February 07, 2007


This week�s beer goes out to all of my readers with Celiac disease. I can�t fathom what it would be like to not be able to eat or drink the wheat, rye and barley. So for you, I review this beer! A couple of weeks ago I was walking through the store when I saw a sixer of Redbridge by Anheuser-Busch on the shelves. What caught my attention was the display they had that stated the beer was made from Sorghum instead of Wheat or Barley and was completely gluten free. Folks I�ll be honest, this beer worried me. I did not want to try to drink this. My only experience with Sorghum has been in a sweet syrup form used on biscuits. In the end I figured I�d take one for the team.

Redbridge 001.jpg

The label on this 12 oz brown bottle has a picture of a red bridge on a maroon background. The name of the beer is on it, and it proudly states, �Beer Made From Sorghum. Made Without Wheat Or Barley�.

There is a nice clear amber color to the beer. Light passes cleanly through and there is no sign of fogginess or impurities. There was a half-inch head the quickly disappeared to a sparse layer of large bubble floating on the top. There was no lacing.

Folks, I�m going to be honest in that it�s hard to describe this beers scent and taste. I really have no references for it. The scent was strange; I couldn�t place it so I�m assuming its sorghum. There was the familiar hint of hops, but the main scent was unusual. It was a sweet fresh scent, like a crisp winter morning. It was pleasant. The taste was very thin and unobtrusive. There is an interesting sweetness that I�ve never tasted in a beer before; again I�m assuming this is the sorghum. There is a slight bitterness of the hops. When I say there is sweetness, it�s not too sweet or overpowering. It�s very complimentary. However, it does remind me of many light beers on the market.

This is a light bodied beer. There was a heavy carbonation to it that had a slight bite to the tongue and would cause massive bubbles on the side of the glass.

My fine readers, I�m finding it hard to rate this beer. Since it is such a specially made beer, it�s hard to compare it to the other beers I�ve reviewed. Yet at the same time, it has many of the same characteristics. I�m going to give this beer a 3.5 out of 10. I wouldn�t go out of my way to buy another six-pack of it, but I�m not going to turn one down.

Posted by Contagion in Alcohol at February 7, 2007 08:04 PM | TrackBack