Showing posts with label Mythical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mythical. Show all posts

03 September 2021


649 / GENESECT - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Genesect
Type: Bug/Steel 
Species: Paleozoic Pokémon
Height: 1.5 m (4′11″)
Weight: 82.5 kg (181.9 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Genesect was revived from a Fossil and technologically enhanced by Team Plasma to create the most powerful Pokémon ever. N had the project canceled and the P2 Laboratory closed because he felt that Pokémon, who he thought to be perfect beings, would lose their beauty if modified by science. However, Scientist Dudley kept working on it, angry that N denied his talent. This scientist reconstructed Genesect and installed the cannon on its back.

Height: 21.8 cm / 8.6 in
Width: 26.2 cm / 10.3 in
Depth: 33.0 cm / 13.0 in
Pages: 13
Pieces: 99
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Pretty tough one overall, with some small pieces, but manageable for sure - even better if you can use the PDO for reference. Any pieces with an "_S" after are only intended for use with the Extremespeed form (picture in Textures folder for reference), which is much more compact and does not need the base. Notes on the template for which pieces need replaced for that as well. Build from the head back, attaching the Cannon, working down toward the Abdomen. The abdomen and cannon are directly connected to each other for the normal form, but are distinctly separated for the Extremespeed form (as noted in template). Attach the shoulders and arms as you go, being pretty particular with the joints so that they're secure and stick. You may need to use a little extra glue, and let it stick and dry for a bit extra just to be sure. Same goes for the leg joints - try and use the base to center and weight the body before fully gluing the legs on. All drives included to swap out as desired. If building the Extremespeed form, the head, cannon (minus pieces 15/16, simply not needed), abdomen, legs, arms will all be separate, self enclosed pieces that glue together after they're all build. Head to Cannon, Abdomen inside, then arms and legs on the frame (like the picture included in Textures). Pages 8-9 are unique to the standing form, and pages 13-14 are unique to the Extremespeed form - feel free to skip the pair of pages that don't correspond to your desired form. 

Download: A4 / Letter

07 August 2020


494 / VICTINI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Victini
Type: Psychic/Fire
Species: Victory Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1′04″)
Weight: 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Victini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon with large, pointed ears which form the letter V. It has large, blue eyes and a round, cream-colored head, which is comparatively large compared to its small, cream body, while the tops of its ears, crest, and extremities are all orange. Its bulbous arms and legs are rounded to make a sort of "cuff" before ending with small, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. It has two pointed teeth that can be seen on its upper jaw. It also has two cream winglike tails, which allows it to fly. Though timid, it is a caring Pokémon; it will fight if its friends are in danger.

Height: 19.3 cm / 7.6 in
Width: 13.2 cm / 5.2 in
Depth: 10.3 cm / 4.1 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 58
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Provided by Saul via email!
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: This would actually just be outright Easy if it weren't for those small hands and feet. Start off with the ears, working your way down and closing the head with the bottom cone. Start from the bottom up with the body, going from feet to wings to arms and closing at the neck with the cone again. Once that's done, the inward head cone should just plop onto the outward body cone. 

Download: A4 / Letter

23 April 2015


720 / HOOPA - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Hoopa (Confined Form)
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Species: Mischief Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m (1′08″)
Weight: 9 kg (19.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Hoopa Confined is a light purple Pokémon with several pink markings. There is a v-shaped marking on its chest and bands around its wrists. Additionally, there are pink markings around its head and a growth on top resembling hair tied into a ponytail. There is a yellow, ring marking in the center of its forehead, and it has green eyes with yellow sclera. On either side of its head is a dark gray horn that curves slightly upward. Hoopa has three gold rings: one large one around its lower body and one hanging freely on each of its horns. Its arms are not attached to its body and float next to it. Each arm has a small golden spike on one end and a hand similar to a mitten on the other. There is a golden spike on each shoulder, which is similar to those on its arms. Hoopa's lower body consists only of a wispy structure similar to its ponytail.

Height: 19.2 cm / 7.7 in
Width: 19.8 cm / 7.7 in
Depth: 19.6 cm / 7.6 in
Pages: 8
Pieces: 59
Level: Medium
Designer: Olber
Photo: Olber
NOTES: This model is easy to build. The rings are a little tricky so you got to be patient.Start from the head, or from the horns. But build them seperately. Once you have the horns done, then attach them to the head. You can glue the arms to the body or not, it's up to you. Also, Hoppa doesn't stand by itself, and the pack doesn't include a base. You can build an extra ring and glue it to the bottom of the model in order it can stand, as you can see in the picture. Good Luck ;)

Download: A4 / Letter

01 January 2015


151 / MEW V2- Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Psychic
Species:  New Species Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1'04")
Weight: 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts:  Mew is a pink, bipedal Pokémon, with large blue eyes. It has a long, thin tail ending in an ovoid tip. Curiously enough, it has hair, but it's so thin that can only be seen under a microscope. Mew is said to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body, and as such is able to learn any attack. It's capable of  traveling freely in the air or underwater. It's shown as intelligent, curious, playful and even selfless. Mew can make itself invisible, but It will show itself to a person who is pure of heart.

Height: 20.0 cm/7.9 in
Width: 14.5 cm/5.7 in
Depth: 15.0 cm/5.9 in
No. of Pages: 3+3 for base
No. of Pieces: 29 + 4 of base
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer:  LuIS and POdragon
Photo: LuIS

NOTES:  Start it at the ears and build following the numbers. The fingers are small, so I included some color references at the tabs, tweezers are still indicated. It's important to build the tail as careful as possible, since if they get a weird position they might not fit well on the base. Close the model at the indicated place. The base is closed at the bottom. Also, there's a pink texture for the base, the shiny pdfs have it with this color.

Download: A4 / Letter

29 October 2014


251 / CELEBI (v2) - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Psychic/Grass
Species: Time Travel Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2'00")
Weight: 5.0 kg (11.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Celebi is a dual-type Psychic/Grass Legendary Pokémon. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. It serves as the guardian of Ilex Forest and is only able to be caught from the wild in Pokémon Crystal with an event activated by the GS Ball. Celebi is the last Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex and Hoenn Pokédex, although in the latter, Celebi is not shown.

Height: 22.0 cm/8.7 in
Width: 16.5 cm/6.5 in
Depth: 14.1 cm/5.6 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 68
Level: Medium
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS

NOTES: The model is divided into two main parts: head and body. Start the head at the face and close at the top. The body starts at the legs and it's closed at the top. Join both parts together by the spike, placing the glue inside the head. Glue the details (such as the antennaes and the wings) after the parts are joined. The antennaes can be kinda tricky to build, but if you get past the first 2 segments at the top, the rest gets easier. You can glue the antennaes before closing the head, to apply presure from the inside. You'll have to weight the model, just before closing the spike at the top of the body, sit the model on the base and put weight litlle by little inside the body and place the head to see when it stand. After it stands, close the body and glue the head to it. The base is simple, start at the top of the trunk and close at the bottom. If you choose to use the leaves and flowers, glue them after the base is built. You can also glue the model to the base.

Download: A4 / Letter

02 January 2014


493 / Arceus - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Arceus
Type: Normal
Species: Alpha Pokémon
Height: 3.2 m (10'06")
Weight: 320.0 kg (705.5 lbs)
Interesting Facts: Arceus is also known as "The Original One", as it is said that it created Sinnoh and Ransei, and possibly the entire Pokémon universe, along with the lake guardians and creation trio. Arceus can only be found in the wild legitimately with the Azure Flute, which was never distributed at any official event and can only be obtained by cheating. However, Arceus itself was distributed via multiple Nintendo events in 2009 and 2010 and the Pokémon Global Link in 2012.

Height: 25.0 cm/ 9.8 in
Width: 45.2 cm/ 17.8 in
Depth: 34.2 cm/ 13.5 in
No. of Pages: Body - 6 Base - 2-7 (Be sure you're printing only what you need)
Level: Hard
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS
NOTES:  Be sure to check out the files BEFORE printing. Not all of the pages need to be printed, and you have options to select to print.

This model can be tricky, so some experience is important. There are plenty of instructions on the template, but basically, it's composed by three main parts: the torso, the ring and the back. Start at the head, close at the belly. After that, build the ring, be careful, it's the trickiest part of the model. Join the body with the ring. The back is the easiest part, start at the tip of the tail. There are four options for the front legs (regular, mirrored, and with the legs leveled at a lower and a higher level), two options for the head (regular and mirrored), two for the tail (regular and mirrored) and two bases (one as shown in the picture and a simpler one). The connections with these parts are the same as the regular ones, so they are built basically the same way. There are textures for each type that Arceus can become and three different textures for the base, but the use of these require the pdo to change from the regular ones, so as the game plates, the movie plates only have one possible texture. There are plenty more info on the template as well as references to lines that should be folded, places that NEED to be reinforced and the suggested build order.

In order to use the Texture Pack, you'll have to use Pepakura/the PDO. Shiny and Normal pdfs are included in the packs per usual.

Download: A4 / Letter - Arceus Texture Pack

27 April 2012


492 / SHAYMIN SKY FORME CHIBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Shaymin Sky Chibi
Type: Grass/Flying
Species: Gratitude Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1′04″)
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Shaymin will change into Sky Forme and back if it touches a Gracidea. Shaymin can't be in this form at night or if it has contact with ice. Shaymin's Sky Forme has a canid-like appearance that also bears some resemblance to a small reindeer. It has a small, slender body. The fur on its back appears to have shifted into a mohawk; it has a red flower petal on the right side of its neck, looking like a scarf or cape, and flat, white ears that look like wings or antlers. It has a small ruff on the front of its neck and a stumpy tail.

Height: 7.5 cm / 3.0 in
Width: 11.2 cm / 4.4 in
Depth: 6.1 cm / 2.4 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 14
Level: Easy
Designer: Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: Follow the numbers on the template, starting from the head and going downward. Follow the .pdo and it wil be an easy build.

Download: A4 / Letter

29 December 2011


490 / MANAPHY - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Manaphy
Type: Water
Species: Seafaring Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 1.4 kg (3.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Manaphy is a small, blue, aquatic Pokémon. It has stubby feet and club-like arms that are longer than its body. Manaphy has a red gem on its chest, and a yellow dot below the gem. Manaphy has an onion-shaped head with a pair of long blue antennae, which have small spheres on the end. Manaphy’s irises are dark blue, although the outermost portions of its eyes are yellow, with two yellow dots of “eyebrow” markings extending from the eyes. Eighty percent of Manaphy's body is made of water and is highly susceptible to its environment. One of these reactions is that when Manaphy reproduces in an ocean that's warmer than those that they are native to, the child will be a Phione as opposed to another Manaphy.

Height: 14.1 cm/ 5.6 in
Width: 19.0 cm/ 7.5 in
Depth: 14.4 cm/ 5.7 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 43
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Toshi
NOTES: Build from the tip of the antennae in, closing at the bottom of the feet. Be careful with the feet, arms, and antennae.

Download: A4 / Letter

30 December 2010


386 / DEOXYS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Deoxys : Attack
Type: Psychic
Species: DNA Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5'07″)
Weight: 60.8 kg (134.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: The Attack Forme has basically the same leg-shape as the Normal Forme, but the stripes are no longer segmented and run down for mostly all of the legs' length, with a large spike on each knee. In place of its arms Deoxys has a pair of whip-like tentacles that come to a point were its hands would be. Deoxys has triangle-shaped "ears" and a single spike on top of its head. Most of the orange "skin" has disappeared to reveal even more of a black, lined inner body, with the lines shown to converge at the crystalline organ. In Generation IV, this Forme is obtained by touching the southeast meteorite in Veilstone City or on Route 3.

Height: 23.9 cm/ 9.4 in
Width: 21.2 cm/ 8.3 in
Depth: 28.1 cm/ 11.1 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 56
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: This build order is interesting, to say the least. Build the head and neck, then set it aside. Then build the tentacles, and attach the first piece of the shoulder to connect them both. If you do connect them by the connection they share, just do not fold the corresponding tabs and glue them together. Then build the gem, and attach the arms to the large piece of the body. Continue to attach the gem, all the while leaving the back open. Then attach the head and close the back. Close the body at the bottom of the waist, and attach the legs.
Also, like Normal Forme, it needs a base or some form of support in order to stand.

Download: A4 / Letter

17 December 2010


386 / DEOXYS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Deoxys (Normal)
Type: Psychic
Species: DNA Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 60.8 kg (134.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Deoxys is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, but it has four different Formes.

Height: 20.6 cm/8.1 in
Width: 25.9 cm/ 10.2 in
Depth: 18.2 cm/7.2 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 78
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Start off by making the head and neck. Attach them, and continue to making the body. Finish the body all except for one piece- the very last piece on the first page. Attach it to one side and continue on to the rest. Build the waist, attach the legs (which should be built from the bottom up), and set it aside. Build one arm, and attach it. From there, close the bottom of the body- with one side open still- and attach the waist and legs. After that, build the other arm, close the body, and finish it up.

Some things to note are that unlike the other two Deoxys, this one will not stand on its own.
Also unlike the other Deoxys, you have a choice of what the arms will be. There are tentacles and arms included for both sides, and you can build any combination of them. Pictured are the left arm and right 'tentacles'.

Download: A4 / Letter

15 December 2010


386 / DEOXYS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Deoxys (Speed)
Type: Psychic
Species: DNA Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 60.8 kg (134.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Deoxys is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, but it has four different Formes. The Speed Forme has a sleek gray body. Deoxys only has one tentacle on each side of its body. The back of Deoxys's head is elongated and comes to a point. It has also lost most of its orange "skin" from its body and has narrow appendages, making it streamlined and aerodynamic.

Height: 22.9 cm/9.0 in
Width: 16.3 cm/ 6.4 in
Depth: 14.5 cm/5.7 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 52
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Build from the head down, and close with the triangular tip of the legs. Do not worry about the tabs missing between the head and 'ears', they are not necessary.

Download: A4 / Letter

13 December 2010


386 / DEOXYS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Deoxys : Defense
Type: Psychic
Species: DNA Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 60.8 kg (134.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Deoxys is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, but it has four different Formes. The Defense Forme is bulky and thick; it has wide legs that are somewhat flat at the end and have a bluish-green spot on each of the knees. It has flat, broad tentacles that can't be twisted and hang down to the ground when not defending Deoxys. In addition, Deoxys' head has been fused with its body, resembling a helmet. Its "skin" has thickened and covered all of its body parts for greater defense.

Height: 18.9 cm/7.4 in
Width: 14.9 cm/ 5.9 in
Depth: 9.1 cm/3.6 in
Pages: 4 (A4)/5 (Letter)
Pieces: 47
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: The build isn't too difficult, but it does get tricky while you're working on the lower body after adding the arms. As long as you can navigate around them while you work, this is pretty simple. It may also help to put some weight in the feet to stabilize it. It stands without, but is a little wobbly.

Download: A4 / Letter

26 November 2010


492 / SHAYMIN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Shaymin Land Form
Type: Grass
Species: Gratitude Pokémon
Height: 0.2 m (0′08″)
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Shaymin have a habitual trait called "Flower Bearing." Each season, Shaymin gather in a flower field somewhere and migrate from there. This behavior is called Flower Carrying because a new field of flowers grow where they land. Shaymin are also attracted to areas where there is a lot of gratitude. Their personalities are almost opposite with each form — Land Forme is shy and easily scared, while Sky Forme is courageous and playful.

Height: 10.2 cm/ 6.3 in
Width: 11.9 cm/ 8.7 in
Depth: 12.1 cm/5.2 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 34
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: PMF
NOTES: Shaymin is quite easy. Start by building the face and the legs. Then build the body starting at the face and closing at the top back of the model. After that, you build the 4 layers of leaves, the biggest one is glued on the body, then the 3 others are glued from the biggest to the smallest with a little square between each. Finally, cut the flowers and the leaves and glue them at the sides.

Download: A4 / Letter

18 October 2010


491 / DARKRAI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Darkrai
Type: Dark
Species: Pitch-Black Pokémon
Height: 1.5 m (4′11″)
Weight: 50.5 kg (111.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Darkrai is notable for its ability to cause nightmares and trap people in them. It can become a shadow to move quickly, but it is still susceptible to damage in this state. It is also capable of human speech. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Height: 19.3 cm/7.6 in
Width: 18.9 cm/ 7.4 in
Depth: 17.1 cm/6.7 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 62
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Carnilmo
NOTES: Build Darkrai from top to bottom. Glue the head piece as soon as the red collar is ready. Take your time through the small parts. Attach the arms to the shoulders as soon as possible, then glue the arms to the body and continue your way down. Close it at the bottom.

Download: A4 / Letter

11 December 2009

MEW (Skelekitty's Anniversary Model)

151 / MEW - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Psychic
Species: New Species Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1'04")
Weight: 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Mew is said to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body. It also vaguely resembles an embryo or fetus, and is often depicted in a pink orb and is genderless. Mew is a very curious and intelligent Pokémon that will only appear to someone with a pure heart. It loves playing around and swimming, and is known to behave very childishly at times, wanting everybody it trusts to play with it all the time. It is attracted to lullabies and will try to stay as close to the music as possible. All in all, Mew is known as a very happy and playful Pokémon. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Mew is the last Pokémon in the Kanto Pokédex.

Height: 15.0 cm/5.9 in
Width: 12.3 cm/ 4.8 in
Depth: 34.3 cm/13.5 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 34
Level: Medium
Designer: POdragon
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: This model is a little tricky to close, but if you accidentally stuff that bit up, rest assured that you can cover up the closing point with the tail! Start at the head and work your way down the belly, move to the feet, attaching the legs to the belly before closing up at the bottom. Build the tail from the tip down. Use super glue to attach the tail to the body.

Download: A4 / Letter

10 April 2009


Enjoy and have a great weekend people :)

385 / JIRACHI - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Steel, Psychic
Species: Wish Pokémon
Height: 30 cm (1′00″)
Weight: 1 kg (2.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Jirachi is awake only for seven days every 1,000 years when a voice of purity sings to it. Legend states that Jirachi will make true any wish that is written on notes attached to its head when it awakens. If it senses danger, it will fight without awakening.

Height: 20.3 cm/7.9 in
Width: 24.2 cm/9.5 in
Depth: 20.3 cm/7.9 in
No. of Pages: 5
No. of Pieces: 51
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon / PMF
Builder: Paperbuff
NOTES: Building tips are included in the template. Jirachi's wish ribbon strips are blank so you may write down your own wishes. The download pack includes textures for Jirachi's various smiles. It also includes optional 3rd Gen type wings that may be used instead of the streamers.

26 November 2008

CELEBI - Pokémon Papercraft

251 / CELEBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Celebi
Type: Psychic/Grass
Species: Time Travel Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2' 0")
Weight: 5.0 kg (11.0 lbs)
Interesting Facts: Celebi is notable as the hardest to obtain Pokémon, as there are very few ways to legitimately obtain one outside Japanese games, and even there, they are only obtainable in two games. Also, Celebi was the only Pokémon of the 100 Generation II Pokémon that wasn't used in the Johto Pokérap. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Height: 17.0 cm/6.7 in - 35.0 cm/13.8 in - 61.0 cm/24 in
Width: 14.0 cm/5.5 in - 28.8 cm/11.3 in - 50.1 cm/19.7 in
Depth: 11.3 cm/4.4 in - 23.2 cm/9.1 in - 40.4 cm/15.9 in
No. of Pages: 3 - 8 - 21
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: There's 3 differents sizes and also all 3 in A4 or in Letter format.

Download: A4 / Letter