, Jonathan -
Jones, Jordan -
Jones, Joshua -
Jones, Julie - GBRMPA, Image Collection Officer
Jones, Karen - Sunset beach turtle watch
Jones, Karen -
Jones, Kaye -
Jones, Keith -
Jones, Kenneth - NC Aquarium on RI, Sea Turtle Rehab Tech
Jones, Kim (Tam) - Sea World of Orlando, Rehabilitation
Jones, Kimberly - Town of Bluffton, Director of Dept. of Engineering
Jones, Kirstin - Boca Raton Sea Turtle Conservation
Jones, Kristina -
Jones, Larry -
Jones, Laura -
Jones, Laura W -
Jones, Lecy -
Jones, Lora -
Jones, Lowenna -
Jones, Malina - Lamar High School, Teacher
Jones, Mark -
Jones, Marnie -
Jones, Mary Ann -
Jones, Matt -
Jones, Meagan - SC DHEC OCRM, Coastal Planner
Jones, Meredyth - Folly Beach Turtle Watch, Folly Beach
Jones, Michael - MA Coop Fish & Wildlife Unit, Postdoc
Jones, Michael -
Jones, Michelle - Coolum Coastcare
Jones, Michelle - Environmental Protection Agency, Conservation Officer
Jones, Mitchell -
Jones, Molly -
Jones, Patricia - Emerald Isle, Sea turtle walker
Jones, Paul - Emerald Isle, Sea turtle walker
Jones, Paula -
Jones, Paula -
Jones, Phil -
Jones, Rachel - Zoological Society of London, Aquarist
Jones, Rachel -
Jones, Rebekah - Turtle Watch Camp, Marine Analyst
Jones, Rhonda - NAS Mayport
Jones, Richard -
Jones, Richard - NEST, Volunteer
Jones, Rick - Univ of Georgia
Jones, Rick -
Jones, Samantha - Vassar College
Jones, Samuel -
Jones, Sasha - University of Exeter, student
Jones, Sean -
Jones, Serina - EAI
Jones, Sharon -
Jones, Shawn -
Jones, Stephanie -
Jones, Stephanie -
Jones, Steven -
Jones, Sunnie - Folly Beach Sea Turtle Watch, volunteer
Jones, T. Todd - NOAA Fisheries - Pacific Islands, physiological ecologist
Jones, Tawnya - , Broker
Jones, Teresa - Dallas isd, teacher
Jones, Terry -
Jones, Theresa - Hackensack Middle School, Teacher
Jones, Timothy - None
Jones, Trish -
Jones, Wade -
Jones, Wendy - Tyndall Air Force Base, Wildlife Biologist
Jones, Whitney - Gwinnett County Public Schools, 3rd grade teacher- Magill Elementary
Jones, William - University of South Carolina, Faculty
Jones, William -
Jonhson, Jody -
Jonker, Maria -
Jonker, S -
Jonsen, Ian - Dalhousie University, Research Associate
Jony, Mohammad - IBN HANI Marine Protected Area., Researcher in Biodiversity & Endangered Species.
Jordan, Andrae -
Jordan, Andrea -
Jordan, Bill - Florida Virtual School, Computer Science Teacher
Jordan, Bob - , Turtle Patrol
Jordan, Dixie -
Jordan, Gigi Jennifer -
Jordan, Holly -
Jordan, Jim - Town of Kiawah Island, Biologist
Jordan, Kevin - Green Hope High School, Science Teacher
Jordan, Melissa - , Middle School Teacher
Jordan, Rebecca - Huntington Beach State Park, Volunteer
Jordan, Sandy -
Jordan-Sellers, Terri - US Army Corps of Engineers, Biologist
Jordan, Stephanie -
Jordan, Teri -
Jordan, Terri - US Army Corps of Engineers, Biologist
Jorge, Miguel - WWF, Marine and Freshwater Coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean
Jorgensen, Dennis - World Wildlife Fund, Program Officer
Jorgensen, Peter - University of Copenhagen, psjoergensen@gmail.com
Jorgenson, Kristy - Turtle Trackers of Hilton Head Isla, Volunteer
Jose, Anderson - GTTM-GV, voluntario
Jose, Carrie -
Josefowicz, Robin -
Jose, Gabriela - La Universidad del Zulia
Joseph, Collin - Bureau of Marine Resources, Palau, Coordinator, Palau Turtle Project
Joseph, Gian Paolo -
Jose, Philip - , Graduate Student/contract worker
Jose, Phiomina - Luther College High School
Joseph, Jane -
Joseph, Juanita - Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Lecturer
Joseph, Nyrie - University of Trinidad and Tobago , Student
Joseph, Richard -
Joseph, Ronnie - HISD, Lecturer
Joshi, Apoorva - , Student
Joshi, Neha -
Joshua, Justus - Foundation for Ecological Security, Manager Ecology
Joslin, Nell -
Josphine, Mutiso - Kenya wildlife Service, Reserch Scientist
Jost, Michelle - Earthwatch Institute, Expedition Coordinator for Earth and Marine Sciences
José B., Montalvo - US Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, Fish and Wildlife Conservationist
Jotwani, Ph.D., Dr. Nandlal -
Joubert, Francoise -
Joucoski, Juliana - UNIVALI, Student
Jover, Gail -
Jowers, Dea - SCUTE, Walker
Joyce, Jennifer -
Joyce, Joan - Eco Turtles, Entrepreneur/Engineer
Joyce, Lori -
Joy, Judith -
Joyner, Chuck -
Joyner, Joseph -
Joyner, Joy - Tybee Island Sea Turtle Project
Joyner, Mary -
Joyner, Richard - Little Planet, Executive Director
Joynson-Hicks, Catharine - Sea Sense, Director
Juarez Ceron, Jorge Arturo - Laboratorio de Tortugas Marinas, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Biologist
Juarez Gomez, Julio Rafael - Protortuga A.C., Gerente General
Juarez Martinez, Ricardo - Asociación de Rescate y Conservación de Vida Silvestre (ARCAS), Director Regional Costa Sur
Juarez Rivera, Véronica - Parque Nacional Isla Contoy SEMARNAP-INE, Jefe de proyecto
Juarez, Arturo - Kutzari, M Sc
Juarez, Pascual -
Juarez, Ricardo -
Juarez, Silverio - Sea Turtle Conservancy, Monitor
Juarez, Zaira - UMSNH, estudiante
Jude, Rachel - USFWS, Biological Technician
Judge, Kathy -
Judie, Day -
Judson, Maria Julia - Florida Keys Wild Center, Veterinary Intern, KARUMBÉ + TAMAR
Jue, Amy - Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Jugovich, Amelia - Mote Marine Laboratory
Juhlin, Christina -
Juleff, Geoffrey - , MMO/Hydrographic Survey Consultant
Julia, Alterman -
Julian, Michael -
Juliano, Paul - Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Resort Assistant Manager
Julien, Mohan -
Julien, Thompson - Ocean Spirits, Inc., Education Officer
June, Cheri - Murphy Elementary, teacher
Jung, Cat - , Scientist
Jung, Dr. Stacia - Sugar Mill Veterinary Center
Junior, Humberto -
Jun, Michelle -
Junod, Colton - Butler University (Indiana) - SCCF, Biology Major - Sea Turtle Interest
Juntunen, Karen -
Juppe, Herbert -
Jurado, Diana - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ecology
Juredin, Christopher - , CEO
Jurica, Jenny - Comal ISD, 5th Grade Science Teacher
Jurich, Milan -
Juri, Eduardo -
Jurkowski, Michael -
Jurre, Brian -
Jurs, Cynthia - Animal Alliance, Vice-President
Jusseit, Hans - Ahi Enterprises Pt y Ltd, Director
Justice, Lisa - Kiawah Turtle Patrol, Volunteer
Justice, Nicole - Nova Southeastern University
Justice, Sammi -
Justice, Suzanne -
Justine, Dossa - Sub Regional Fisheries Commission, Specialist of fauna
Justus, Cara -
Justus, Cory -
Jute, Nicole - Ocean Isle Beach, Summer Intern
Jvvs, Raj Sekhar - VSPCA, Dy.Shelter Manager
Jyethi, Darpa - SES, JNU, JRF
Jyoti, Archana - Press Trust of India, Principal correspondent
Jyotiraj, Patra - University of Oxford, Doctoral Student
Júnior, Luís -


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