Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tenure-track position in geometric computation at McGill

Contact McGill Geometry for more details. Here's the summary:
The School of Computer Science at McGill University invites applications for one tenure-track position at the assistant professor level, to begin August 1, 2008, in the general area of geometric computation.

The successful candidate must have a strong theoretical foundation and should be active in research on geometric problems and their applications.

Complete pdf format applications, including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications with copies of one or two sample reprints, a research statement as well as a teaching statement, and the names and e-mail addresses of three references should be sent to

Applications will be reviewed as soon as they are received. No applications will be accepted after January 15, 2008.

The School of Computer Science offers a collegial environment with opportunities for interaction with world class researchers in areas including (but not limited to): computational geometry, discrete mathematics, mobile robotics, computer vision , computer graphics, bioinformatics, cryptography and quantum information, reasoning and learning, and scientific computing.

For further information on the School, see:
Deadline is Jan 15, 2008.


  1. Well, they failed to interview and hire many good candidates the previous year. One has to think they are not really serious in trying to fill this position.

  2. The University of Waterloo is also hiring. The call is for research chairs (junior and senior). The chairs come with teaching reductions as well as funding.

    The area is "software systems (broadly defined)". Translation: researchers in any field in computer science whose research has direct ties to applications including big swaths of algorithms (e.g. streaming algorithms, text searching, compression, etc.) and computational geometry (e.g. spatial data bases, etc.).

    See here.

  3. Advice following my personal experience in applying for a tenure at McGill (taking it for granted that you are qualified):
    - either you know somebody who knows somebody and no fear!
    - or you do not know anybody and should be ready to take up the matter to the ombudsman.
    In the latter case don't let the grass grow under your feet - make sure you know the day of the selection process and have it confirmed that your file is not "misplaced".


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