Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts

27 July 2021


146 / MOLTRES - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying
Species:  Flame Pokémon
Height: 2.0 m (6'07″)
Weight: 60.0 kg (132.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Moltres sheds embers with every flap of its wings, creating a brilliant flash of flames. By dipping itself into the magma of an active volcano, this Pokémon can heal itself. It migrates to the south with the coming of spring and is said to bring an early springtime to cold lands. There have been stories of Moltres using its wings to assist those lost in the mountains. Moltres is rarely seen. In the past, Sky Attack was its signature move.

Height: 14.9 cm/ 5.5 in
Width: 38.1 cm/ 6.3 in
Depth: 23.5 cm/ 5.1 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 77
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (CrafterWong's Site can be found here!)
NOTES: Build the model from the head and head flame downwards. When you get to the wings, build them and attach them to the body before moving on. When building the wings, build the entire yellow part first, folding the "feathery" edges to give it a slight sharpness and help support the fire/body. Then build the red part of the flame by gluing the white side of the paper together and trimming the excess white part off the model to your desire. If you're feeling fancy, you could even sort of feather the flame piece to give it a bit of definition too. Lastly, glue the red flames inside the yellow wing 'sleeve' and freehand glue them together. Work your way down until you get to the legs. Do NOT close the model with piece 69 until the model can stand by itself. Next, build the legs and tail flame (you can just simply attach this to the body whenever). When building the legs be very careful while building it. They are somewhat small and a toothpick or tweezers will help to make them. To get the model to stand by itself, wrap the wings around the body so that it prevents it from falling on itself. 

Also fun side note - noticed when making textures for this that Moltres occasionally has a red beak and legs instead of the pale apricot color. Textures are included for both. 

Download: A4 / Letter

04 June 2021


323 / CAMERUPT- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Camerupt
Type: Fire/Ground 
Species: Eruption Pokémon
Height: 1.9 m (6′03″)
Weight: 220.0 kg (485.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Camerupt is a quadrupedal Pokémon that resembles a Bactrian camel. Its body contains amounts of molten lava of 18,000 °F (10,000 °C), which erupts out of its humps if the Pokémon is angered. As shown in the anime, it can become uncontrollably angry when it is struck in the face. It lives in the craters of volcanoes.

Height: 15.0 cm / 5.9 in
Width: 22.7 cm / 8.9 in
Depth: 10.4 cm / 4.1 in
Pages: 7
Pieces: 50
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: The real tricky parts here are the "hair" and the way the feet connect - pay attention there and it should be smooth sailing. Build from the hair and work your way down the face, putting in its teeth once the mouth is fully formed. Work your way to the body starting with the hump, attaching the front legs and the volcanoes on its back before working any farther past the hump. When working with the feet (both front and back) each leg and foot under piece has a matching teal edge - match these up and glue the fur back to back here. The hooves should attach to the flat circular pieces, and the circular pieces match back/back with the fur strands to make a fully formed leg/foot. Keep working back, attaching the tail before closing up the body, and attach and close at the back legs.

Download: A4 / Letter

23 April 2021


555 / GALARIAN DARMANITAN ZEN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Galarian Darmanitan Zen
Type: Ice/Fire
Species:  Zen Charm Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5'07″)
Weight: 120.0 kg (264.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Galarian Zen Mode Darmanitan resembles a snowman with red eyes and a warped smile on its false top "head", and an angry grin on its lower body, showing razor-sharp teeth. It has two orange hands that resemble mittens on either side of its body and a flame sticking out of the head as its "carrot nose". When it enters Zen Mode, the dormant flame sac reignites back to life. This causes Galarian Darmanitan to change from a gentle disposition into a rampaging state, unleashing fire everywhere without any care for its surroundings, nor if its body starts to melt, making it a threat to others and themselves. It will continue rampaging indiscriminately until its rage is completely gone.

Height: 15.2 cm/ 6.0 in
Width: 13.3 cm/ 5.2 in
Depth: 19.5 cm/ 7.7 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 27
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong
Chibi shown can be found here as well! 
NOTES: Build the model from the head down attaching the flame before you start building the bottom half of the model. Close the model with piece 27, using the opening to place a small weight inside the model on piece 26 to get the model to stand by itself. Primarily you're counterbalancing the flaming nose here. 

Download: A4 / Letter

16 April 2021


555 / DARMANITAN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Darmanitan 
Type: Fire
Species:  Blazing Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4'03″)
Weight: 92.9 kg (204.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Darmanitan is a mainly red, squat ape-like Pokémon. It has long, bushy flame eyebrows that curl at the base, and round, black-ringed eyes. The upper portion of its tan face is separated from the lower portion by a diagonal red stripe, and its large mouth sports spiked teeth. All these facial features give the impression of a manic or angered expression. Its head has no discernible neck to distinguish it from the rest of the body and its rounded back, which culminates in a stubby tail. It has long arms with spiky hair fringes on the wrists and large tan hands, with a similar arrangement for its hind limbs. Additionally, Darmanitan has three tan ovals on its underside. In its normal state, it is immensely strong physically; a single punch can destroy a dump truck.

Height: 16.5 cm/ 6.5 in
Width: 14.8 cm/ 5.8 in
Depth: 21.9 cm/ 8.6 in
Pages: 7+1 double sided
Pieces: 55
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong
Chibi shown below can be found here as well! 
NOTES: When printing, page 3 will print on the back side of page 2 to "double side" the fire for the eyebrows. It is fine to skip page 3 altogether, but then the backs of the eyebrows will be white of course. Build the face starting from the eyes and building to piece 18 and 19. Next build the mouth, 20-23 are the inner piece, whereas 16-17 connect with 13 (above) and 18 (below) to form the visible face. Next line up both the outer teeth (16, 17) and inner teeth (23, 22) and glue them back to back so that the mouth fits seamlessly with the face. Continue building downward attaching the arms and legs as you go but do not attach the hand and feet. The bottom side of the feet and hands (the slightly convex cone where the hands and feet attach) both have notes as to how they line up to each appendage, as well. Before closing the model attach the eyebrows (I find it best if you only glue the yellow part in the desired position than gluing or just stuffing the other eyebrow parts into each other without glue) and attach the hand and arms so that the model balances and stand up correctly. In theory you can close the model at either the legs (as numbered) or with the lower body (piece 45), whichever you'd rather. 

Download: A4 / Letter

09 April 2021


555 / DARMANITAN ZEN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Darmanitan Zen
Type: Fire/Psychic
Species:  Zen Charm Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4'03″)
Weight: 92.9 kg (204.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: During Zen Mode, which is accessed by Darmanitan with the hidden Ability Zen Mode, its red fur and tan skin changes blue as it bears the resemblance of a Daruma doll. Its eyes turn blank, and its limbs fuse with its body, rendering them immobile. It also only has three toes, as opposed to normal Darmanitan having five. In this state, it is hard as a rock. As it is rendered immobile, it enters in a meditative trance to sharpen their minds, using it as strength emotionally and spiritually to battle and to perform everyday activities such as gather and eat food.

Height: 12.0 cm/ 4.7 in
Width: 12.4 cm/ 4.9 in
Depth: 13.2 cm/ 5.2 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 24
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong
Chibi shown below can be found here as well! 
NOTES: Build the model from the top down attaching the eyebrows, arms, and legs before closing the model with piece 24. Additional texture included that can be used with the PDO that palette swaps with regular Darmanitan as well 

Download: A4 / Letter

05 March 2021


653 / FENNEKIN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Fennekin
Type: Fire
Species: Fox Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1′04″)
Weight: 9.4 kg (20.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Hot air is vented from Fennekin's ears, reaching temperatures of over 390 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius). It uses this ability to intimidate opponents. Fennekin chews on twigs, which fill it with energy. It can be temperamental, but it tries to do its best for its Trainer.

Height: 17.0 cm / 6.7 in
Width: 10.6 cm / 4.2 in
Depth: 14.1 cm / 5.6 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 79
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
Featured Photo from: Ilana M via email! 
NOTES: This one is a little bit tougher since its more rounded overall, but the modular-ness of it should help some. The head, tail, and body are all self enclosed pieces, with jutting cones to connect them all with. The head and tail cones should go into the pieces, whereas both body pieces that they rest on go outward to serve as a sort of bobblehead like connection. The pieces are numbered to start with the top of the head, work in the ears, and close at the bottom of the head. The body is meant to work from front to back, attaching legs as you go. Last but not least, the tail builds from outer tip to the base of it, closing with the triangle that plops onto the body 

Download: A4 / Letter

30 October 2020

CHANDELURE (Halloween Finale!)

609 / CHANDELURE- Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Chandelure
Type: Ghost/Fire
Species: Luring Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″)
Weight: 34.3 kg (75.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Chandelure is a Pokémon that resembles a sentient chandelier. It has a striped, round head, and round, pupil-less yellow eyes. There is a ring of small, black spikes on top of its head with a tall, purple flame in the middle. From a black spike below its head, black arms curl upward. These arms are tipped with purple fire. Chandelure's fires do not burn its victims physically, instead burning their spirit. After hypnotizing its opponent by waving these flames, it absorbs the victim's spirit.

Height: 18.7 cm / 7.4 in
Width: 7.8 cm / 3.1 in
Depth: 19.0 cm / 7.5 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 52
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (including the chibi Chandelure shown, which can be found here!)
NOTES: When building the head, do not close the model (Piece 15) until you have attached the black lattices (Pieces 18-30) to the base of the flame and the eyes in the desired spots. A screenshot has been included to show how these are placed as well. The arms are the hardest part to build. I would recommend building the swirl of the curvy part and flames (pieces 31-35, 40-44) first and attach them together. I would then build the arms starting with the tube closest to the end of the arm that was just built and end with the tube that connects to the body. Pieces have been numbered to indicate this as well. CrafterWong was able to get away with only having to build the build stand and strategically placing the arms to support the weight of the body- but additional bases (49, 50) have been included to help if needed as well. 
Download: A4 / Letter

Chandelure Chibi by CrafterWong can be found here as well

23 October 2020

LAMPENT (Halloween Part 2!)

608 / LAMPENT - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Lampent
Type: Ghost/Fire
Species: Lamp Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 13.0 kg (28.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Lampent can sense when someone is about to die, whom it visits and steals the spirit from the person's body. Though most often found in deep forests, it wanders through cities and hangs around near hospitals to absorb the spirits of the fallen. It uses the spirits it has absorbed to fuel its fire. On occasion, it has been known to work with Litwick to lead people to the Ghost World while stealing life energy.

Height: 15.3 cm / 6.0 in
Width: 13.2 cm / 5.2 in
Depth: 17.1 cm / 6.7 in
Pages: 6 (5+base)
Pieces: 19
Level: Easy/Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (including the chibi Lampent shown, which can be found here!)
NOTES: The model can stand by itself without having to build any supports, but a base is included on the last page just in case - if you want to skip the base, just skip the last page. The only thing I recommend is to glue another sheet of scratch paper inside the model in order to give the arms a little extra support. The arms are the only difficult thing here, so just be sure they're stable and properly enforced when attaching them. 
The face texture was lightened up significantly after the build as well, to give it a better contrast than pictured. 
Download: A4 / Letter

Lampent Chibi by CrafterWong can be found here as well

16 October 2020

LITWICK (Happy Halloween part 1!)

607 / LITWICK - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Litwick
Type: Ghost/Fire
Species: Candle Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 3.1 kg (6.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Litwick is a small, candle-like Pokémon with a purple flame atop its head, which is powered by life energy that it absorbs. Its body and two stubby arms are made primarily out of white wax. The folded, melted wax lays over its right eye, and leaves only the bright yellow left eye visible. It has a small smile under a protruding upper lip. Litwick pretends to guide people and Pokémon around by illuminating darkened areas. However, it is actually sucking away their life energy and leading them to the Ghost World.

Height: 11.4 cm / 4.5 in
Width: 6.1 cm / 2.4 in
Depth: 6.6 cm / 2.6 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 24
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: CrafterWong (including the chibi Litwick shown, which can be found here!)
NOTES: Build from the top down. Before attaching the last bottom piece, glue the head piece and then the flame to the desired position and then attach the last piece that does not have tabs.  
Download: A4 / Letter

Litwick Chibi by CrafterWong can be found here as well

17 August 2020


324 / TORKOAL - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Torkoal
Type: Fire
Species: Coal Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m (1′08″)
Weight: 80.4 kg (177.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Torkoal is a tortoise-like, quadruped Pokémon. It has a large, black, rock-like shell with holes that glow with a red warmth. Its skin is reddish brown with gray-black bands on its legs and neck. It has a long neck and its eyes seem permanently closed. Torkoal lives in mountains and volcanic areas, where it looks for large deposits of coal. It uses the coal to fill the hollow spaces in its shell, and then burns it for energy.

Height: 10.0 cm / 3.9 in
Width: 22.8 cm / 9.0 in
Depth: 16.9 cm / 6.7 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 69
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Picture received from César R via email!
NOTES: The shell 'ridge' along the bottom is probably the toughest part here - once you get past that it's pretty smooth sailing. Start from the head, work your way back to the shell and body, and close at the bottom of the flat feet. 

Download: A4 / Letter

07 August 2020


494 / VICTINI - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Victini
Type: Psychic/Fire
Species: Victory Pokémon
Height: 0.4 m (1′04″)
Weight: 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Victini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon with large, pointed ears which form the letter V. It has large, blue eyes and a round, cream-colored head, which is comparatively large compared to its small, cream body, while the tops of its ears, crest, and extremities are all orange. Its bulbous arms and legs are rounded to make a sort of "cuff" before ending with small, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. It has two pointed teeth that can be seen on its upper jaw. It also has two cream winglike tails, which allows it to fly. Though timid, it is a caring Pokémon; it will fight if its friends are in danger.

Height: 19.3 cm / 7.6 in
Width: 13.2 cm / 5.2 in
Depth: 10.3 cm / 4.1 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 58
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Provided by Saul via email!
Feel free to submit your own at our email and we'll display the best/most creative!
NOTES: This would actually just be outright Easy if it weren't for those small hands and feet. Start off with the ears, working your way down and closing the head with the bottom cone. Start from the bottom up with the body, going from feet to wings to arms and closing at the neck with the cone again. Once that's done, the inward head cone should just plop onto the outward body cone. 

Download: A4 / Letter

29 June 2016


219 / MAGCARGO - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Magcargo
Type: Fire/Rock
Species: Lava Pokémon
Height: 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight: 55.0 kg (121.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Magcargo is a limbless, snail-like Pokémon consisting almost entirely of bright red magma. Its oval eyes are large and yellow with small pupils, and extend upward from its head. It has a bulbous snout and a wide mouth, with two drops of magma dangling from each side of its upper jaw. Magcargo's back is protected by a gray, spherical shell composed of hardened, but brittle magma, forming irregular lumps and plates. A streak of fire leaks from the side of its shell. Magcargo's lower body is amorphous and covered in bubbles of magma.

Height: 15.1 cm / 6.0 in
Width: 19.0 cm / 7.5 in
Depth: 11.9 cm / 4.7 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 38
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start with the top of the head, working down and back. Be a bit careful with the shell and the attachment point between the shell and body. Shell and body are separate pieces and need to be closed separately, on the flat piece. Pieces are numbered as well, per usual.

Download: A4 / Letter

02 March 2016


006 / MEGA CHARIZARD Y - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Mega Charizard Y
Type: Fire/Flying
Species: Flame Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 100.5 kg (221.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Upon mega evolving, Charizard Y becomes more sleeky and expansive. While it keeps the type and coloration of Charizard, the pupils are white, three pointed horns on the top of the head, the neck is shorter and the hands much smaller, but with a larger torso and legs. It develops small wings on the wrists, while the ones on he back become larger and have ragged edges. It has three thornes and a much larger flame than regular Charizard. It is said to have incredible flying prowess, reching incredible heights.

Height: 20.0 cm / 7.9 in
Width: 34.9 cm / 13.7 in
Depth: 20.9 cm / 8.2 in
Pages: 7
Pieces: 115
Level: Hard
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start the model at the head and close at the feet. Needs to be weighed to stand. It's important to reinforce the connection between the wings and the body, glue some scrap paper inside. Further instructions on the packs and the template.

Download: A4 / Letter

27 October 2015


006 / M-CHARIZARD X - Pokémon Papercraft
 Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire/Dragon
Species: Flame Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5'07")
Weight: 110.5 kg (243.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: As Mega Charizard X, its body and legs appear more physically fit, though its arms remain thin. Its skin turns black with a sky blue underside extending from the lower jaw to the tip of the tail. Two spikes with blue tips curve upward from the front and back of each shoulder, while the tips of its horns sharpen, turn blue, and curve slightly upward. Its brow and claws are larger, its snout is shorter, and its eyes are now red with white pupils. It has two small, fin-like spikes under each horn and two more down its lower neck. The lower trims of its wings are divided into large, rounded points and each third joint is adorned with a claw-like spike. Mega Charizard X breathes blue flames out the sides of its mouth, and the flame on its tail now burns blue with increased heat.

Height: 22.0 cm/7.8 in
Width: 33.1 cm/ 6.2 in
Depth: 28.2 cm/4.4 in
No. of Pages: 9
No. of Pieces: 102
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Instructions included in the files, along with a couple additional images for a short example.

Download: A4 / Letter

16 September 2015


392 / INFERNAPE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Infernape
Type: Fire/Fighting
Species: Flame Pokémon
Height: 1.2 m (3'11″)
Weight: 55 kg (121.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Infernape is a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon with white and brown fur. It also has some gold markings on it's body, all with circular swirls. On the top of it's head there's a flame, that's never extinguished. There are four digits on both the hands and feet and it has a long tail. Infernape practices a unique kind of martial art, which involve all of its limbs. This style also uses fiery punches and kicks. It is the shortest fully evolved starter Pokémon.

Height:  19.0 cm / 7.4 in
Width: 16.1 cm / 6.3 in
Depth: 14.2 cm / 5.5 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 69
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start the model by the head, following the numbers and the instructions. Add the details following the numbers and instructions. Be carefull with piece 69, you'll need to cut a hole on it so the tail can pass, also, only add this piece after the legs and the torso are joined and the model is standing. Start the legs by the toes and work up. The model can't stand, further instructions on how to make it stand and some other parts of the model are on the template.

Download: A4 / Letter

31 December 2014

CHIMCHAR (Happy New Year!)

390 / CHIMCHAR - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Chimchar
Type: Fire
Species: Chimp Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m (1'08")
Weight: 6.2 kg (13.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Chimchar is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. It's body is mainly a shade of orange, but some parts such as face, belly, hands are light yellow. The flames on it's rear are produced by gas burning in it's stomach. These flames go out when it sleeps. It's very agile, being able to climb the ledges of tall mountains, the place where it lives.

Height: 21.2 cm / 8.3 in
Width: 9.3 cm / 3.7 in
Depth: 16.7 cm / 6.6 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 43
Level: Medium-Hard(no flames)/Hard(flames)
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Start it at the bottom of the head and close at the top. Same with the body, start at the legs and close at the neck. The fingers can be tricky, so take your time with them. The tail is the hardest part, and it's also optional. So in case you want to build it, be careful, fold the lines and take your time. Also, make sure to glue it before going far with the body. It takes some weight to stand so, before closing the body, add some weight by the unglued tabs of the last piece and place the head til it stands. After you have found the balance and the model stands, close the body and glue the head, but not with a lot of glue.

Download: A4 / Letter

31 October 2014

MEGA HOUNDOOM (Happy Halloween!)

229 / M Houndoom - Pokémon Papercraft
M Houndoom
Type: Dark/Fire
Species:  Dark Pokémon
Height: 1.9 m (6'03")
Weight: 49.5 kg (109.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: As Mega Houndoom, the ridges on its back thicken, and it gains additional, bone-like rings around the base of its tail. The rings on its tail have small spikes on top, causing them to resemble vertebrae. The ridge at the base of Mega Houndoom's neck is longer and curves forward towards its shoulders. Instead of a band with a skull pendant, there is a large, toothed structure around its neck. This bone-like formation has two large spikes on either side and three pointed teeth on the bottom. Mega Houndoom's horns now point straight up with a small, outward curve in the middle. The two bands on its hind legs have vanished, and those on its forelegs are broken in the front. Its claws are a dark red due to its ability to generate more heat. Finally, the tip of its tail is now split down the middle.

Height: 23.3 cm/9.2 in
Width: 11.3 cm/4.4 in
Depth: 20.5 cm/8.1 in
No. of Pages: 6
No. of Pieces: 87
Level: Hard
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS

NOTES: Start at the mouth and glue the horns as you go. The next step is building the legs, build them from the paws up and glue the nails as you go. The leg bones may not need to be glued, place them and check if they stand. The hardest part of the model is building the bones. The neck one is by far the hardest. Start at the collar and build around it, join the bottom of it and close at the middle, by the back. Glue it only AFTER the bigger back bone is glued. You might have to apply some pressure to the neck collar, to give it the perfect shape. The back bones are hard to close only if you do it at the end, the trick is to build it by segments, I mean, close them while you're still building the top part. Join them to the body as soon as the numbers get to them. Make sure to glue the first piece of each of the rear legs BEFORE gluing the last back bone. I suggest placing the tail bones before building the legs. When you glue the tail doesn't matter, in fact, it may be even better to be glued at the end. Close the model at the rear paws and glue the nails after.

Download: A4 / Letter

18 October 2014


654 / BRAIXEN - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Fire
Species: Fox Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3'03")
Weight: 14.5 kg (32.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Braixen is a bipedal, fox-like Pokémon. While the majority of its fur is yellow, it has black legs, white arms, face and neck, and a dark orange tail tip. The fur on its cheeks is longer, and a small mane of white fur covers its shoulders and chest. Long, wavy tufts of dark orange fur grow out of its large ears, and its eyes and small nose match this fur in color. Above its legs, the fur sweeps out to either side. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. Braixen always keeps a stick in its tail, which it sets alight using its bushy tail fur. The flame from the lit twig is used for both attack and communication.

Height: 17.8 cm/7.0 in
Width: 15.7 cm/6.2 in
Depth: 10.8 cm/3.6 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 77
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS

NOTES: The model is composed of several parts: lower body, torso, arms, wand, and details of the body. The order you build is not important, but they must be assembled starting by joining the tail to the lower body, the torso to the lower body, arms to torso and the details and the wand at last. The lower body starts at the feet and it's built up. Be careful around the waist with all the spikes, it's one of the hardest parts of the model. I suggest folding the lines on these spikes, makes them easier to build. The tail is simple, start at the spikes at the bottom and close at the top, gluing the fur after it's built. Place the legs on a flat surface and glue the tail to it, using the pdo as reference. The torso starts at the head and it's built down. Closing it is the hardest part of the model, make sure to take your time there. It's necessary to reinforce the inside of the neck by gluing some pieces of scrap paper there, otherwise the head will fall. Also, there are optional teeth (not shown in the picture). The arms are simple, take your time at the fingers and you'll have no problem. The ear tufts can offer some trouble on the last piece if not folded on the spikes. Glue them to the head before gluing the wand. Proceed to gluing the details such as the spikes on the torso, close to the arms, the wand and the flame. I needed some weight, placed inside the tail for it to stand. Since all the pieces are separated, you have some choices regarding pose, such as the position of the arms and the rotation of the torso. The one shown in the picture is slightly different from the pdo one. If you use another pose that not the do's, be careful so the ear tuffs won't collapse with the flame and that it doesn't get too unstable.

Download: A4 / Letter

20 March 2014


257 / M-BLAZIKEN - Pokémon Papercraft
 Mega Blaziken
Type: Fire/Fighting
Species: Blaze Pokémon
Height: 1.905 m (6'03")
Weight: 52.1 kg (114.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: As Mega Blaziken, it loses its yellow markings, and gains black markings on its upper legs and chest. Its hair like feathers take on a wing-like shape and point upward, and the portion around its chest is rough around its shoulders. The crest on its head changes into a flat horn that curves backward. The fire it creates on its wrists is now longer, as well.

Height: 19.8 cm/7.8 in
Width: 15.8 cm/ 6.2 in
Depth: 11.1 cm/4.4 in
No. of Pages: 3
No. of Pieces: 74
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: The model starts at the belly and at the hair. Start at the legs, but close only the standing one now. Make sure to follow the instructions of when to glue each detail, specialy at the top with the arms and some fur. Close the torso at the bottom of it and glue to the legs. Make sure to reinforce the standing leg with some scrap paper glued into it. The model will need some weight to stand, so keep one leg open and only AFTER the ENTIRE model is glued together, put weight inside so it stands properly, close the leg after it's balanced and glue the details to it. There's a base with it, it should prevent the leg fur from beeing damaged from the weight. Numbers and further instructions included on the template.

Download: A4 / Letter


257 / BLAZIKEN - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Fire/Fighting
Species: Blaze Pokémon
Height: 1.905 m (6'03")
Weight: 52.1 kg (114.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Blaziken was first seen in Pop Goes The Sneasel. Harrison used it to defeat the Sneasel that was blocking access to the flame of Ho-Oh. Harrison later used Blaziken in a climactic battle with Ash's Charizard.

Height: 19.8 cm/7.8 in
Width: 19.3 cm/ 7.6 in
Depth: 11.8 cm/4.6 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 76
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: The model had two start points, both being at the torso. Start by the legs, only don't close that part just yet. The torso is where parts can get complicated, the fur and the hair being the hardest parts of the model. There are plenty of notes and colored references on the template, I suggest using them all. The model can't stand on it's own, so weight is necessary, put it inside, BEFORE closing the legs and only AFTER the ENTIRE model is glued together, close the leg after it's balanced and glue the details to it. Also note that the standing leg MUST be reinforced from the inside, do so by gluing pieces of scrap paper into it. There's a base with it, it should prevent the leg fur from being damaged from the weight. Numbers and further instructions included on the template.

Download: A4 / Letter