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False pretences.

--Benjamin H. Phillips was sent to the Mayor yesterday from Castle Thunder to answer the charge of obtaining money from Michael Smith under fasle pretences. It appeared from the evidence that Smith's British papers being taken from him to be examined by the Conscript Bureau, about the20th of last March, he determined, if possible, to run the blockade and join his family, who were some where in Yankee land. Benjamin Williams, then of the detective police, agreed to take him across the lines; but subsequently recommended him to entrust himself to Phillips, and introduced him to Phillips. Smith paid Phillips $30 in greenbacks and $200 in Confederate money to take him across the lines. Phillips took him in a wagon some four miles out on the Mechanicsville road, and then getting rid of him on some pretence, returned to the city, bringing his trunk and his clothes. Smith also returned to the city, and found Phillips and Williams together in a bar-room. He asked Phillips to return him his money and clothes, when Williams took him aside and told him he would see that his money and clothing were returned to him. On the day after this Williams told Smith he would take him down the York River road, and that he would there get across the river without difficulty. Williams took him down the road, but he was arrested on the Pamunkey and brought back, when Williams preferred charges against him as a spy, and had him put into Castle Thunder. After some days he was liberated from the Castle and sent to Camp Lee until his British papers shall have been fully examined. These facts, or at least some of them, coming to the knowledge of the authorities, Williams was tried by Court-Martial and dismissed from the detective police. Smith has never recovered the money paid by him to Phillips nor any of the clothing taken from him by the latter, except a pair of pants.

The Mayor having heard this much of the case, continued it till Tuesday next, and in the meantime held Phillips and Williams to bail in $1,000 each for their appearance.

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