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Russian Guard - Rosguard - Activities

Following numerous requests from veterans of special forces, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Guard approved short-term contracts in 604 CSN Vityaz. Contract for 3 months. All those wishing to sign a contract to participate in the SVO as part of the detachment would go through a selection committee with the signing of all relevant documents in the division. After the approval and signing of the documents, three weeks of military training and coordination at the Vityaz training center with a trip to the training grounds. The first set started 15 June 2022. The contract spelled out all the laws and regulations of existing employees.

Rob Lee noted that this is Rosgvardia's most elite unit. The fact that they're accepting and deploying volunteers after only three weeks of training demonstrates how serious the manpower issue is. It also shows that many Russian units will have a mix of professionals and reservists/volunteers. At least seven members of Rosgvardia’s elite 604th Special Purpose Center Vityaz unit have reportedly been killed in Ukraine. The Ukrainian MoD said in March 2022 that Vityaz is operating in the Kyiv region and was allegedly supposed to be used for an assault of Kyiv.

Being in Ukraine, under fierce artillery shelling, the National Guard carried out combat missions to prevent attacks on military and humanitarian convoys. In addition, the special forces inflicted significant damage on the enemy in terms of manpower and equipment, and detained a large number of members of the nationalist armed groups. Special forces of Pomorye were met 17 June 2022 by close relatives, friends and colleagues. Major General Denis Yermakov, Deputy Commander of the North-Western District of the Russian Guard, addressed the fighters who arrived at the permanent deployment point with words of welcome. On behalf of the command, the officer thanked them for the successful completion of combat missions, courageous and decisive actions that contributed to the approach of the future victory.

An officer of the Russian Guard, who participated in a special military operation in Ukraine, was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia. “By a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of tasks during a special military operation, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to an officer of the Russian Guard, Lieutenant Maxim Andreevich Kontsov (posthumously),” the message said 08 April 2022. The lieutenant, having received information about the location of the sabotage and reconnaissance group of nationalists, moved forward as a senior reconnaissance group to conduct a special event. Having found the enemy, the reconnaissance group entered the battle. Having personally suppressed the firing point, Lieutenant Kontsov ensured the maneuver to encircle the DRG. Having received several gunshot wounds, he discovered and destroyed an enemy grenade launcher and continued to lead his subordinates.

In Moscow, Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation General of the Army Viktor Zolotov on 22 april 2022 presented state awards to employees of the department who distinguished themselves during the special military operation in Ukraine. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of Courage was awarded to police colonel Yuri Z. The medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, were awarded to police lieutenant colonels Andrey B. and Fedor S..

Thanks to the high level of professional skill, courage and personal courage of the officers, who competently led their subordinates in a combat situation, it was possible to prevent several attacks on military columns, avoid losses among the personnel of the units, inflict significant damage to the enemy in manpower and equipment, and detain a large number of participants armed formations. Only as a result of one of the clashes with the nationalists, a division of the Russian Guard destroyed 3 mortar crews, captured several foreign portable anti-tank missile systems, seized more than 50 mines of 82 mm caliber, fuses. In addition, a notebook was found with notes on the number of personnel and equipment of enemy units, the exact coordinates of their locations, and personal documents of the nationalists.

The fighters returned home 22 April 2022, to the point of permanent deployment, in service vehicles with the Z symbol. The solemn parade of personnel took place at the base of the unit. Major General Georgy Medoev, Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the Krasnodar Territory, thanked the soldiers for their devotion to service, fidelity to duty and courage. “The tasks set by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, Commander of the Southern District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Turchenyuk, have been fulfilled,” said Georgy Medoev.

According to the federal law “On the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation,” the Russian guards together with the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation participate in the maintenance of public order, ensuring public safety, and the fight against terrorism and extremism. Protect important government facilities, including fuel and energy complex (the corresponding list was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), special cargoes, facilities on communications. They take part in ensuring emergency and martial law regimes and the legal regime of counter-terrorism operations. In the territorial defense of the Russian Federation, they assist the border agencies of the FSB of Russia in protecting the state border of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the Russian Guard provides licenses and permits for the acquisition, storage and carrying of civilian and service weapons, controls its circulation, carries out licensing and supervision of private security activities, and controls the work of departmental security. The service also protects the property of legal entities and individuals under contracts. Rosguard maintains information databases on citizens who own weapons and on persons who received a private security guard certificate.

The Russian National Guard and Chinese People’s Armed Police signed an agreement on 18 May 2016 to hold joint tactical exercises in July 2016. The joint exercises would focus on counter-terrorism, and the exercises are not aimed against any countries or regions. In accordance with the protocol, the joint drills have been given the code name ‘Cooperation – 2016’ and would take place in the first half of July 2016. Over a period of two weeks, in the Smolensk and Moscow regions, two combined mixed units consisting of Russian and Chinese service personnel (in a 50:50 ratio) would undergo classes on basic preparations for special forces in the form of practical actions.

In 2016 Rosgvardiey destroyed 125 bandits, including about 10 leaders of bandit groups, eliminated more than 300 infrastructure bandit underground in the North Caucasus Federal District. The republic of the North Caucasus remained a center of terrorist activity in the territory of the country. The Rosgvardiey prevented many Russian citizens leaving attempts to participate in international terrorist organizations, including the fighting in the Middle East countries.

Rosgvardiya became controller in the provision of private security services. Today, private security firms - are not just a unit to carry out protection, they should be a great help to the security forces to ensure the security of citizens. It was necessary to establish requirements for security companies working for the budget, primarily because they must be spent rationally. In addition, it would be specified and regulatory framework. Setting requirements would improve the quality and safety, and the quality of the budget expenditure for the execution of security services, and optimize the costs of the state for the protection of objects.

Important state facilities are under guard of troops. These are nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons and fuel and energy complex facilities, enterprises of the nuclear and chemical industries. "Thanks to the vigilance of the military in 2019, theft of material assets from guarded facilities in the amount exceeding 25 million rubles was prevented, about 8 thousand violators of the access control regime were detained," the department said.

In the course of fulfilling tasks to protect important state facilities, the marine divisions of the Russian Guard saw over 2.8 thousand units of underwater objects with a total area of ??802 thousand square meters. km, and divers spent under water about 4.8 thousand hours. Thanks to the air regiments and squadrons, special forces aviation units, the troops are mobile and can effectively carry out tasks throughout the country. “In 2019, Rosguard pilots made over 40 thousand flights. In addition, as a result of military-service missions, the department’s aviation revealed 100 facts of poaching, 60 people and nine wanted vehicles,” the press service said.

Every day, more than 3 thousand groups of detention of private guards of the Russian Guard go on patrol routes. Clear and competent actions of the personnel of the detention groups allowed to stop about 83 thousand offenses in relation to protected property and over 95 thousand offenses at the objects and places of residence and storage of property of citizens.

Systematic work was continuing to strengthen state control over the circulation of weapons, the activities of private security agencies, as well as ensuring security at the facilities of the fuel and energy complex. “Today, the divisions of licensing and permitting work of the Rosguard exercise control over the owners of weapons, which number about 4 million in our country. Citizens have more than 6.6 million weapons in their hands,” the department’s press service noted. conducted 3.7 million inspections, according to the results of which 250 thousand gun owners were brought to administrative responsibility, about 50 thousand licenses and permits were canceled. "

In addition, 2.1 thousand objects of the fuel and energy complex were inspected, 19.3 thousand private security organizations and 916 private detectives were monitored. At the same time, in the field of licensing and permitting work, citizens are provided with 25 types of public services, of which 24 are in electronic form.

On January 17, 2020, the Rosgvardia press service reported that the Combined Counter-Terrorist Operations Group in the North Caucasus Region (it includes Rosgvard troops and police units) eliminated 28 participants in the terrorist cells. Rosguards and police discovered and destroyed more than 190 gang infrastructure. More than 1,200 weapons were withdrawn from illegal trafficking, of which 736 were hunting weapons, more than 77,000 ammunition of various calibers, and improvised explosive devices were neutralized.

Since February 2020, the Rosgvardeytsy provided law and order in places of isolation of citizens infected with coronavirus. It was also expected that by the end of 2020, nine Russian Arctic ports would be under the protection of the troops of the department.

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