Showing posts with label geometry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geometry. Show all posts

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Geometry @ Barriers

Bill Gasarch's summary of the Barriers II workshop omitted discussion of the geometry session, and Piotr Indyk kindly agreed to write a brief summary for your entertainment. Here it is, lightly edited and with links added. If  there are talks I'm missing links for, do let me know and I'll add them in.

The "(Geo)metric Algorithms" workshop took place on Monday, August 30, at Princeton. It was the last day of the Barriers II Workshop, dedicated to geometric and metric algorithms.

Sariel Har-Peled was the opening act. He spoke about various structures in geometry that approximate properties of large point-sets, such as epsilon-nets, epsilon-approximations and core-sets. He started by stating that finding a needle in a haystack is a problem with many solutions, e.g., one can burn it down and sift through the ashes. He did not implement any of the solutions though (and the  Princeton Fire Department was very grateful for that). He finished by asking for which problems we can (efficiently) find short certificates of near-optimality.

 Alex Andoni spoke next, about high-dimensional nearest neighbors. He gave an overview of the state of the art, for Euclidean and other spaces. He asked whether we can construct a partitioning of R^t into "round" cells that supports point location in poly(t) time. Such structure could make the recent theoretically-optimal Locality-Sensitive Hashing scheme practical. He was also wondering whether we can find better embeddings of various metrics (edit distance, Earth-Mover Distance) into various simpler spaces (L1 or product spaces).

Jeff Erickson was the last one before the lunch. He spoke about computational topology, focusing mostly on algorithms for bounded genus graphs.  He covered shortest paths, maxflow and mincut, charming the audience with exquisitely drawn multi-dimensional homology diagrams, and a mesh dragon (ed: what ? no bunnies?). He presented an algorithm for max flow with running time of the form (quote) "n UglyPoly(g,log n, log C)" where g is the genus, C is the capacity bound and n is the number of points. He was wondering whether there was any way to make the bound less ugly, perhaps by making the algorithm combinatorial.

After lunch, Anupam Gupta spoke about doubling metrics and their algorithmic applications. Surprisingly many geometric algorithms can be generalized to work for arbitrary such metrics. In his talk, Anupam covered labeling schemes and optimization problems. He finished by asking whether there is a PTAS for TSP in doubling metrics, generalizing the result by Arora-Mitchell for the Euclidean spaces.

Finally, James Lee talked about the sparsest cut problem and its generalizations. Progress on this problem has often led to many fascinating developments in mathematics and TCS. The problem is closely related to embeddings of certain classes of metric spaces into L1. The main question now is to determine whether the best known approximation/distortion bounds for these problems ($\sqrt{\log n}$) are optimal.

All in all it was a fun event (although I helped organizing it, so what do I know). The videos of the talks will be available shortly.

No haystacks were harmed while filming this workshop.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Shape of Shape Analysis Research, Part III

(a brief series on shape analysis: for earlier episodes, click here)

Shape matching research in computational geometry is fundamentally distance-based. In other words, we start with a distance function, and then design algorithms to compute it, or minimize it under transformations, or approximate it, and so on.

There's an important problem with this point of view. While computing the distance between two shapes is an important tool in shape analysis, it's not the only problem. Other equally important problems include:
  • Finding a shape similar to a query shape
  • Matching pieces of shapes together
  • Organizing shapes into groups (i.e clustering)
And so the problem with the distance-based viewpoint is that all you get at the end is an abstract metric space. You can compute d(x,y) in an appropriate amount of time (maybe), but you lack all the additional structure needed to solve these other problems efficiently. With our modern knowledge of metric embeddings, it's always possible to ask if these distances can be embedded in a more tractable space, but it turns out for measures of interest (Hausdorff, Frechet, earthmover), this cannot be done without incurring huge errors.

The idea of shape spaces turns this process around. Rather than starting with the distance, and trying to find a space to embed it in, shape-space based methods start with a mapping that takes a shape to a single point in a (usually curved) space, and use an induced metric (usually some kind of geodesic) as the distance.

By at least one unsourced account, this view of shape dates back to Riemann, but the modern formulation of this approach started with David Kendall, in the 70s. His idea was extremely elegant.

Consider a collection of closed simply connected regions of the plane (the shapes), each shape described by k points on its boundary. Each of these points can be described by the two coordinates (x,y), which we will write as the complex number x+iy. By a shifting transformation,  we can ensure that the centroid of each shape lies at the origin. This loses one (complex) degree of freedom, yielding a k-1 dimensional complex vector.

Next, consider what it means to rotate the shape around the origin. In the complex plane, this corresponds to multiplying by the complex number z = exp(i theta). Doing the appropriate projective transformation, this means that we can identify a shape with a single point in k-2 dimensional complex projective space.
The distance between two shapes is now defined as the geodesic distance between two points in this space.

There are a few important points to note here:
  1. Each shape of k points is mapped to a single point in a k-2 dimensional space.
  2. All shapes are assumed to have the same number of points, which correspond across shapes. 
  3. The space is constructed by quotienting the original representation (the k-dimensional complex vector) by the special orthogonal group.
This last point is particularly crucial: the invariance under transformations is folded directly into the representation, rather than being something to "solve" via minimization.

The general program outlined by Kendall (map shapes to points on a manifold quotiented by a suitable set of transformations) has led to many other constructions, among the more notable being Bookstein's shape space and the Michor-Mumford representation for planar closed curves invariant under diffeomorphisms (which bears a strong resemblance to a summed variant of the Frechet distance). These methods have (for reasons unknown to me) taken up residence primarily in the computer vision community.

A Critique.

There is much to like about the shape space approach to shape analysis. Fundamentally, by embedding shapes in a space with structure, it gives us both a distance measure and a geometry to play with, and this is invaluable. However, there are serious limitations to the ideas developed thus far.
  • Computation: It's all very well to come up with a mathematically elegant formulation of a distance as a geodesic, but it's a lot harder to actually compute these distances. In practice, researchers often resort to heuristics with no guarantees beyond local convergence. To me, this is like building a beautiful mansion in a pit of mud: it's hard to get in and out with a lot of dirt and pain. 
  • Scalability: the mathematical complexity also makes it harder to do scalable computations on shapes.
  • Global vs local features: I'll have more to say about this later, but these approaches (generally speaking) construct a global signature for a shape, which limits one's ability to do partial matching. 
  • Correspondences: The Kendall method at least requires explicit correspondences between points in each shape. Finding correspondences is one of the most annoying parts of shape analysis (and affect most methods for comparing shapes). 
Next: We examine the problem of hearing shape, or how the Laplacian starts to figure in. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Shape of Shape Analysis Research: Part II

(a brief series on shape analysis: for earlier episodes, click here)

Shape analysis in the geometry community follows a fairly standard pattern. It goes something like this:
  1. Fix class of shapes (points or curves, usually)
  2. Define distance between two shapes
  3. Minimize distance under transformations (rotations, translations, sometimes scaling)
  4. Approximate distance if necessary
  5. Study distance for special classes of shapes.
There are many distances that have been studied in this manner for point sets, including the bottleneck matching distance, the Hausdorff distance, the RMS matching distance and the earthmover distance. For curves, the list is much shorter. The Frechet distance is pretty much the only game in town, with a brief cameo by its first cousin, the dynamic time warping distance.

This process has brought forth a number of interesting ideas and tools - among them
  • free space decompositions and equivalence classes of regions with respect to combinatorial structure in the solution (so you can enumerate solution types)
  • how to approximate spaces of transformations via carefully chosen grids in order to get provable approximations for distance estimation
  • connections between geometric matching and string matching via different kinds of hashing tricks.
I'd go as far as to argue that these tools are more important than the measures themselves, because of their applicability. 

But while shape matching is a rich area of research within CompGeom, it's less clear what influence this research has had in the larger shape analysis environment. Some of the obstacles (some self-inflicted, some not) are:

Definitions involving 'max' terms.
Combinatorially, it's easier to define distance measures where the distance is governed by a max over some quantity (usually a max distance over pairs of points). It's easier to define the space of possible solutions, and make the requisite combinatorial arguments. But such measures are highly non-robust, since any one 'outlier' can cause the distance measure to report a large distance.

This problem is usually fixed by introducing 'outlier-sensitive' variants of the measure under consideration, which leaves some combinatorial structure intact (at a price), or by replacing 'max' measures by 'sum' measures, which can often be inelegant, and usually destroys most of the algorithmic tools developed for the original case.

Reliance on the 'expensive exact, cheap approximate' framework.
This might require some explanation. Most of the above shape matching measures can be computed for two fixed shapes relatively easily. But if you have to compute them under transformation groups, things get hairy really quickly. Running times in the realm of n^7 or n^8 for point sets in three dimensions are not unusual.

What's worse though is the kind of impracticality involved in these algorithms (yes I know, n^7 doesn't need further beating, but still...). They usually involve finding intersections of surfaces defined by medium-to-high-degree polynomials, and then walking through the arrangements thus defined.

There's no way on God's green earth that anyone in their right mind will implement these algorithms, so we usually apply the standard bait-and-switch: "if you love these expensive exact methods, you're REALLY going to like our fast and tasty approximations !!". There have been some really creative tools designed to solve shape matching problems approximately, but what they often do is hide high complexity in terms involving the error epsilon, while looking well behaved in n.

It's difficult to overstate the depth and beauty that approximation methods bring to the field of computational geometry as a whole, and you should read Sariel's soon-to-be-book on this topic to learn more. But in the narrow realm of shape analysis, this two-step 'expensive exact, sort-of-cheap-approximation' has the following problems:
  • Designing exact algorithms with humungous running times only confuses the people you might want to have use your algorithms. They'll just turn around and use some other measure. Coming along afterwards and saying, "but wait, we can APPROXIMATE IT" doesn't help, because no one's vested enough in the measure to even care at this point.
  • Hiding expensive dependencies in the error term is problematic. Theoretically, it's a sound form of analysis - isolating the dependency from the dominant 'input size' term. But practically speaking, a bound that's cubic in 1/epsilon is not a whole lot better than a bound that's (say) quadratic in n, for reasonable values of epsilon. Which is to say, they're both terrible. You can of course protest that in practice things will work a lot better (and they often do!), but again, you've lost your audience, who wasn't really vested in the distance measure in the first place !
Missing the forest for the trees. 
This is an odd kind of objection to level at theoretical research. But here's the problem as I see it. If your focus is the primitive 'compute distance between two shapes', then you use that as the platform and layer on things like 'minimize under transformations; find near neighbors', and so on.

The problem is that this approach focuses on the 'tree' (the distance measure) while in my mind missing the 'forest': namely, the larger set of problems of shape analysis, of which computing the distance measure is but one. I'll develop this idea as I talk about other approaches to shape analysis - the point I want to make is that you have to view the particular distance measure between shapes in the context of  a large set of possible applications. A  measure that looks nice and
clean and well founded on its own may be less well suited for the rigors of supporting a class of analysis problems than a different measure that's maybe less elegant, but more flexible when seen in context.

A coda. 
I was discussing some of the issues here with someone, and I think a clarification is important here.

I'm not saying that people can or cannot work on studying whatever distance measures they want. There are all kinds of interesting geometric puzzles that have cropped up while studying shape matching (subquadratic algorithm for the Frechet distance?).

But when we look at the CompGeom shape matching literature through the lens of "Is this a way of designing the theoretical foundations of the larger shape analysis research program", then the above objections become more relevant.

In the next installment, I'll switch over to the line of shape analysis research that originated with David Kendall and others, and present a similar critique of that body of work.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Shape of Shape Analysis Research: Part I

Shape analysis is a topic that is almost a killer app for computational geometry. Where the word 'almost' comes in is an interesting story about the tension between computational power and mathematical elegance.

Shape analysis is defined by the generic problem:
Given two (or more) shapes, determine whether they are similar.
Simple, no ? I don't need to list the applications for this problem. Or maybe I should: computer vision, computational biology, graphics, imaging, statistics, computer-aided design, and so many more.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that in many ways, shape analysis is as fundamental a problem as clustering. It's a problem that people have been studying for a very long time (I heard a rumor that Riemann once speculated on the manifold structure of shapes). Especially in the realm of biology, shape analysis is not merely a way to organize biological structures like proteins: it's a critical part of thinking about their very function.

Like any problem of such richness and depth, shape analysis has spawned its own ecology of concepts. You have the distances, the transformation groups, the problem frameworks, the feature representations, the algorithms, and the databases. You now even have the large data sets of very large shapes, and this brings nontrivial computational issues to the forefront.

Shape analysis (or shape matching) has been a core part of the computational geometry problem base for a long time. I've seen papers on point pattern matching from the late 70s. There's been a steady stream of work all through the past 30 years, introducing new concepts, distances and algorithm design principles.

In parallel, and mostly within the computer vision community, there have been other efforts, focused mainly on designing more and more elegant distance measures. Computer graphics got in on the action more recently as well, with a focus on different kinds of  measures and problems.

What I think is unfortunate (and this is entirely my own opinion) is that there's a strong disconnect between the developments happening in the computational geometry community, and the parallel efforts in the more 'applied' communities.

I'm not merely talking about lack of awareness of results and ideas. I believe there are fundamentally different ways in which people go about attacking the problems of shape analysis, and I think all sides could benefit greatly from understanding the strengths of the others.

Specifically, I think that within our community, we've focused for far too long on measures that are easy to define and relatively easy to compute (while not being trivial to work with). On the more 'math/vision' side, researchers have focused much more on measures that have the 'right' kind of mathematical structures, but have bailed miserably on computational aspects.

Over the next post or two, I want to develop this argument further, and hopefully end with a set of problems that I think are worthy of study both from their intrinsic appeal and the unsolved computational issues they present.

Stay tuned....

p.s The clustering series will also continue shortly. Oh do I love summer :)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Metrics on distributions defined over metric spaces

Now that's a title to make your head spin !

Semester is over, which means I hope to get back into blogging form again, picking up my clustering series where it left off, and also starting some new rants on problems in shape matching (which more and more to me look like problems in clustering).

But for today, just a little something to ponder. The following situation often occurs in data analysis. You have some data that inhabits a metric space - usually Euclidean space, but that doesn't really matter. You also have distributions over the data, by which I mean some kind of weight vector with one "component" for each data point, and components summing to one. The goal now is to compare these weight vectors in a way that takes into account the structure of the space.

The standard construction that one uses here is the earthmover distance, also known as the Wasserstein distance, or the Monge-Kantorovich distance, or the Mallows distance, or the transportation metric (you pick your favorite one). It's very intuitive (which is probably why it's been invented so many times) and works like this. Imagine piles of earth at each data point, with each pile having mass equalling the weight at that point. We have a "starting configuration" consisting of the first weight vector, and an "ending configuration" consisting of the second weight vector. The goal is to figure out how to "transport" the earth with minimum effort (effort = weight X distance moved) so that the first configuration becomes the second. Formally, this amounts to a generalized matching problem that can be solved via the Hungarian algorithm. The earthmover distance is very popular in computer vision (see the Wikipedia article for details)

Another metric over distributions of the kind above is the Levy-Prokhorov metric, which for two distributions u and v is defined as the smallest e such that on any neighborhood A, the measure of u is within e of the measure of v on A inflated by e (i.e by constructing a ball of size e around A), and vice versa. I haven't seen this metric used much in practice, and it seems hard to compute.

Another approach that I realized recently uses a method that thus far has been used only in shape analysis. I've been working with a shape matching measure called the current distance of late (more on this in another post - it's a fascinating measure). Roughly speaking, it works like this. It starts with a "shape" defined anyway you like (clouds of points, a curve, a surface, whatever), and a similarity function (a positive definite kernel actually) defined on this space. It then allows you to compare these shapes by using the kernel to create a "global signature" that lifts each shape to a point in a Hilbert space, where the induced distance captures the shape distance.

It also works with weighted point sets, which is the relevant point here. Suppose I give you a space with distance defined indirectly via a kernel similarity function (rather than via a distance function). The current distance then gives me a way of comparing distributions over this shape just like the above measures, and the kicker is that this approach is WAY more efficient then any of the above methods, taking near-linear time instead of needing the rather expensive Hungarian algorithm. Moreover, the current distance has a built-in isometric embedding into a Hilbert space, something the earthmover distance cannot have.

If you're curious for more details, wait for my post on the current distance - in the mean time, there are two papers we've written (one online, the other you should email me for) that explore the theory and practice behind the current distance. I'm curious now as to whether the current distance can be used an efficient replacement for the earthmover distance in applications that rely on the EMD, but don't have a natural relationship to shape analysis.

p.s Shape matching in particular, and data analysis in general, is a rich source of ever more exotic metric spaces. I've been working with a number of these, especially in non-Euclidean spaces, and there are lots of interesting algorithms questions here.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Reading the algorithmic game theory book, I discover that HAM SANDWICH is in PPAD (not surprising in retrospect when you think of Brouwer's fixed point theorem as the canonical PPAD problem). Is HAM SANDWICH PPAD-Complete ?

Update: I should clarify - this is the problem I'm referring to:
Given n sets of 2n points (each) in n dimensions, is there a single hyperplane that bisects each set (i.e divides it into two sets of size n).

In 2D, the problem is to bisect two sets (the ham and the bread).

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trolled from the arXiv... volume estimation...

Just posted on math.PR, math.MG:
A Polynomial Number of Random Points does not Determine the Volume of a Convex Body
Ronen Eldan

We show that there is no algorithm which, provided a polynomial number of random points uniformly distributed over a convex body in R^n, can approximate the volume of the body up to a constant factor with high probability.

Specifically, you can't estimate the volume of a convex body merely by sampling. You need to generate new points that are "near" the old ones, and use a membership oracle as well.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Core Sets As Grids

This is another post in my ongoing series of missives from the algorithms seminar I ran last semester (yes I know, I'm late: I have a good excuse though, and it currently weighs 6 lb 11oz).

One of the most exciting developments in the area of high dimensional geometry was the introduction of the idea of core sets. The basic premise is this: suppose we have a geometric optimization problem on a set of points P of size n (Amen!) that can be solved exactly in time p(n) (where p might be some relatively unpleasant polynomial in n). Suppose we can select a set of points S (not necessarily contained in P) of size g(1/epsilon) (the "core-set") such that the value of the optimal solution on S is close (i.e within a 1+epsilon factor) to the value on P, then we can run our expensive algorithm on S, rather than on P. The new running time is n (typically) to compute S, plus p(g(1\epsilon)) to obtain the approximate solution. What we've done here is construct a linear-time approximation scheme for our optimization.

There's a bit of nice magic here: we are essentially claiming that a set of points with size independent of the input can suffice to give a good approximation to the desired answer.

There are many ways of understanding the real power of core sets, and when they exist: perhaps the most surprising result is that for certain high dimensional problems, it is possible to find a core-set that has size independent of both the input size and the input dimension, thus circumventing the famed curse of dimensionality. But that's not what I want to discuss here. Rather, I want to present the view of core sets as a kind of generalized grid: I find this viewpoint less "magical" and often useful when trying to figure out when a core-set might actually exist.

Sparsifying via a grid:
Suppose we have a large collection of points in the plane, and we wish to "shrink" the input to some manageable size. The first thing we can try is to lay down a grid, with side length R, and snap each point to the center of the grid cell it's in. If n is large compared to R, we'd expect many points to lie in each cell. If the diameter of the point set is D, then we need (D/R)^2 grid cells.

There are two problems with this: firstly, D could be much larger than n. In fact, since D is a function of the coordinates of the input, it could be exponentially larger than n ! Secondly, the perturbation of each point to the center of the grid incurs an error of possibly R/\sqrt{2}, and so R needs to be very smalll.

Consider the problem of computing the minimum enclosing ball of a collection of points. The radius of this ball is within a constant factor of D by the triangle inequality. This means that if we're willing to tolerate a multiplicative error in our bounds, we can perturb each point by epsilon*D, while maintaining an epsilon-approximation. Here, setting R = epsilon' D suffices, and we only need O(1/epsilon^2) cells. Voila ! a core-set.

Of course, we're not going to be this lucky all the time: for example, if we want to compute the width (the smallest distance between parallel lines that bound the point set), then the diameter has no relevance: the width of a point set can be zero even if its diameter is large (if all points are on a line). In that case, how would we choose a grid size that would work for us ?

Approximating all directions:
The answer, as it turns out, is to try and approximate the "diameter" in all directions. More precisely, we can define the extent of a point set along a certain direction as the diameter of the projection along that direction. Having done so, the property we desire of our "grid" is that it approximates this extent function along each direction. For many interesting optimization problems, the extents suffice to compute the optimal solution, and so approximating the extents suffices to approximate the solution.

The easiest way of approximating extents would be to compute the convex hull of the point set. This might not be a sparse representation in general. A better answer is to place a grid, and pick out all non-empty grid cells along the boundary (actually, even picking the extreme cells along each vertical direction suffices).

Notice that by concerning ourselves only with extents, we have essentially eliminated the problem of large diameters (because we can always scale the point set). What remains is the problem of variation in the extents. If a point set has a very small extent along a direction (say the direction that defines its width), then in order to capture that extent correctly, we'd need a very fine grid resolution.

Exploiting fatness:
The problem here appears to arise from the fact that a point set can be skinny. The notion of fatness in computational geometry is a very powerful one: there are many ways of defining it, but in all cases, the measure captures the degree to which a convex shape is "rounded" versus "skinny" (one definition is the ratio between the minimum enclosing ball and the largest inscribed ball). If a point set is alpha-fat, then upto a (constant) factor alpha, it's round, and therefore has comparable extents in all directions.

Performing an affine transform can make a point set alpha-fat (for any constant alpha). Although an affine transform will play havoc with distances, it preserves ratios: in particular, the ratio between exact and approximate extents.

And with this, we are done. We transform the point set so that it's alpha-fat, and choose a grid size that's a function of alpha and epsilon (after scaling the point set so that the diameter is 1). Then we snap all points to grid cells as before, and pick up the highest and lowest grid cells in each vertical column. What we get is a point set that captures the important characteristics of the input, but whose size depends solely on the error parameters: in other words, a core-set.

What makes this idea particularly powerful is that it can be extended. For example, we can construct core sets for the "extents" of a set of linear functions by going to the dual space. Similarly, we can construct core sets for collections of polynomials by using the linearization trick and then going to the dual space (in higher dimensions). But ultimately, it boils down to constructing a clever grid.

Note: most of this exposition comes from a reading of Geometric Approximation via Coresets, by Pankaj Agarwal, Sariel Har-Peled and Kasturi Varadarajan.

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