February 24, 2010

Pig's Ass Porter

This week�s beer of choice was brought to me all the way from Montana by my Blogless buddy Wil. He brought me Pig's Ass Porter by Harvest Moon Brewing Company in Belt, Montana.

Pigs ass porter.jpg

We have our standard 12 oz brown bottle. There is a yellow label with a picture of pigs in a bear wearing suit coats and hats drinking mugs of beer. The name of the beer is above it, and the name of the brewing company below. At the very bottom of the label it states it is �An original London-style Porter�. The label on the side states to serve at 46 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit. There is also a yellow neck label with the name of the brewing company on it.

There is a dark, almost opaque coffee color to it with just a touch of ruby highlights. When poured into a glass, a very thin light tan head forms. It fades quickly to a film at the top of the glass. There is no lacing what so ever on the side of the glass.

The scent is a complex mixture of coffee, dark chocolate and roasted malts. There is a slight smoky scent that rounds it out. The taste is much like the flavor. Dark chocolate malts and a bitter burnt roasted coffee flavor are most prominent. There is also some smokiness to that rounds it off. There is barely a discernable aftertaste. It has a well balance flavor.

This is a light bodied beer, lighter than what I�m used to in a Porter. It�s also has a heavier carbonation that I would expect.

This is a good porter. I really enjoyed it. It is very easy to drink and if it is drank at the suggested temperatures of 46 to 48 degrees. I could see myself actually seeking this porter out, it�s probably one of the better ones I�ve had in a while. I give it 7.5 out of 10.

Posted by Contagion at 05:58 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 17, 2010

Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout

Trying to get caught up with all the beers, I may end up doing an extra review this month; it also makes up for all of the ones I lost. I�m a little distracted by the Olympics too, which is why I remembered to do a beer review after the Men�s curling team lost their third match in a row. I needed a beer. Tonight I�m reviewing Samuel Smith�s Imperial Stout by Samuel Smith Old Brewery in Tadcaster N. Yorkshire, England. It was donated by Bruce of Back to the Batcave.

Imperial Stout.jpg

It comes in a specialized 355 ml (12 Fl oz) brown bottle. The label is an off white that is very busy. There is a lot of awards and writing on it. The name of the beer is emblazoned in gold letter on the lower third of the label. The name of the brewery is in the top third. The flower logo of Samuel Smith�s is at the top center. There is also a gold foil neck label that covers the cap.

The first thing that is noticeable when smelling this beer is a strong dark coffee malt scent and molasses. There is a hint of chocolate malts that rounds out the scent. Due to the 7% ABV you can also notice a touch of alcohol in the scent. The taste starts off with a rich coffee and chocolate malt, followed by molasses and dark fruit like raisins, dates or prunes. There is a bitter floral hop taste that lingers into the aftertaste.

This is a medium bodied beer that has a good creamy coating in the mouth. The carbonation level is mild like one would expect of a stout.

This is a very easy beer to drink. It�s actually a beer I would love to see my local English Pub put on tap. I could see myself ordering one of these after a rough day at work. The 7% Alcohol By Volume is barely noticeable in the taste, you almost have to be looking for it to find it. This is an excellent example of an n Imperial Stout; I give it 8 out of 10.

Posted by Contagion at 08:26 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

February 10, 2010

Sprecher Mai Bock

Hell, it�s been over a month since my last review, I�ve been slacking. Tonight, I�m going to review a beer given to me by Bruce of Back to the Batcave. I will be reviewing Mai Bock by Sprecher Brewing Company in Glendale, WI.

Mai Bock.jpg

Sprecher has specially made 16 oz brown bottles with the company name cast on it. There is a black label with a coat of arms on it. The name of the brewery is above the label and the name of the beer is below it. The neck label is green with the same lay out as the body label.

There is a hazy copper color to the body. Light passes through, but you can�t see clearly through it. It has a slight ruby tint. A quarter inch white head formed when poured into the glass. It faded quickly to a film at the top of the beer.

The scent is a pleasant combination of caramel malts and floral hops. A hint of citrus can be detected as well. As it warms, the scent of alcohol starts to be noticed. The flavor starts with a good biscuity malt flavor, with a good hop background. As the beer warms to room temperature the flavors become more balanced. The aftertaste is minimal and barely noticeable.

This is a medium bodied beer. It�s lightly carbonated and a slight coating to the mouth.

Overall this is a pretty good beer. A little hoppier than one expects from a bock, but not unenjoyably so. With a 6% ABV, I�m surprised that the scent and taste of alcohol isn�t as noticeable as it is. I wouldn�t pass one up if offered to me. I give it 5.5 out of 10.

Posted by Contagion at 07:29 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack