Showing posts with label Rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rock. Show all posts

09 July 2021


525 / BOLDORE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Boldore 
Type: Rock
Species: Ore Pokémon
Height: 0.9 m (2′11″)
Weight: 102.0 kg (224.9 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Boldore's crystals shine brightly when it begins overflowing with power or when it is preparing to fire bursts of energy. Because its crystals are valuable, with a fragment being capable of powering a hundred dump trucks, Boldore is targeted for it. It searches for underground water in the caves where it lives; however, because it is uncomfortable around water, it is always very careful about lapping it up.

Height: 12.0 cm / 4.7 in
Width: 17.6 cm / 6.9 in
Depth: 15.8 cm / 6.2 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 33
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Photo below received via email from Jonny D
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Pretty easy one overall- build from the face down, attaching the crystals as you go. Attach the teeth, and all three legs to the body before closing with pieces 31/32. The legs each have a joint the glues to the outside of the body and the legs to hold them in place - these get glued before the closing so that you can apply pressure to hold them into place as they dry. Piece 33 is a stand alone "rock" simply to prop up the right leg, as Boldore is in a climbing stance.  

Download: A4 / Letter

10 June 2021


698 / AMAURA- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Amaura
Type: Rock/Ice
Species: Tundra Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 25.2 kg (55.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Amaura is a calm Pokémon that lived over 100 million years ago. It lived in a cold land to avoid predators such as Tyrantrum. Despite its restoration, it is not expected to live long in the heat of current climates. As seen in the anime, it can create auroras. Some Amaura were discovered frozen in ice.

Height: 20.0 cm / 7.9 in
Width: 7.8 cm / 3.1 in
Depth: 16.2 cm / 6.4 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 25
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Photo below received via email from Kaya!
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Pretty easy one overall- build from head down, attaching the head "fins" as you go. When folding the fins over on themselves to double side them, it might work best to leave a small gap between the layers at the bottom and use that to attach to the head. Attach the legs as you go, and close at the tail. 

Download: A4 / Letter

01 April 2021


558 / CRUSTLE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Crustle 
Type: Bug/Rock
Species: Stone Home Pokémon
Height: 1.4 m (4′07″)
Weight: 200.0 kg (440.9 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Crustle is very strong, to the point that it can carry heavy rocks for a long time, even through arid lands where it resides. It fights members of its species over territory in battles which can become very vicious. If its shell breaks during such a fight, it loses. When Crustle's shell breaks, it will become weaker and unsure of itself. Crustle's biggest strength is its thick claws; being strong enough to break even Rhyperior's sturdy carapace.

Height: 14.0 cm / 5.5 in
Width: 18.4 cm / 7.2 in
Depth: 14.5 cm / 5.7 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 38
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
Photo (Below): From Illana M via email! 
NOTES: Not a bad one - the bulk of the model is the shell, which is pretty easy overall. Build the face pieces (mouth, eyes, claws) first to have them handy, then build the shell. Once the shell is made, all the pieces can glue onto the shell in their respective places (mouth, eyes, claws on piece 29; legs on the black circles on 30). Piece 38 is meant as a spacer to hold up the shell, as the shell should be raised slightly off the ground - and the legs certainly aren't managing that on their own haha. 

Download: A4 / Letter

23 February 2021


377 / REGIROCK CHIBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Regirock (Chibi) 
Type: Rock
Species: Rock Peak Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 230.0 kg (507.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Regirock debuted alongside the other members of its trio in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. It is a guardian of the Tree of Beginning, and it was the first to attack perceived intruders Ash and his friends. In the end, Regirock and the other guardians realized they were not a danger and kept on with protecting the Tree of Beginning.

Height: 8.5 cm / 3.4 in
Width: 10.2 cm / 4.0 in
Depth: 6.2 cm / 2.4 in
Pages: 2
Level: Easy
Designer: CrafterWong
Photo: CrafterWong's Regirock can be found here!
NOTES: Build the model head down and attach the arms and back pieces before you close the model. Close the model with the piece with no tabs on the first page. This should be the piece with no tabs that you would glue behind the legs. Lastly, this model can naturally stand with a slight angle. If you want the model to stand up close to 90 degrees, use the arms as a way to get the model to stand properly.

CrafterWong's Regirock can be found here

14 September 2020


411 / BASTIODON - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Bastiodon
Type: Rock/Steel
Species: Shield Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 149.5 kg (329.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Bastiodon is from roughly 100 million years ago. Despite its rough, intimidating appearance, Bastiodon is actually a docile, caring Pokémon that feeds on grass and Berries. Its steel-hard, shield-like face is capable of repelling any attack. When multiple Bastiodon line up, their faces form a wall that nothing can break through; this was how they protected their young. In stark contrast to its impenetrable frontal defense, it is vulnerable from behind. It seems to have lived in the same habitats as Rampardos, as evidenced by their fossils often being found together.

Height: 14.0 cm / 5.5 in
Width: 14.6 cm / 5.7 in
Depth: 21.5 cm / 8.5 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 53
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (along with their Chibi Bastiodon pictured, which can be found here!)
NOTES: The head, body and legs are all separate pieces here to make it a bit easier to assemble everything at the end. In theory you can start with whichever set of pieces, but I would start with the head (still following the numbers), assemble the body, then finish out with the feet. Before gluing anything together go ahead and place the feet with the body to get a feel of how things go together, then start gluing the legs onto the feet. Attach the head to the neck next, being sure it's stable. The teeth and tusks can go on whenever as well, placing as shown in pictures/pdo. 

31 October 2017

LYCANROC MIDNIGHT (Happy Halloween!)

679 / LYCANROC MIDNIGHT- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Lycanroc Midnight Form
Type: Rock
Species: Wolf Pokémon
Height: 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight: 25.0 kg (55.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: In its Midnight Form, Lycanroc instead resembles a slouched, bipedal wolf or werewolf. It has short red fur with white on its lower legs, and a white streak that covers its face, underbelly, and tail. It has pointed, button ears with black tips, three large tufts of fur on each side of its face, a triangular black nose, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. While the sclerae, irises, and pupils of its eye are visible, they all glow a pinkish red and no distinctive colors are visible. A mane of fur covers its back and shoulders, sweeping forward over its head to form a crescent moon shape. On either side of its body, just below the shoulders, two small rocks resembling claws poke out of the mane. A single, bigger stone projects out of the front of the mane over its head. Each of this form's paws has three black claws, and it has a stubby tail covered in long fur.

Height: 17.0 cm / 6.7 in
Width: 17.0 cm / 6.7 in
Depth: 9.1 cm / 3.6 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 99
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start at the top of the head, and work your way down. Be careful with the smaller parts like the ears, teeth, hands. Close at the bottom of the feet. Refer to pdo/edge ID pdf for where things connect. Use the base to allow it to 'stand', as the weight of the fur makes it not stand otherwise.

Download: A4 / Letter

29 August 2016


299 / NAME - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Nosepass
Type: Rock
Species: Compass Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″)
Weight: 97.0 kg (213.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Nosepass is a blue, angular bipedal Pokémon that closely resembles the Easter Island Heads. The red triangular nose is highly magnetic, functioning as an electromagnet, always pointing North. It aso stops Nosepass from coming near each other, since they would repel themselves. The magnetism is stronger during the winter. It has arms and legs without any visible joints and small, circular holes on the undersides. Its arms resemble compass needles. The eyes are covered by dark, somewhat mask-like markings, have the appearance of being closed. They live in caves and use the electromagnetism to sraw iron objects to its body when in danger and to capture prey. They only moves a little over 3/8 of an inch each year.

Height: 14.5 cm / 5.7 in
Width: 25.8 cm / 10.1 in
Depth: 14.8 cm / 5.8 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 28
Level: Easy
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start the model at the top of the head and close at the bottom. Make sure to be cereful and follow the instructions around the nose, that's the hardest part. You can either glue the arms or use magnets to hold them in place. Must fold lines are indicated in green. Once the legs have been built, palce them on a flat surface in a position that resembles the pdo, put glue on top of them and place the body, leaving it still to dry. Numbers and further instructions on the pdo.

Download: A4 / Letter

29 June 2016


219 / MAGCARGO - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Magcargo
Type: Fire/Rock
Species: Lava Pokémon
Height: 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight: 55.0 kg (121.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Magcargo is a limbless, snail-like Pokémon consisting almost entirely of bright red magma. Its oval eyes are large and yellow with small pupils, and extend upward from its head. It has a bulbous snout and a wide mouth, with two drops of magma dangling from each side of its upper jaw. Magcargo's back is protected by a gray, spherical shell composed of hardened, but brittle magma, forming irregular lumps and plates. A streak of fire leaks from the side of its shell. Magcargo's lower body is amorphous and covered in bubbles of magma.

Height: 15.1 cm / 6.0 in
Width: 19.0 cm / 7.5 in
Depth: 11.9 cm / 4.7 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 38
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start with the top of the head, working down and back. Be a bit careful with the shell and the attachment point between the shell and body. Shell and body are separate pieces and need to be closed separately, on the flat piece. Pieces are numbered as well, per usual.

Download: A4 / Letter

24 December 2015


438 / BONSLY - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Bonsly
Type: Rock
Species: Bonsai Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m (1′08″)
Weight: 15 kg (33.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Bonsly is a round, brown Pokémon, with the top of its head resembling a club. It has a rim around its body and three yellow spots on its face, two of which are the eyes. It also has small legs and toothless feet. Bonsly has a hole on its rear, similar to the ones on flowerpots. It is a good mimic, which causes it to get mistaken often with a real bonsai tree. It can stay on the same spot for a long time. It has the habit of crying, not because of sadness, but for the excess of moisture in its body. It prefers dry areas, but can also be found in gardens.

Height: 16.0 cm / 6.2 in
Width: 7.2 cm / 2.8 in
Depth: 10.6 cm / 4.1 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 25
Level: Easy
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start building at the top of the body, closing the segments and gluing them as soon as they are built. Use a pen to round the pieces, giving them a more round shape. The balls are next, glue them to the body BEFORE gluing the feet. Make sure to reinforce the connection between 22/24 and 23/25. Mine stands, but if you feel it might fall, put some weight inside the feet before closing.

Download: A4 / Letter

18 July 2015


142 / AERODACTYL- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Aerodactyl
Type: Rock/Flying
Species: Fossil Pokémon
Height: 1.8 m (5′11″)
Weight: 59.0 kg (130.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Aerodactyl is a reptilian Pokémon with membranous wings with clawed hands, which allow it to hold objects. It also has a strong arrow-tipped tail tail. It's feet can scoop up clutch its prey in flight. The serated fangs are said to be able to rip the enemies throats. It nets at mountains. Even tho it can be revitalized with the Fossil, it's considered to be extinct in the wild.

Height: 14.5 cm/ 5.7 in
Width: 22.6 cm/ 8.9 in
Depth: 44.3 cm/ 17.4 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 64
Level: Medium
Designer: PODragon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start the model at the mouth and build the head around it. It's important to note that you'll want to glue the teeth BEFORE finishing the head. Also, paint the inside of the tabs of the teeth so they match the inside of the mouth. Now proceed to the body. Start the wings at the tips and build them down. Be careful with the claws, they can offer some trouble. Next is joining the wings to the body. Make sure here to reinforce where both connect, otherwise they'll fall, just glue some layers of scrap paper on the inside where they join. Next part is the legs, build them from the toes up, joining them to the body as soon as the numbers get to them. It's suggest that you insert a roll of scrap paper inside pieces 33 and 38 that goes to the bottom of the feet, in order to endure the weight. Close the model at the tip of the tail. There are some colors on the tabs to help fold and know where each part goes. 

Download: A4 / Letter

13 June 2015


246 / LARVITAR - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Larvitar
Type: Rock/Ground
Species: Rock Skin Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2' 0")
Weight: 72.0 kg (158.7 lbs)
Interesting Facts: Larvitar is born deep under the ground. To come up to the surface, this Pokémon must eat its way through the soil above. Until it does so, Larvitar cannot see its parent's face. It evolves into Pupitar starting at level 30, whom evolves into Tyranitar starting at level 55.

Height: 14 cm / 5.5 in
Width: 11.6 cm / 4.5 in
Depth: 8 cm / 3.1 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 22
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Not a hard model, start at the horn and build it down. Be careful with the tail, it's the hardest part. Close at the feet. Further instructions added on the template. It might need some weight to stand.

Download: A4 / Letter

23 March 2013


347 / ANORITH - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Anorith
Type: Rock/Bug
Species: Old Shrimp Pokémon
Height: 0.7 m (2' 04")
Weight: 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs)
Interesting Facts: Anorith is an aquatic, arthropod-like, greenish-gray Pokémon that uses the eight flexible, white-and-red appendages on both sides of its body to propel itself through the water. Its large head has two large, beady eyes extending from the side, and in the middle of the head is a round black pattern with two red spots. Two large, segmented claws protrude from below its head, serving as either defense against predators or a weapon against prey. These claws seem to have become the Fossil that Anorith can be resurrected from. Anorith’s carapace is gray, and its tail is small with two gray spikes. Its mouth is on the underside of its body, and resembles a screw in shape.

Height: 5.7 cm/ 2.2 in
Width: 17.2 cm/ 6.8 in
Depth: 16.0 cm/ 6.3 in
No. of Pages: 2
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: The model is built into two segments: head and body. Build the head starting at the front and closing at the back. Add the details before closing. Start the body from the back to the front, closing where it connects to the head. Glue each wing at one tab. Join the head and the body after they are closed and all the details are glued. Further instructions on the template.

Download: A4 / Letter

21 December 2012


247 / PUPITAR V2- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Pupitar
Type: Rock/Ground
Species: Hard Shell Pokémon
Height: 1.2 m (3' 11")
Weight: 72.0 kg (158.7 lbs)
Interesting Facts: Pupitar are somewhat large Pokémon that are encased inside a thick shell made of grayish-blue rock. They have several spikes and holes for eyes and what appears to be eyebrows, but are actually triangular openings. Since its arms and legs are developing inside the shell, Pupitar are capable of venting gas to propel themselves around.

Height: 16.0 cm/ 6.3 in
Width: 11.5 cm/ 4.5 in
Depth: 13.8 cm/ 5.4 in
No. of Pages: 3
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Build the mask and body separately, and attach the body segments before attaching the mask. Each segment of the body closes in itself, to strengthen the body and make it easier to connect.

Download: A4 / Letter

19 March 2012


408 / CRANIDOS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Cranidos
Type: Rock
Species: Head Butt Pokémon
Height: 0.9 m (2′11″)
Weight: 31.5 kg (69.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Cranidos is a gray, dinosaur-like Pokémon. It is physically based on the Pachycephalosaurus. The back half of Cranidos's body has a large, spiky pattern of blue and it has a short tail. Cranidos also has stubby arms with three claws, which, despite apparent stubbiness, are still viable for usage in attacking. Cranidos has a hooked beak, red irises, and a hard, dome-shaped head that is colored blue with four spikes on its back. Cranidos has feet with three claws forward and one backward.

Height: 14.5 cm/ 5.7 in
Width: 8.6 cm/ 3.4 in
Depth: 11.1 cm/ 4.4 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 56
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Toshi
NOTES: Build from the head down, attaching arms and legs as you go. Close at the tip of the tail.

Download: A4 / Letter

30 January 2012


524 / ROGGENROLA - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Roggenrola (Dangoro)
Type: Rock
Species: Mantle Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1′04″)
Weight: 18.0 kg (39.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Its body houses an energy core. Due to being compressed underground, its body is harder than iron. As stated by Cilan in Where Did You Go, Audino?, Roggenrola have sensitive hearing and can pick up sounds that are inaudible to humans. It evolves into Boldore starting at level 25, which evolves into Gigalith when traded.

Height: 14.9 cm / 5.8 in
Width: 9.4 cm / 3.7 in
Depth: 9.4 cm / 3.7 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 11
Level: Easy
Designer: PMF
Photo: PMF
NOTES: Use the Pepakura file to help you build it and follow the letters to joint the pieces together.

Download: A4 / Letter

31 December 2011


076 / GOLEM - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Golem
Type: Rock/Ground
Species: Megaton Pokémon
Height: 1.4 m (4′07″)
Weight: 300.0 kg (661.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Golem's brownish-colored body resembles a boulder as it is covered by a layer of plated rocks. Golem has a head protruding out of the center of the shell, with short arms that have three claws and four-clawed legs. Unlike its previous forms, it has red eyes and its face appears much less 'rocky' and craggy in appearance, instead being somewhat turtle-like with two visible teeth in the lower jaw. As shown in the Pocket Monsters Carddass Trading Cards Golem's shell is hollow.

Height: 17.2 cm/ 6.8 in
Width: 18.2 cm/ 7.2 in
Depth: 18.0 cm/ 7.1 in
Pages: 8
Pieces: 54
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being careful with the appendages (arms, head, legs). Notes included.

Download: A4 / Letter

26 December 2011


464 / RHYPERIOR - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Rhyperior
Type: Ground/Rock
Species: Drill Pokémon
Height: 2.4 m (7′10″)
Weight: 282.8 kg (623.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Rhyperior can insert rocks and boulders into its arms through holes in its hands and then fire them like bullets. However, it will occasionally insert and fire Geodude by accident. They are monstrously powerful and are massively difficult to take down without a Water or Grass move.

Height: 19.0 cm/ 7.5 in
Width: 26.4 cm/ 10.4 in
Depth: 24.3 cm/ 9.6 in
Pages: 10
Pieces: 74
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being careful with the rocky parts (belt and head) and when connecting the arms. Build the belt and attach it to the body before moving too far on. Close at the bottom of the feet, and attach the arms and teeth afterward. Try to reference the pdo if possible.

Download: A4 / Letter

04 July 2011


557 / DWEBBLE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Dwebble (Ishizumai)
Type: Bug / Rock
Species: Rock Inn Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 14.5 kg (32.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Dwebble, the Rock Inn Pokémon. After finding a suitable rock, Dwebble digs a hole in the rock's bottom, to use as a protective shell. Dwebble can make rock easier to carve by producing a liquid from its mouth.

Height: 13.2 cm / 5.15 in
Width: 16.0 cm / 6.3 in
Depth: 20.9 cm / 8.2 in
Pieces: 32
Level: Easy - Medium
Designer: PMF
Photo: Olber
NOTES: It's an easy model to build. You can begin building the Rock-Shell or the pokémon body. Just build the eyes, pincers and legs and glue them to the main body. Have fun :3.

Download: A4 / Letter

20 May 2011


377 / REGIROCK - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Regirock
Type: Rock
Species: Rock Peak Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 230.0 kg (507.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Regirock is a large golem made of rocks. Regirock has a pattern on its face that resembles a capital letter "H". The rocks it is made of come from several different places. The reason for this is that whenever it gets damaged in battle, it searches for rocks to repair itself with. This habit also contributes to Regirock's patchwork appearance. What is even stranger is that Regirock has no internal organs.

Height: 18.0 cm/ 7.1 in
Width: 23.8 cm/ 9.4 in
Depth: 11.9 cm/ 4.7 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 49
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Not difficult but placement of all of the parts is very important. This is most important for the legs because inaccurate placement for them will easily cause it to become unbalanced.

Download: A4 / Letter

04 April 2011


369 / RELICANTH - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Relicanth
Type: Water / Rock
Species: Longevity Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″)
Weight: 23.4 kg (51.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Relicanth's tough, rock-like scales allows it to survive intense pressure and most physical attacks. It feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth, and walks on the seafloor using its pectoral fins. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Height: 12.7 cm/ 5.0 in
Width: 6.5 cm/ 2.6 in
Depth: 23.6 cm/ 9.3 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 19
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Build from the mouth back, closing with the tailfin. Attach fins to the body along the way. The fins not specifically designated on top/on bottom all go on the bottom, towards the front.

Download: A4 / Letter