Beast Master - Dev Update 25 - Sailing - Beast Master -

Hello, we wanted to share some cool updates for the Beast Master. We added new sailing feature which players will able to travel between islands.

Beast master will contain multiple islands as we mentioned before. Players will able to travel between those islands to hunt different types of creatures. Each island will have a unique biome and creatures. As the game design, players will start on a beginner island which the game will teach all core mechanics. Players will learn how to tame creatures, craft items, build structures, and eventually will be able to build a raft to sail the open seas.

Each type of raft will able to carry some amount of creatures. Building bigger boats will able to carry more creatures. Traveling between islands might take some time. To prevent time waste, we will also add teleportation feature so players can quickly return to their base. We will not try to impose boring features on players. We will make adjustments to speed up time-consuming features with newly unlocked features. All these improvements will be made as we get some feedback from our community.

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this blog post we shared. Thanks for watching and reading.

If you would like to ask anything related Beast Master, feel free to join our discord channel from the link below.

Also you can add the game to your wishlist from the link below to be notified when the game is released.

We hope you like this weeks blog and we are looking forward to hear for some feedback. Thanks for reading and watching.

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