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Intelligence Programs and Systems

Core systems include both system architectures for intelligence systems and applications interoperability, as well as those technical standards and common infrastructure elements, such as operating systems, that support such interoperability.
Tasking systems are used to direct and prioritize collection requirements, and form the interface between consumers and producers of intelligence products.
Collection systems come from a variety of organizations, echelons, services, and intelligence disciplines. These include but are not limited to tactical ground-based IEW systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and space systems.
Processing systems receive, convert, and correlate information into a form usable as combat information or intelligence. These processors are found at all echelons of the intelligence architecture, and include both primary processing and secondary exploitation systems.
Dissemination systems provide the communications links between collection systems, processors, and users. These include both the physical communications channels, as well as networks, protocols and software, and databases and servers for the staging of products for dissemination.
Other programs is a catch-all residual category, which includes a variety of programs that appear to be intelligence-related but whose exact purpose and nature remains obscure.
The List - An alphabetical listing of all the programs profiled here, as well as a few we haven't gotten around to yet, along with a few random codenames that will probably always bewilder us.

Sources and Methods Where did we get all this "stuff"?

Stovepiped INTS An alternative display of the various elements of the collection cycle profiled here, according to collection discipline [ie, IMINT, SIGINT, etc].

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