Showing posts with label talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talks. Show all posts

Saturday, August 23, 2014

LaTeX is code...

I'm giving a talk on LaTeX this Monday as part of our new grad student "boot camp" series. It's really more of an interactive presentation: I'll use writelatex (or sharelatex) to demo examples, give student simple assignments, and use real-time chat to see how things are going. It should be quite interesting. 

Here's the talk announcement:
Did you know that every time you use $..$ to italicize text, or use \\ to force a newline, Leslie Lamport cries out in agony and Don Knuth starts another fascicle of Volume IV of TAoCP ?  
Come and learn about how to use LaTeX, and use it well. Your collaborators will love you, your advisors will love me, and you'll realize that the most awfully written drivel looks awesome when typeset well.  
This will be interactive!! I'll be using a shared space for editing and viewing latex documents, and there will be class activities, so please do bring your laptops/tablets/other editing device so you can follow along and participate. 

For this talk I solicited comments from colleagues as to what they'd like their students to learn. Probably the most useful comment I got was from +Robert Ricci and +Eric Eide: to whit,

LaTeX is code.

This might seem obvious, but once you internalize it, all kinds of other things become very natural. For example
  • You should really use some kind of IDE to write and build your documents
  • Version control is your friend
  • *sections should be separate files. 
  • Text should be readable. 
  • Use macros where convenient
  • Don't reinvent: use the many many built-in packages at
  • Use to learn how to hack whatever you need in LaTeX. 

A corollary: to see a theoretician editing LaTeX close to a STOC/FOCS/SODA deadline is to realize that theory folk are AWESOME programmers.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Two big data talks at Haverford College

I'm giving two talks at Haverford College just before SDM 2014 in Philadelphia. If you're in the area. stop by and say hello !

Monday, January 18, 2010

SODA Day 1

Priceless: seeing the look on a speaker's face when they're asked for the exact constant in their 'constant factor approximation'

Yes, it's SODA time. And having an iphone means I can leave my laptop in my room, which means blogging waits till the day is over.

It was a good first day. I chaired the session on (as I put it), "geometry, graphs, and the geometry of graphs", and really enjoyed all the papers in the session (David has a summary of the Lee-Sidiropoulos talk). The phrase of the session was 'Poincare inequality'.

Alex Andoni talked about work with T. S. Jayram and Mihai Pătraşcu on lower bounds for computing the edit distance (and related distances like the Ulam distance). The program of attack was via the use of information complexity - a technique first developed for use in streaming lower bounds, but which has general applicability to communication complexity problems. Here's roughly speaking how the argument goes:

The direct-sum family of results says that the communication complexity of a function f expressible as an AND of n functions g is at least n * the information complexity of g. The overall plan is therefore to break down the strings being compared into pieces, and lower bound the information complexity of each piece.

Now let g be a threshold distance function that correctly reports if the distance is "too small" or "too large", but not inbetween. It turns out that the information complexity of g can be lower bounded by a constant relating to the Poincare inequality. So what is this inequality ?

In a sense, it captures the difficulty of distinguishing short distances from long. Specifically, look at the average distance of pairs of points sampled over all "short" pairs, and do the same for "long pairs". If the two resulting numbers are within some constant, then that's the constant used above, and intuitively tells us that we can't tell the pairs apart distributionally speaking.

It's not easy in general to prove Poincare inequalities, although these appear to be at the heart of non-embeddability results. What the authors go on to do is show that if the distance metric being used is "complex" i.e has a reasonably large communication complexity, then this can be used to show a Poincare-type inequality.

Neat stuff.

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