Showing posts with label Eighth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eighth. Show all posts

21 May 2021

Champion Trial Medal & Pokemon Den

Champion Trial Medal - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Champion Trial Medal (Sword & Shield) 
Type: Gym Badges 
Interesting Facts: Trainers need to collect a certain number of Gym Badges in order to qualify for a region's Pokémon League. Young Trainers usually begin their initial Pokémon journey by traveling from city to city in order to collect them. Badges are small enough to fit easily between one's thumb and index finger and can be pinned to a shirt or kept in a Badge case.

Height: 11.4 cm/ 4.5 in
Width: 11.5 cm/ 4.5 in
Depth: 0.6 cm/ 0.24 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 12 (10 for one version, +2 for badges from other version) 
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Has some thin pieces, but shouldn't be too bad with how the tabs are laid out. Build piece 1 first, then slot piece 2 into it to have the frame for the badges to lay into. Badges are then numbered in order obtained in-game, with version exclusive badges labeled with Sw/Sh accordingly (for Sword/Shield). Texture for frame included to interchange the background of the frame for desired version - default is Shield, textures and PDFs included for both. 

Download: A4 / Letter


Pokemon Raid Den - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Pokemon Raid Den (Sword & Shield) 
Type: Encounter Location  
Interesting Facts: Pokémon Dens look like small stone circles and can be found either on land or in the water. When a Dynamax Pokémon is present, a giant pillar of light emerges from the den, visible from a great distance. When the Pokémon is defeated, the pillar of light disappears.

Height: 4.1 cm/ 1.6 in
Width: 19.8 cm/ 7.8 in
Depth: 18.6 cm/ 7.3 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 16
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Simple and straightforward- build the outer "pillars" and connect them to the center as indicated by number. Smaller rocky pieces attach in the concave areas between pillars. Bottom is open ended, but could be glued to a piece of paper (textured/colored for bonus points!) to close off if desired. 

Download: A4 / Letter

14 May 2021


887 / DRAGAPULT - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Dragapult 
Type: Dragon/Ghost 
Species:  Stealth Pokémon
Height: 3.0 m (9'10″)
Weight: 50.0 kg (110.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Dragapult and its evolutionary family are the ghosts of prehistoric aquatic Pokémon. Dragapult carries a pair of Dreepy inside its horns, which it will fire at its opponents like supersonic missiles during battle. It's said that the Dreepy it carries greatly enjoy being sent flying toward opponents at immense speeds. Much of Dragapult's behavior beyond this, however, remains a mystery.

Height: 26.6 cm/ 10.5 in
Width: 27.3 cm/ 10.8 in
Depth: 13.7 cm/ 5.4 in
Pages: 10 
Pieces: 101 (+10 for optional Dreepy parts) 
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (CrafterWong's Site can be found here!)
NOTES: Build the fins first, then build the head around them, working down. Build the model down and attach the arms as you go. Do NOT build the fingers until the entire model is complete. I originally built the fingers after I attached the arms but they seemed to get in my way and kept falling off when I was building the body and tail. Continue building downward attaching the legs as you go. When you get to piece 67, you have to make the decision on if you want to build the base or get the model to stand by itself. If you want to build the base do not worry, just build the stand and either glue the model to the base, or slightly weight it still to keep it on the base without glue. If you want the model to stand by itself, you can either glue together 2 stacks of 4 quarters together and then glue them to piece 66/67 or you can put in 8 quarters and 2 pennies into the model (not gluing them together or the model) and play with the location of the weights by rotating the model back and forth once the model is closed to get the model to stand by itself. Close the model with the tail then glue the fingers and Dreepys on. Besides that, I hope you enjoy building! 

Download: A4 / Letter

19 March 2021


810 / GROOKEY - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Grookey
Type: Grass
Species: Chimp Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 5.0 kg (11.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Grookey has two, leaf-shaped hair tufts that hold a stick on the top of its head. Besides using it when attacking, Grookey beats this stick rhythmically against the surfaces of all sorts of objects. This has been observed to cause grass to grow, and wilted flowers and leaves seem to regain their color when Grookey drums nearby. The stick used to be a branch from a forest where troops of Grookey lived, and it has a special power due to being exposed to the energy within Grookey's body.

Height: 13.9 cm / 5.5 in
Width: 11.7 cm / 4.6 in
Depth: 13.5 cm / 5.3 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 53
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Build by CrafterWong - the Chibi Grookey pictured can be found right here as well!
NOTES: This would be just outright easy if it weren't for those pesky hands and feet. Build the model from the head down. Make sure to attach the ears, nose and head leaf before closing the head. The only possible confusion is when you build piece 17. For part of it, you will need to glue the colored side to the tab - the line where it folds over on itself is colored in red. Once done with the head, build the body starting from the tail/back feet and closing it at the neck with piece 52. You will need to use tweezers or a toothpick in order to apply pressure to the fingers. In order for the model to stand I put two pennies inside the back feet to act as counter weight. Besides that, I hope you enjoy building!

Download: A4 / Letter

Chibi Grookey can be found at CrafterWong's Site!

19 February 2021


895 / REGIDRAGO CHIBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Regidrago (Chibi) 
Type: Dragon
Species: Dragon Orb Pokémon
Height: 2.1 m (6′11″)
Weight: 200.0 kg (440.9 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Due to its body being formed by crystallized dragon energy, Regidrago is said to have the most powerful Dragon-type moves of all Pokémon. It also has the power of every Dragon-type Pokémon. The energy is said to be the most dense in its central core. According to legend, Regidrago was created by Regigigas using crystallized dragon energy, but it ran out of crystals after building Regidrago's head. It was sealed away in a temple due to the ancient people fearing the destruction it would cause should it ever be completed. It is capable of floating. Regidrago can fire an attack made by intense dragon energy by combining its arms to form a mouth. There's an unproven academic theory that Regidrago's arms were from an ancient dragon.

Height: 8.8 cm / 3.5 in
Width: 5.0 cm / 2.0 in
Depth: 10.3 cm / 4.1 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 24
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (Site can be found here!)
NOTES: When building this model build each section separately. Many of the pieces (Teeth, Snout) double over on themselves (fold them in half, glue back to back, then they're ready to attach to the next piece). Once everything is made, glue the legs to the main body and when the legs are drying, play with the angle of the head and jaw piece to get the model to stand by itself. When you are happy with how it stands, glue the head and jaw to the body.  Besides that I hope you enjoy building!
Download: A4 / Letter

CrafterWong's Site can be found here

12 February 2021


894 / REGIELEKI CHIBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Regieleki (Chibi) 
Type: Electric
Species: Electron Pokémon
Height: 1.2 m (3′11″)
Weight: 145.0 kg (319.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: According to legend, Regieleki was created by Regigigas using pure electric energy. Regieleki absorbs electrons in order to stay alive and is said to have the greatest power of any Electric-type Pokémon. The insulated equipment on it cannot conduct electricity. It is believed to have been placed there by ancient people in order to restrain its powers due to being tormented by Regieleki. Removing the rings is said to unlock the latent powers of Regieleki. It is powerful enough to generate all of Galar's electricity.

Height: 6.6 cm / 2.6 in
Width: 3.8 cm / 1.5 in
Depth: 13.6 cm / 5.4 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 36
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (Site can be found here!)
NOTES: Build this model from the head down. First build the head piece and then attach the two arms. Make sure that after you attach the two arms that the head is balanced when just placing the head on the floor. Then, attach the mid-section and star shaped bottom piece. After attaching each piece, make sure that the model can stand straight up by itself.  Lastly, attach the legs and you will need to play with where you glue them on the body to allow the model to stand by itself.  Besides that I hope you enjoy building!
Download: A4 / Letter

CrafterWong's Site can be found here

08 February 2021


869 / ALCREMIE GMAX - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Alcremie Gigantamax
Type: Fairy 
Species: Cream Pokémon
Height: 30.0 m (98'05″)
Weight: ??? kg (??? lbs.)
Interesting Facts: In its Gigantamax form, Alcremie's body resembles a towering, five-tiered cake. The apical tier of the cake resembles Alcremie's regular body, though it's wearing a bow and its whipped-cream "hair" is styled into a flamboyant swoop. Each layer of the cake features a variety of sweets that can be used to evolve Milcery. The bottom tier of its body is frosted yellow and adorned with an alternating row of star sweets and dotted frosting. The second tier is frosted pink and features a magenta bow topped with a clover sweet. The third tier is frosted blue and encircled with a row of flower sweets featuring a berry sweet arch. The fourth tier is frosted pink and encircled with love sweets and three red clouds, with the central sweet being larger than the rest. Lumps of whipped cream surround Gigantamax Alcremie's body between each of its tiers.

Height: 29.9 cm / 11.8 in
Width: 22.1 cm / 8.7 in
Depth: 24.9 cm / 9.8 in
Pages: 22
Pieces: 149
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: This one is definitely a bit much - don't dive into this unless you're ready to handle all the sweet details and layers that is this massive cake. The bulk of the craft is divided up into several smaller closed parts, allowing it to be built pretty modularly. The general progression here should go Veil -> Bottom Layer -> Bottom Layer Sweets -> 2nd Layer -> 2nd Layer Sweets -> 3rd Layer -> 3rd Layer Sweets -> 4th Layer -> 4th Layer Sweets -> Topper (Body) -> Topper Bow -> Head. The Veil is kind of like the frame of it all, and it builds all up from the bottom once that's intact. It should also help to attach the sweets to each layer before the layer is closed as well - and everything is numbered accordingly to help with that. The "Cream" can really be added to each layer whenever, but it's definitely better to wait until the layers they're between are there. The Cream has been numbered to be at the end for this reason. Beyond that, just follow the numbers, and definitely utilize the PDO in Pepakura if you can help it. 
Download: A4 / Letter

31 December 2020


848 / TOXEL- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Toxel
Type: Electric/Poison
Species: Baby Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1'04″)
Weight: 11.0 kg (24.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Toxel has a poison sac which it uses to store its poison and secretes the same poison through its skin. By manipulating the chemical makeup of this poison, it can produce electricity. Toxel relays the electric poison through its skin. While the voltage produced by this electrified poison is weak, it can cause a tingling paralysis if touched.

Height: 15.8 cm / 6.2 in
Width: 13.5 cm / 5.3 in
Depth: 16.9 cm / 6.7 in
Pages: 5 
Pieces: 58
Level: Easy/Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: The feet and hands are definitely the tough parts here - otherwise it's pretty smooth sailing. Start with the top of the head, working your way down. Attach the arms as soon as you can (numbered accordingly), and then glue on the legs to the diaper once the diaper is complete. The legs are separate pieces, so worthwhile lining them up with the arms to balance the body when attaching. Close at the end of the tail. New Years party hat included for extra fun- Happy New Years from our Poké New Years Baby! 
Download: A4 / Letter

30 December 2020


875 / EISCUE- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Eiscue
Type: Ice
Species: Penguin Pokémon
Height: 1.4 m (4'07″)
Weight: 89.0 kg (196.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Eiscue are easygoing and are often seen aimlessly floating in the ocean with just its ice-covered head floating on the surface, occasionally washing up on distant shores. It never panics or gets upset whenever it ends up in a new land, instead continuing due to its ability to adapt. People love the silly, worried expression Eiscue shows when the ice on its head shatters. Eiscue's hair is connected to the surface of its brain, which then chills the air around it when it has something on its mind. The hair is also used to catch prey in the sea.

Height: 23.1 cm / 9.1 in
Width: 14.4 cm / 5.7 in
Depth: 12.1 cm / 4.8 in
Pages: 3 (Noice face)/4 (Ice face) 
Pieces: 36 (Noice face)/32 (Ice face)
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
Photo above received via email from Kaya!
NOTES: Pages 2-3 are the universal body, but page 4 is just for Noice face, and pages 5-6 are just for Ice face. Useful for printing to avoid waste. 
For the body, build from the bottom up. The feet are separate, so those can really be built whenever (but are numbered early on). Attach the wings once you get to piece 24. After piece 24 the build also changes to how you'd like to make it. Optional spacers are included in case you want to close the body for the Ice head, but also to close the Noice head and place on top after too (magnets could make these interchangeable). If you have a specific head in mind, branch as such from here: 

Noice head is a separate piece that builds from the top down, closing at the bottom. An additional ring attaches to the body at the neck, and the head plops down on top of the neck. Hair and beak attach whenever. 

Ice head is a bit bulkier, and maybe a bit tougher for it. Build the front of the face with the eyes, work from the right panel to the back, and close on the left panel (all numbered too of course). Hair and beak attach at end. This attaches directly to the top of piece 24. 
Download: A4 / Letter

28 December 2020


872 / SNOM - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Snom
Type: Ice/Bug
Species: Worm Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1'00″)
Weight: 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Snom anchors itself to branches with frigid thread it extrudes from its mouth to disguise itself as an icicle while sleeping. Snom consumes snow that has piled up on the ground. The more snow it consumes, the larger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow. As shown in Pokémon Camp, Snom are known to be voracious eaters, only being satisfied with heaping amounts of food.

Height: 8.9 cm / 3.5 in
Width: 10.6 cm / 4.2 in
Depth: 14.4 cm / 5.7 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 30
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Shiny Snom courtesy of Ilana M via email! 
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Build from the face back, building the body from the top down. Close at the 'tail' spike with piece 30. Everything numbered, along with an extra spike diagram for easy reference too.  
Download: A4 / Letter

26 November 2020

CORVIKNIGHT - Happy Thanksgiving!

823 / CORVIKNIGHT - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Corviknight
Type: Flying/Steel
Species: Raven Pokémon
Height: 2.2 m (7'03″)
Weight: 75.0 kg (165.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Corviknight is said to be the strongest bird Pokémon in the Galar region, being able to scare off any Pokémon that tries to challenge it. Due to its intelligence and flying skills, Corviknight serves a company called Galar Taxi, where it transports people from one location to another. Corviknight preys on Bunnelby. It has violent territorial clashes with Skarmory.

Height: 19.0 cm / 7.5 in
Width: 45.2 cm / 17.8 in (This is the raised wings)
Depth: 23.9 cm / 9.4 in
Pages: 16 (No need to print last page)
Pieces: 98 (Raised Wings)/92 (Closed wings, pictured) 
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong
Chibi Corviknight pictured can also be found here!
NOTES: Build the model from the head down and attach the wings and legs when you get to the noted locations (further notes on last page, no need to print that). For the wings use the small dent, from part 23 and 24 to guide the wing placement. Be sure to build both/either set of wings from the tip upward as well, per numbers. Make sure the legs are attached and a small weight, I used two eraser caps, is put inside the model before closing the model. If you end up building the raised wings, it's also worthwhile to reinforce the joints for them on the inside (I would usually use scrap paper for that). 
Download: A4 / Letter

Chibi Corviknight pictured can also be found here!

09 October 2020


840 / APPLIN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Applin
Type: Grass/Dragon
Species: Apple Core Pokémon
Height: 0.2 m (0′08″)
Weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Applin is both the lightest and shortest Dragon-type Pokémon. As soon as it's born, it burrows into an apple, which serves as a home, food source, and protection against preying bird Pokémon. The flavor of the apple determines which evolution Applin will evolve into.

Height: 17.2 cm / 6.8 in
Width: 11.6 cm / 4.6 in
Depth: 18.4 cm / 7.2 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 32
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Photo below sent in by Kara via email!  
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: Everyone likes apples for Halloween candy, right? Haha. Much contrasting Golisopod, this one is pretty easy. Just build from the eyes down, attaching the tail when you can, and close at the bottom of the apple. Very direct, luckily.  
Download: A4 / Letter