The fight in Florida.
--From the Savannah Republican, of Monday last, we copy the following with reference to the movements of the enemy, and the recent fight in Florida:‘ Information has been received here that a force, estimated at 3,000 cavalry and infantry, bad landed at King's Ferry, on the St. Mary's river, and were about midway on Saturday between that point and the Satilla Bridge
’ We are indebted to the courteous and obliging operator of the Florida. Telegraph Line, R. W. Cope, Esq., for the following dispatch, received by him last evening:
"Lake City, (via Columbus,) February 20--To R. W Cape, Operator: A severe battle has been going on all this afternoon hear Ginstee, thirteen miles east of this place, the enemy slowly retreating, and our forces pressing them. Their dead and wounded lay thick on the field.
"But few casualties are yet reported — among them the gallant Lt-Col. J. Barrow, of the 64th Georgia regiment killed; the Colonel and Major of the same regiment were wounded. Colonel Clinch was wounded. Colonel Carraway. Smith had his hose shot from under him.
"I will advise you further as I receive information.