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Spetsnaz Russian Interior Troops

Russia's president signed a decree April 05, 2016 to create a national guard tasked with fighting terrorism and organized crime. The new federal agency will be led by Vladimir Putin's former chief bodyguard, Viktor Zolotov. Formed out of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, according to the president, will continue to work "in close cooperation" with the ministry.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs still has its own special forces. Recall that almost all special forces of the ministry, including OMON, SOBR and the legendary "maroon berets", were transferred to the National Guard. At the highest state level, it was decided that the police should conduct operational development, and the National Guard should provide power support. In principle, little has changed in the interaction between operatives and special forces. Except for some increase in matching time.

The role of special operations forces in armed conflicts increased. Military experts from different countries believe it is logical, because humanity is entering a period of new generation and a new type of war, which will be characterized by other methods of warfare, methods of using the forces and means. Especially, the increasing desire of warring sides not to effect the physical destruction of the enemy, but to ensure undermining the military power from within.

And the main role is given to the troops of special purpose - they are usually assigned the task to destroy the theater of operations of critical strategic targets both on the front lines of the enemy, and in its operational and tactical rear, restore them of aircraft and missiles, conducting psychological operations, etc.

History already knows a lot of facts, when the use of special forces both before and during the conflict contributed to the success of the operation and the end of the conflict as a whole. These and other facts, as well as the growth of terrorism in the world have allowed military specialists in our country and abroad, to conclude the extension functions Special Forces in support of combat operations at all stages. The increasing role of special forces in the future as predicted due to take place in recent years, changes in the political and military power in the world.

All of this puts special forces at a priority position in the military plans of the ministries of different countries. As the experience of local wars, the main features of special forces following: their relatively small structure, excellent training, daring, surprise, initiative, speed, coherence; skillful use of percussion and maneuvering capabilities of weapons, military equipment and protective properties of the terrain, time of day, weather conditions.

Internal forces are included in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Tasks to be performed by internal forces, are clearly defined in the Federal Law "On the Internal Troops." These include:

  • Participation of internal troops, together with the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation in ensuring public order, national security, and in case of any accident or a state of emergency;
  • Ensuring the protection of public facilities and special cargoes;
  • Participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Assistance to the border troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation in the protection of the State border of the Russian Federation.

Internal troop spetsnaz units fell under the control of the MVD in 1992, and they continued to be deployed to trouble spots and are among the most experienced and effective of all Russian forces in dealing with interethnic conflict. Activated in 1978, these forces have grown substantially and are currently organized in brigade, battalion and company increments.

At least some of the spetsnaz units formerly assigned to the KGB were later subordinated to a new "T" Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Security, responsible for counterterrorism and said to have both field and analytical components.

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