Here's the problem: I have a set of names of authors. I wish to make two bibtex style files, such that
- In style file 1 (S1) any paper including someone in this set of authors will be rendered normally
- In style file 2 (S2) any paper including someone in this set of authors will be rendered with the author name underlined.
In my master bib file, the names are entered merely as the string value, so if I stored a name as
@string{me = "Suresh Venkat"} or @string{me = "\underline{Suresh Venkat}"}I merely enter the author name as
author = {..other names... # me # .. other names}While this works, the problem is that bibtex doesn't know (obviously) that the string 'me' needs to be formatted as a name, and so I get ugliness like
"Author, A., Author, B., Suresh Venkat and Author, C. "in the final bbl instead of
"Author, A., Author, B., Venkat, S. and Author, C. "Now I didn't expect my solution to work, but I don't know what will. Any ideas ?