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Russian Guard - Rosguard - Organization

The Russian Guard exceeds the number of ground soldiers of the army. More than 340,000 people initially served in the Russian Guard.Russian Guard has set a kind of record. By 2021 there were over 430,000 people in the ranks of the structure. This is more than the number of employees in the Russian ground regular troops. The Russian Guard is engaged in countering terrorism and all forms of crime. Provides public order and security.

Despite the fact that the rating among the population of the Russian president exceeds 80%, the Kremlin fears a revolution. Experts believe that it was for this reason that the guard was founded in 2016, which the press dubbed the personal army of Vladimir Putin. By presidential decree, a guard was formed on the basis of special forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR and OMON, as well as the Okhrana enterprises under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Of course, no one officially reports how many serve in the ranks of the National Guard. According to available information, there are more than 400 thousand people in its composition. Note that in the land army of the Russian Federation there are only 290,000 employees.

The guard includes the "Protection" unit, numbering about 170,000 people. Security policy experts believe that the size of this structure is much higher. These employees are not armed and do not take part in the establishment of street order. They are a source of income for the Guard, and a lot of money is spinning in this area.

The structure of the department, created on the basis of internal troops and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), was finally approved by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2016. This day was timed to coincide with the date of the signing of the decree of Emperor Alexander I (April 8, 1811 in the new style) on the formation of military battalions of the internal guard, responsible for "maintaining peace and quiet in the state."

According to the press service of the department, 306 law enforcement officers were awarded the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, 172 servicemen and employees became Heroes of the Russian Federation. In 2019, military personnel and employees of the Russian Guard took part in ensuring the safety of guests and participants of 47 sports and other official international events.

The structure included Rosgvardii internal forces, special rapid reaction units, mobile units of the special purpose unit licensing and permitting work and private security, previously held as part of the Interior Ministry.

On 29 April 2016 Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation troops National Guard - commander in chief of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation General of the Army Viktor Zolotov approved a plan of actions for the formation of the Federal Service. Among the priorities he has identified the development and publication of a joint order of the Federal Service of Internal Affairs of the National Guard and troops of the Ministry on the establishment of an interdepartmental working group on delimitation of powers, the reception-transfer departments and agencies have joined the National Guard.

This would be done at two levels - national and regional. The first level would involve the Federal Service of the Russian Federation troops of the National Guard, the Russian Interior Ministry, other interested federal executive bodies; on the second - the regional command of troops and territorial bodies of the Russian Interior Ministry in the Federal District (Russian Federation). The work would be determination of the composition of forces and weapons in the federal districts, which would continue to develop proposals for their organizational structure, dislocation, building management systems and joint use.

After the approval of the President of the Russian Federation the structure, composition and deployment of National Guard troops would be deployed work on clarifying the main planning documents: the concept of the construction and development plan of service and combat use of troops and control system development concept troops National Guard of the Russian Federation.

In principle, the new document, to be developed, would be the State program "The National Guard of the Russian Federation." In addition, it was necessary to prepare proposals for amendments in Presidential Decree governing the management, cooperation, implementation of joint tasks as part of the United group of forces (forces) to conduct counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus region of Russia.

By decision of the General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, sharing plans for the troops of the National Guard with other law enforcement agencies would be clarified in due course with the introduction of the necessary changes before the end of this year.

The rules and legal basis of the National Guard's operations, according to the presidential press service, would be laid out in detail in a future federal law. Following the decree on its creation, the president submitted draft legislation to the lower house of parliament, the State Duma for deliberation and approval.

The lower house of parliament was due in May 2016 to consider whether President Vladimir Putin’s new National Guard should be allowed to shoot Russian citizens without warning. According to a draft law that Putin submitted to the State Duma, the National Guard would be prohibited from using firearms “at largely crowded places, if their use may casually hurt people.” In addition, National Guard personnel would be prohibited from firing at “women with visible signs of pregnancy, people with apparent signs of disability, and underage persons.”

However, members of the force would be allowed to shoot, without warning, anybody determined to be “threatening the life and health of citizens.” Taking this one step further, the Duma's committee on defense has proposed that National Guard members be granted immunity from any legal liability for actions they take that result in casualties. Russia's RBC News quoted the committee as saying “we believe that in these cases, the risk of harming random individuals would be justified,” and that members of the force "should not be held liable” if they need to open fire.

According to other provisions of the draft law, the National Guard would be authorized to quarantine an area to control riots, and to commandeer private citizens’ vehicles to get to a crime scene or chase criminals. The proposed legislation would also give the National Guard the right to take full control of any communication networks, if deemed necessary. Service members would be allowed to search homes, vehicles and individuals “if there are sufficient grounds to suspect them of committing a crime or an administrative offense."

The bill also said the National Guard would be staffed by conscripts as well as contract personnel. The National Guard would also have a mandate to take part in peacekeeping missions abroad, as well as an intelligence-gathering function in order to fight terrorism, extremism and organized crime.

To create Rosgvardii defined in three stages. The first was completed in December 2016. The structure had been transferred Rosgvardii relevant MIA units transferred to the material and technical means, the objects of movable and immovable property, formed territorial agencies Rosgvardii in all regions of the country. The second phase was to complete the creation of the territorial authorities, it would be finally developed structure throughout the country and beefed up staffing level.

The third stage - will be the final in creating Rosgvardii - from September 2017 till January 2018. This would finally complete the construction of operational services will be developed all the major governing business regulations, including cooperation with other law enforcement agencies. In the third phase of the military service would be transferred to riot police and SWAT, that is, they become soldiers.

Among the many different activities, Rosguard military personnel are trained in diving, mountain and parachute training, undergo courses for air guides, artillery fire spotters, and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. The best combat swimmers and paratroopers of the Russian Guard are military men under the contract of the Vityaz special-purpose center, and war veterans. More than half of them have the right to wear a maroon beret.

The Rosguard also has cynological units, in which about 3 thousand service dogs. The training of pets and their use in the troops are carried out in three categories: patrol, mine, and guard duty. By the way, a special pride of the cynological center located in Balashikha was the maternity complex. It annually grows more than 20 puppies, which they begin to train in a playful way from the first months of life.

https://web.archive.org/web/20211201204434/https://rosguard.gov.ru/Page/Index/okruga-vojsk-nacionalnoj-gvardii">Districts of the National Guard Troops

Central Orsha-Khingan Order of Zhukov Red Banner Regional CommandMoscow
Northwestern Order of the Red Star Regional CommandSaint Petersburg
North Caucasian Regional Command Pyatigorsk
Southern Regional CommandRostov-on-Don
Volga Regional CommandNizhny-Novgorod
Ural Regional CommandYekaterinburg
Siberian Regional CommandNovossibirsk
Eastern Regional CommandKhabarovsk
An operational-territorial association of troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as an operational-territorial association or district) is a military-administrative unit of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the troops of the national guard) and is created to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Each National Guard District is further subdivided into Brigades. The composition of the operational-territorial association includes the authorities, formations and military units of the National Guard troops stationed on its territory (hereinafter referred to as the authorities, formations and military units of the district), with the exception of the authorities, formations and military units directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Forces.

The main tasks of the operational-territorial formations of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation are:

  • maintaining the readiness of the administrative bodies, formations and military units of the district, subordinate territorial bodies, divisions and organizations to carry out peacetime tasks, as well as their combat and mobilization readiness at a level that ensures the timely fulfillment of the assigned tasks;
  • participation in the protection of public order, ensuring public safety;
  • protection of important state facilities, special cargo and facilities on communications in accordance with the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in the fight against terrorism and extremism;
  • participation in ensuring the state of emergency, martial law, the legal regime of the counter-terrorist operation;
  • participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation;
  • assistance to the border agencies of the federal security service in protecting the state border of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in repelling aggression against the Russian Federation jointly with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, border agencies of the federal security service, and other military formations and agencies;
  • protection of especially important and sensitive facilities, facilities subject to mandatory protection by the National Guard troops, in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, facilities of the National Guard troops, as well as the protection of property of individuals and legal entities under contracts;
  • organization of federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as over ensuring the security of fuel and energy complex facilities, over the activities of security units of legal entities with special statutory tasks and departmental security units;
  • carrying out civil defense activities in the administrative bodies, formations and military units of the district, subordinate territorial bodies, divisions and organizations.

Other tasks may be assigned to an operational-territorial association by decisions of the President of the Russian Federation.

Central Orsha-Khingan Order of Zhukov The Red Banner District of the National Guard Troops

The Central Orsha-Khingan Order of Zhukov The Red Banner District of the National Guard Troops dates back to 1919. By a resolution of the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense of May 28, 1919, all auxiliary troops at the disposal of individual departments, organizations and institutions, from June 1, 1919, were subordinated to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, which was carried out through the headquarters of the VOKhR troops. At the same time, the territory of the country was divided into 12 sectors, including the Moscow sector of the internal security forces.

On July 15, 1921, by order of the Cheka No. 21, the headquarters of the Moscow District of the Cheka was formed and began to fulfill its tasks, consisting of three separate regiments, twelve separate battalions, a cavalry division, an armored division, an aviation detachment, an engineering battalion and a special forces detachment under the Presidium of the Cheka.

On February 2, 1939, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the administration of the Moscow District was abolished - the regiments and battalions were transferred to the NKVD divisions (escort units and units for the protection of railways and especially important industrial enterprises).

During the Great Patriotic War, parts of the district fought as part of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Subsequently, for the capture of the city of Orsha, the district became known as Orsha. For the liberation of Minsk - he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, for distinction in battles with Japanese militarists - he was awarded the name "Khingan".

Nine servicemen were awarded the title "Hero of the Soviet Union", more than 12.5 thousand servicemen were awarded orders and medals.

On May 6, 1951, the NKVD escort division was reorganized into the 1st Orsha-Khingan Red Banner Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, and on December 15, 1968, into the 36th Orsha-Khingan Red Banner Division.

In 1986, the Moscow Department of Internal Troops was created on its basis, and in January 1993, the Moscow Orsha-Khingansky Red Banner District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was formed.

The military personnel of the district took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, carried out responsible combat missions in the hot spots of the Caucasus: Sumgait, Ferghana, Nagorno-Karabakh and North Ossetia. From the first days of the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic, military personnel stood up to protect the constitutional order and citizens from illegal armed formations.

For courage and heroism, the Golden Star of the Hero was awarded to 5 servicemen: Major General Gennady Fomenko, Corporal Yevgeny Bushmelev, Major Alexander Serezhnikov (posthumously), Lieutenant Oleg Babak (posthumously), Colonel Vasily Chubenko (posthumously).

In 2008, the Moscow District was transformed into the Central Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

With the formation of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, which included the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Regional Command was reformed into the Central District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

In its composition, the tasks are performed by: an operational brigade, special rapid response units, mobile special units, licensing and permit work and private security units, special motorized military units and military units for the protection of important state facilities and special cargo, aviation, marine and others military formations.

The activities of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs transferred to the Russian Guard are carried out by the territorial bodies of the National Guard Troops in 18 subjects of the Central Federal District.

North-Western District

Currently, territorial administrations, military units that are part of the North-Western District are located on the territory of 11 subjects of the Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk Region, Vologda Region, Kaliningrad Region, Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Leningrad Region, Murmansk Region, Nenets Autonomous district, Novgorod region, Pskov region and St. Petersburg). In St. Petersburg, under the leadership of the commander of the North-Western District of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Pavel Dashkov, the final meeting of the military council of the operational-territorial association was held 09 December 2020. Colonel General Pavel Dashkov noted that, despite the difficult epidemiological situation, all the tasks facing the troops of the district have been completed in full. The chief of staff of the district, Major General Andrei Peshakov, made a report on the results of the service and combat activities of the district in 2020. “Security has been ensured for holding festive events dedicated to the Nativity of Christ, the Day of Spring and Labor, the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Day of Russia, the Day of National Unity, the Main Naval Parade, the Single Voting Day, the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. Maritime units completed about 400 tasks to participate in the protection of public order and the protection of public safety, operational and preventive measures in the waters of water bodies. Reliable protection of the entrusted property of individuals and legal entities was ensured, while more than 7,000 offenses committed against the protected property of individuals and legal entities were suppressed. The private security units of the district processed more than 18,000 applications from the territorial departments of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, more than 17 thousand offenders, 419 wanted persons were delivered to the territorial bodies of internal affairs. In 2021, the North-Western District of the National Guard Troops will continue to fulfill the tasks assigned by law in order to realize its main purpose - protecting the individual, ensuring public and state security," Major General Andrey Peshakov said. More than 1.3 thousand young men in the autumn of 2021 were called up by military commissariats and sent for military service to the military units of the North-Western District of the National Guard Troops. Young people underwent a thorough selection, including not only a health assessment and professional psychological testing, but also a study of biographical data. During the draft, military personnel sent to the Russian Guard were issued a field uniform of the Mokh sample in the military registration and enlistment offices. It is an improved version of the uniform in terms of fabric composition and design, which was developed taking into account the wishes of the personnel of the department. The call took place in conditions of increased anti-epidemic measures - at the assembly points of the military commissariats, young people passed a test for the absence of a new coronavirus infection and received personal protective equipment. The history of the Northwestern District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation began on April 20, 1979. On this day, the Order of the Red Star Order of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-West and the Baltic States was formed in Leningrad. From the mid 1980s. military personnel of the Northwestern District have repeatedly taken part in the suppression of violations of public order, which are of a massive nature, carried out tasks to separate the warring parties in zones of interethnic conflicts, took part in the liquidation of illegal armed formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, as well as in counter-terrorist operations on the territory of the North-West Caucasian region of the Russian Federation. The personnel ensured public order and public safety during the Summer Olympic Games in Leningrad, the III Goodwill Games in 1994, celebrations in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the G8 summit in 2006, the Cup confederations FIFA-2017, Eight military personnel and employees of the district were awarded the title of Hero of Russia (Major General Fomenko Gennady Dmitrievich, Major Kulkov Nikita Gennadievich (posthumously), Captain Bavykin Sergey Petrovich (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant Kichkaylo Gennady Anatolyevich (posthumously), Corporal Chilikanov Igor Vasilyevich (posthumously), militia captain Sergei Vladimirovich Perets (posthumously), militia captain Usachev Vladimir Ivanovich (posthumously), militia lieutenant Aleksey Vitalievich Brovkovich (posthumously). More than 700 servicemen and employees of the district were awarded state, more than 8500 - departmental awards. More than 4,500 active military personnel and employees of the district are combat veterans. In the Leningrad Region, on 05 May 2022 Colonel-General Pavel Dashkov, Commander of the North-Western District of the Russian Guard, presented state awards to servicemen undergoing treatment after being wounded during the special military operation in Ukraine. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the medal "For Courage" was awarded to a serviceman of the special forces detachment, ensign Sergei F. Ensign, being part of a special forces group while performing a combat mission to take control of the bridge, was subjected to fierce fire from the enemy. Having received a serious wound, regardless of his own life, the National Guard continued to fire at the enemy, covering his comrades. The Suvorov Medal was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service Alexei D., who, under enemy fire, evacuated the wounded National Guard and provided them with medical care. In battle, he received shrapnel wounds to both hands and concussion, but, despite bleeding, risking himself, he saved their lives. Colonel-General Pavel Dashkov wished the servicemen a speedy recovery and congratulated them on the approaching 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Also, the commander of the district heard reports from the medical staff on the ongoing medical measures and checked the conditions for the accommodation of the wounded.

North Caucasian District

At the beginning of 1993, on the basis of the Directorate of Internal Troops for the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the North Caucasian District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created. The military personnel of the district participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict of 1992, in the restoration of constitutional order on the territory of Chechnya from 1994 to 1996. They performed service and combat missions during the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the North Caucasus region - in Dagestan and Chechnya from 1999 to 2003. In 2002, the military personnel of the district provided assistance in eliminating the consequences of floods in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in 2010 they took part in extinguishing fires in the Volgograd Region. In 2008, the District Administration was transformed into the North Caucasian Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2014, the military personnel of the North Caucasus Regional Command ensured the protection of public order and public safety during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Based on the Decree of the President of Russia, the Federal Law and the order of the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, from April to October 2016, the North Caucasian Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was transformed into the North Caucasian District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. In 2017, military personnel and employees of the district took an active part in the elimination of the consequences of large-scale fires in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, performed tasks to protect public order and ensure public safety during the 2017 Confederations Cup and the World Festival of Youth and Students. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2017, the North Caucasian District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation was reorganized into the North Caucasian and Southern District, according to the territorial division of the Russian Federation. The Directorate of the North Caucasian District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is stationed in the city of Pyatigorsk. Military units and territorial bodies of the district are located on the territory of seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the North Caucasian Federal District. Military personnel and employees of the North Caucasian District of the National Guard of the Russian Federation provide reliable protection of public order and public safety in the region, together with interacting power structures, take part in anti-terrorist and preventive operations, exercise state control over compliance with legislation in the field of arms trafficking and private security activities , protect objects of various forms of ownership - they are one of the most important Russian power structures for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state in the North Caucasus region.

Southern District

In January 1993, on the basis of the Directorate of Internal Troops for the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the North Caucasian District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created. In accordance with the Plan for the construction and development of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010, approved by the President of Russia, from January 1, 2008, the district administration was transformed into the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. On September 3, 2016, on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia dated April 5, 2016 No. 157 on the creation of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasian Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was transformed into the North Caucasian District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. The primary task that was set before the district from the very beginning of its formation is to ensure public order and public safety of the citizens of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus region. The military personnel of the district participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict of 1992, in the restoration of constitutional order on the territory of Chechnya in 1994-96. They performed combat missions during the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the North Caucasus region - in Dagestan and Chechnya in 1999-2003. The military personnel of the district assisted in the aftermath of a natural flood in 2002 in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in 2010 in extinguishing fires in the Volgograd Region, and participated in the aftermath of the flood in June 2012 in the city of Krymsk (Krasnodar Territory). In 2014, the military personnel of the North Caucasian District completed all the tasks assigned to protect public order and ensure public safety during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Games in Sochi. In 2017, military personnel and employees of the district took an active part in the elimination of the consequences of large-scale fires in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, and also completed the tasks of protecting public order and ensuring public safety during the 2017 Confederations Cup - the eighth football tournament among national teams held by under the auspices of FIFA, the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Sochi, Krasnodar Territory. Currently, military personnel and employees of the district carry out the tasks of protecting public order, ensuring public safety, protecting important state facilities and special cargo, participating in countering terrorism, participating in the territorial defense of Russia and assisting the border authorities of the Federal Security Service in protecting the state border of the Russian Federation , as well as the tasks of controlling the circulation of weapons and the provision of private security services, the power component of special events during the detention of armed criminals, the protection of enterprises, officials and individuals. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasian District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, as a result of the reform, was renamed the Southern District of the National Guard Troops with the location of Rostov-on-Don.

Volga District / Privolzhsky District

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR dated October 14, 1980, on the basis of the department of the 68th escort division, whose headquarters was stationed in the city of Gorky, the department of internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Volga-Vyatka zone was formed. In 1987, the department was renamed Privolzhsky, and in March 1993 it was transformed into the Volga District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The modern period of the district began in 2016, when the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation was created on the basis of the internal troops. The divisions of the district perform tasks on the territory of 14 regions of the Volga region. The structure of the district includes operational units and military units that provide protection for important state facilities, special forces, aviation and naval units, as well as territorial departments of the Russian Guard, including the Directorate of the Russian Guard for the Samara Region and the units included in them: private security, detachments of OMON and SOBR, units of the licensing system. Residents face the activities of the divisions of the Volga District of the Russian Guard on a daily basis. Perhaps everyone saw on the roads of their city official cars with the inscription "Rosgvardia". This is a non-departmental security, which is at the forefront of the fight against street crime and firmly stands on the protection of the property of citizens and institutions. It is these employees who are the first to come to the rescue when a signal is received about a crime or incident, rescue people from fires, provide assistance to victims in an accident or pull people in distress out of water bodies. In addition, private security units make a serious contribution to the fight against crime: patrolling the streets, they are in direct contact with citizens around the clock. The provision of public order on the streets, in the subway, major events is provided, together with law enforcement officers, by military personnel of operational units and special motorized units of the Russian Guard. Thanks to their work, the density of law enforcement squads and the coverage of controlled territories are increasing. The servicemen of the Russian Guard are often involved in search activities to rescue lost citizens in the forest area and to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters. Only in the first nine months of 2020, officers detained more than 78,000 people on suspicion of committing criminal offenses and administrative offenses. Of these, 982 were wanted. Seized: more than 2 kg of narcotic substances, 11 firearms, 710 ammunition, 172 knives. No less known to the public are the special units of the National Guard - OMON, OMON in transport and SOBR. Special units provide force support to law enforcement agencies in the fight against terrorism and extremism, detain criminals who pose an increased threat to society, and provide security for representatives of interacting bodies in the performance of official duties. Military special forces, or "maroon berets" are "heavy artillery" in the fight against terrorists and extremists. These units are capable of performing tasks of increased complexity, and in cooperation with aviation and artillery units, they are the main strike force of the Russian Guard. It is the units of the military special forces of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Special forces, as well as operational units, are also involved in ensuring the security of mass events. The most ambitious in recent years was the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which was held in four cities of the Volga region. It was the divisions of the National Guard that made a significant contribution to the protection of public order at this significant international event. There is a unit in the National Guard troops that is well known to hunting enthusiasts and representatives of private security and detective activities. This is the center of licensing and permitting work. The employees of the LRR are entrusted with the most important tasks of controlling the circulation of weapons and the activities of private security companies. Less well-known, but no less significant tasks are performed by military units for the protection of important state facilities and closed administrative-territorial formations (for example, Sarov in the Nizhny Novgorod region), ensuring the safety of scientific and industrial facilities of the defense complex and nuclear energy. Marine units of the Russian Guard in the Volga region perform tasks of patrolling the waters of the Volga and Kama rivers and reservoirs. They provide assistance to supervisory authorities in the suppression of crimes and the conservation of biological resources in their area of responsibility, and are also involved in ensuring public order during public events. For courage and courage shown in the performance of military duty, over 5 thousand military personnel and employees of the Volga District were awarded state awards, of which 14 were awarded the title of Hero of Russia: Lieutenant Colonels Alexander Yanklovich, Dmitry Larin and Nikolai Zlobin, Police Colonel Sergei Yashkin, Police Major Pavel Shevchenko . Posthumously: Senior Lieutenant Igor Gurov, Lieutenant Pavel Petrachkov, Senior Sergeant Nikolai Isaev, Sergeant Alexander Belodedov, Junior Sergeant Ivan Kropochev, Private Alexander Puzinovsky, police captains Dmitry Novoselov and Yevgeny Shnitnikov, junior police lieutenant Fyodor Kuzmin.

Ural District

The Ural District of the National Guard Troops celebrates its anniversary 14 October 2020. The operational-territorial association was 40 years old. By the significant date, the creative team led by the commander of the Ural District of the Russian Guard, Colonel-General Alexander Popov, which included veterans and active officers, published the “Book of Memory” - a collection of essays on servicemen and employees of the district who died in the line of military and official duty. It contains documentary and artistic essays about 136 fighters, whose names are carved on the pylons of the memorial on the territory of the district administration. 11 of them were awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously). In Tyumen, the command and staff of the training center for personnel of the canine service of the Ural District and the territorial department of the Russian Guard met with veterans of the law enforcement forces online. Representatives of the older generation, who stood at the origins of the district, shared their memories of the service. In Chelyabinsk, employees of the Russian Guard organized a photo exhibition on social networks dedicated to the anniversary of the Urals District. The selection includes photographs that capture episodes of the daily activities of department departments in the region. Anyone can view the work using a mobile phone, tablet or computer in the official group of the Department of the Russian Guard in the Chelyabinsk region on the VKontakte social network. In the Sverdlovsk region, in honor of the anniversary, a competition of professional skills among private security officers has started. The results will be summed up at the end of the week. There are still several stages of the competition ahead, where the Russian Guardsmen will have to demonstrate their skills in driving official vehicles, actions in the event of an alarm from a protected facility and knowledge of the regulatory framework. In Khanty-Mansiysk, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksey Migutsky, Deputy Head of the Department of the Russian Guard for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, held an online lesson of courage dedicated to the anniversary date for students of School No. 8. The officer told the children about the history of the National Guard troops, the service and combat missions performed by special forces, as well as about the features of the service of private security officers. As part of the lesson, ninth-graders were shown a documentary about the National Guard. In Yamal, servicemen and employees of the territorial administration of the Russian Guard published a video clip online in honor of the 40th anniversary of the district. The shooting took place in the picturesque corners of Salekhard, clearly reflecting the identity and flavor of the Arctic region. The video presented to the public included footage from the personal archives of veterans of the service, as well as military personnel and employees of the department. The performer of the song in the video was an employee of the Territorial Directorate, Police Major Olga Svetlova. The personnel of the Ural District of the Russian Guard were congratulated by the stars of the Russian stage, theater and cinema - Rodion Gazmanov, Vladimir Shakhrin, Marina Mogilevskaya, Valentin Smirnitsky, Vladimir Steklov and others.

Siberian District

In the Siberian Federal District, servicemen and employees of the National Guard ensured the protection of public order and public safety of festive events dedicated to the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The Russian Guard, together with other law enforcement agencies, ensured the safety of the Victory Parade in the city of Novosibirsk and 24 solemn processions in the settlements of Siberia. The assigned tasks were completed in full. Violations of public order are not allowed. The Siberian Federal District is an administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Federation. Until Nov. 2018, there were 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the district: the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia, the Altai Territory, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, the Kemerovo Region, the Novosibirsk Region, the Omsk Region, the Tomsk Region. Nov. 2018 the Republic of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory were excluded from the district. Within the district there are 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia, the Altai Territory, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass, the Novosibirsk Region, the Omsk Region, the Tomsk Region. The territory of the Siberian Federal District makes up 25.47% of the territory of Russia, the population as of January 1, 2021 is 17,009,200 people. On the territory of Siberia are concentrated: 96% of the total Russian reserves of platinum, 80% of coal, 73% of nickel, 51% of manganese ores, 43% of copper, 40% of lead, 40% of gold, 17% of molybdenum, 17% of silver, 16% of zinc. The district accounts for 9.6% of the GRP of the regions of the country (2019 data). The share of the district in the total volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services performed on its own in the Russian Federation in 2019 amounted to 12.06%, agricultural production - 10%, investments in fixed assets - 9.26%. The share of the Siberian Federal District in the total length of Russian railways is 17.5%. Over 85% of all-Russian lead reserves are concentrated in the Siberian Federal Districtand platinum, 80% coal and molybdenum, 71% nickel, 69% copper, 44% silver, 40% gold. The gross regional product is 11.4% of Russia's GDP. The share in the total length of Russian railways is 17.5%. 59% of the district's territory is occupied by forests; 8.1% - swamps; 11.1% - agricultural land; 3, 3% - water bodies. 11% of all land under reindeer pastures. The total area of ??the forest fund is 372 million hectares, including the area occupied by conifers - 190 million hectares. The total stock of standing timber is estimated at 33 billion cubic meters. There are 21 state natural reserves (42.3% of the area of ??Russian reserves) and 6 national parks (35.9% of the area of ??Russian national parks) on the territory of the district. 30.7% of the total area of ??hunting grounds in Russia is concentrated in the Siberian Federal District. The leading industries are non- ferrous metallurgy, electric power industry, forestry and woodworking, ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical, food and flour milling, fuel, building materials, mechanical engineering and metalworking, light industry. The share of the district in the total volume of agricultural production in Russia is 16.2%. The most important branches of agriculture are animal husbandry, grain production, and vegetable growing. Transit flows (freight and passenger traffic) from Europe to Asia pass through the Siberian Federal District. The Siberian Federal District includes territories with extreme living conditions; a significant part of its territory belongs to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas. About 70 thousand people of eighteen nationalities of the indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia live on the territory of the district - more than a third of all the indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia living in the Russian Federation. Branches of three Russian academies of sciences operate on the territory of the district - the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which include more than a hundred research organizations, as well as a network of research and experimental stations.

Eastern District

On January 11, 1978, the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the Creation of Military Formations in the Far East and Eastern Siberia" was adopted. In the same year, on the basis of the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Department of Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far East and Eastern Siberia was formed with a location in Khabarovsk. Military personnel of the Eastern District of Law Enforcement Troops have repeatedly taken part in hostilities in the North Caucasus region, eliminated the consequences of natural disasters in the Far East, and took part in ensuring the security of socio-political, cultural and sports events. On April 5, 2016, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Eastern Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was transformed into the Eastern District of the Russian National Guard Troops. The Eastern District of the National Guard Troops celebrated 11 January 2018 the 40th anniversary of the formation of the operational-territorial association. "Formed on January 11, 1978 to protect communications on the Trans-Baikal and Far Eastern Railways, important industrial facilities on the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the world's northernmost Bilibino nuclear power plant, the district has now become an integral part of the combat potential of the Russian Guard," said the director of the Federal service of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, whose words are quoted by the department. The Commander-in-Chief emphasized that over the years, military personnel of the Eastern District were involved in resolving interethnic conflicts in the territory of the former USSR, fought against illegal armed formations in the Chechen Republic, and participated in counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus region. He noted that the military personnel of the district adequately performed the tasks of eliminating the consequences of natural disasters in Primorye, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Sakhalin Region, reliably ensured the safety of major international events, such as the APEC 2012 summit and the annual Eastern Economic Forum, successfully interacted with colleagues from other power structures during operations for the conservation of aquatic biological resources. "Today, the personnel of the Eastern District of the National Guard Troops, relying on the combat traditions of their predecessors, constantly improve their professional skills, successfully solve the tasks of protecting important state facilities, participating in the protection of public order, ensuring public safety, combating terrorism and extremism, making a significant contribution in defense of the national interests of our country," V. Zolotov noted. He thanked the servicemen and employees of the district for the successful fulfillment of the tasks set by the state, and also expressed special gratitude to the veterans for maintaining the glorious traditions and high morale of the personnel. Military personnel and employees of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation took part in the events of the international forum "Army-2021" in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. The sites of the Russian Guard are deployed in Khabarovsk at the Tsentralny airfield, as well as at the Vostochny airfield in Ulan-Ude. The department presented the latest models of equipment and weapons, demonstrated the actions of special units in detaining dangerous criminals, releasing hostages and disarming explosive objects. There are points at the exhibitions where citizens can get information about the procedure for serving in the National Guard troops. Soloists of the Amur Ensemble and the military band of the headquarters of the Eastern District of the Russian Guard will perform for forum visitors. Since 2021, the district was commanded by Colonel General Igor Golloev. As part of the service meeting, Lieutenant General Kurbonali Safarov, Acting Commander of the Eastern District, congratulated the officers on a significant date. He wished his subordinates good health, prosperity and success in their service for the benefit of the Fatherland.

  • veterans of the law enforcement forces in the Tula region
  • National Guard of the Russian Federation
  • 55th division (Moscow unit for the protection of public order)5401 Moscow
    93rd Order of the Red Star Division (Ozersk formation)3273 Ozersk
    94th Red Banner Order of Zhukov Division (Sarov formation)3274 Sarov
    95th division for the protection of important objects3272 Moscow
    96th division (Kalinovskoye formation)3469 Yekaterinburg
    98th division (Seversk formation)3478 Seversk
    Separate Orders of Zhukov, Lenin and the October Revolution Red Banner Operational Division named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky (ODON)
    102nd Separate Operational Brigade (OBRON)6752 Makhachkala
    115th Separate Special Purpose Brigade (OBRON)6939 Kerch
    21st Separate Order of Zhukov Operational Brigade (OBRON)3641 Sofrino village
    22nd separate operational brigade (OBRON)3642 Kalach-on-Don
    30th training brigade3033 Persianovsky village
    33rd Separate Operational Brigade (OBRON)3526 Lebyazhye village
    34th Separate Operational Brigade (OBRON)3671 Bogorodsk
    46th Order of Zhukov Separate Operational Brigade (OBRON)3025 Grozny
    49th separate operational brigade (OBRON)3748 Vladikavkaz
    50th separate operational brigade (OBRON)3660 Novocherkassk
    604th Red Banner Special Purpose Center "Vityaz" ODON3179
    79th division (brigade)6676 Kirov
    91st Separate Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Brigade (Krasnoyarsk formation)7486 Krasnoyarsk
    1st Naval Detachment3800 Khabarovsk
    1st training center3701 Persianovskiy village
    102nd Special Motorized Regiment5128 Moscow
    104th Special Motorized Regiment5129 Moscow
    107th Special Motorized Regiment3747 Moscow
    109th Special Motorized Regiment5126 Moscow
    110th training engineer-sapper regiment5134 Syktyvkar
    12th Special Purpose Detachment (ooSpN) "Ural"6748 Nizhny Tagil
    121st operational regiment3723 Nalchik
    124th Regiment3705 Sosnovy Bor
    126th Regiment3718 Nazran
    127th Special Motorized ("Olympic") Regiment3662 Sochi
    138th Regiment3275 Lesnoy
    140th Artillery Regiment3761 Naurskaya station
    141st Special Motorized Regiment named after Hero of the Russian Federation Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov "North"4156 Grozny
    142nd separate mixed aviation regiment5592 Mozdok
    143rd Operational Regiment6910 Cossack camps
    144th Special Motorized Regiment6915 Feodosia
    147th Regiment6778 Grozny
    15th personnel training center (524th reserve training regiment)6622 Tolyatti
    15th Special Purpose Detachment (ooSpN) "Vyatich"6761 Armavir
    16th center for the training of personnel of the ODON3421
    17th Special Purpose Detachment "Avangard" ("Edelweiss")6762 Mineralnye Vody
    19th Special Purpose Detachment (ooSpN) "Ermak"6749 Novosibirsk
    2nd Naval Detachment3798 Murmansk
    2nd Order of Kutuzov Operational Regiment ODON of the National Guard3186
    2nd Special Motorized Regiment5402 St. Petersburg
    21st Special Forces Detachment (ooSpN) "Typhoon"6767 Khabarovsk
    23rd Special Purpose Detachment (ooSpN) "Obereg"6830 Chelyabinsk
    236th Minsk Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment of Protection and Support7456 Moscow
    1st separate mixed aviation squadron (OSAE)3524 Khabarovsk
    10th separate aviation squadron3733 Novosibirsk
    11th Separate Special Purpose Aviation Squadron3734 Voronezh
    164th separate battalion3678 Desnogorsk
    165th separate battalion3679 Udomlya
    170th Separate Battalion of Internal Troops3504 Volgodonsk
    184th separate communications battalion3698 Novosibirsk
    2nd separate aviation squadron3543 Irkutsk
    213th separate communications battalion3727 St. Petersburg
    214th separate communications battalion3728 Yekaterinburg
    230th Red Banner Battalion (Regiment) for the Protection and Support of the Internal Troops7405 Rostov-on-Don
    243rd separate communications battalion3773 Vladikavkaz
    244th separate communications battalion3774 Pyatigorsk
    249th separate special motorized battalion "South"4157 Vedeno village
    262nd separate battalion of protection and support7408 Nizhny Novgorod
    271st separate communications battalion5578 Bogorodsk
    28th separate battalion3448 Ozersk
    281st separate engineer-sapper battalion5588 Zelenokumsk
    285th Separate Special Purpose Battalion3644 Polyarnye Zori
    319th separate battalion for the protection and provision of training centers of the ODON3058
    335th Separate Operational Battalion7605 Yekaterinburg
    336th separate battalion of protection and support7482 Khabarovsk
    343rd separate battalion of material support6770 Mozdok
    344th separate commandant battalion of the ODON6771
    35th (reconnaissance) special forces detachment (ooSpN) "Rus"6922 Simferopol
    353rd separate communications battalion6784 Grozny
    354th separate engineer-sapper battalion6785 Grozny
    355th separate repair and restoration battalion6786 Grozny
    356th separate battalion of material support6787 Grozny
    357th separate medical battalion6788 Grozny
    358th Separate Operational Battalion6776 Grozny
    362nd separate operational battalion3754 Chermen village
    374th separate battalion3411 Chuguevka village
    375th Separate Operational Battalion6688 Astrakhan
    376th Separate Operational Battalion5389 Kizlyar
    378th Separate Red Banner Operational Battalion3219 Labinsk
    380th separate battalion of material support6820 Krasnodar
    383rd Separate Operational Battalion3724 Vladikavkaz
    388th separate battalion3494 Elban settlement
    4th Separate Novgorod Artillery Division5382 Cossack camps
    4th separate company of the RCB for the protection of the ODON3401
    406th Separate Special Motorized Minsk Order of the Red Star Battalion2659 Kaliningrad
    424th Separate Operational Battalion2671 Khankala settlement
    428th separate battalion3730 Kazan
    434th separate battalion6891 Kotovsk
    441st separate battalion of support for ODON6909
    447th separate battalion3651 Dubrovka settlement
    6th Separate Special Purpose Aviation Squadron3692 Krasnodar
    60th Separate Order of the Red Star Battalion for Supporting the Activities7427 Pyatigorsk
    641st special commandant's office3537 Bilibino
    66th separate battalion3559 Dubna
    67th separate battalion3512 Obolensk settlement
    7th separate aviation squadron3693 Pushkin
    71st separate battalion3527 Kurchatov
    748th Separate Operational Battalion6912 Khabarovsk
    750th separate special motorized battalion6918 Evpatoria
    752nd separate engineer-sapper battalion ODON6923
    8th separate aviation squadron3731 Engels
    9th separate aviation squadron3732 Yekaterinburg
    925th separate battalion3475 Zelenogorsk
    928th separate battalion3498 Miass
    Battalion (former 83rd regiment) of communications3034 Rostov-on-Don
    National Guard Battalion for the protection of important state facilities3479 Votkinsk
    Military unit 3667 of the National Guard (battalion Persianovsky village
    Military unit 3684 (separate battalion Balakovo
    Military unit 3796 (battalion Sarov
    Military unit 6790 (battalion Grozny
    Military unit 6819 (battalion Zeleny settlement
    Military unit 6898 (battalion Moscow
    Garrison apartment-operational unit of the ODON3492
    Special purpose group "Wolverine"2669 Zheleznogorsk
    Kaluga separate training center for personnel6681 Kaluga
    Separate aviation squadron6941 Zheleznovodsk
    Separate artillery battalion6904 Shelkovskaya station
    Separate security and support battalion (OBOO)6717 St. Petersburg
    Separate battalion of protection and support2668 Novosibirsk
    Separate battalion3433 Kamensk-Shakhtinsky
    Separate battalion3677 Novovoronezh
    Separate battalion6901 Kursk
    Separate battalion6911 Gorny settlement
    Separate battalion6913 Makhachkala
    Separate communications battalion ODON3128
    Separate communications battalion3575 Khabarovsk
    Separate medical and sanitary battalion ODON3532
    Separate repair and restoration battalion ODON3187
    Separate repair and restoration battalion3658 Persianovskiy village
    Special motorized battalion6919 Gaspra settlement

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