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Adj't and Insp'r Gen's office,
Richmond, Va, Feb. 23, 1864.

  1. General Orders, No. 22.--I. Clause 3, paragraph H, General Orders, No. 75, (1863,) is amended by adding after the words "as clerks" the words "or detailed men."
  2. II. Clause 3. paragraph II, General Orders, No. 7, (current series,) is amended as follows: "Persons liable to military service may volunteer in or be assigned to any company of artillery in service on the 16th of April, 1862, having less than 84 men upon the rolls
  3. III. Non commissioned officers, musicians, and privates detached from their commands, by furlough or detail, for a longer period than thirty days, will be furnished by company commanders with but one descriptive list, upon which the soldier's account with the Government (pay, clothing, and commutation for furlough, under the act of Congress. February 7th, 1863,) will be stated. Soldiers in hospitals, not furnished with descriptive lists by company commanders when furloughed, will have such lists provided by the surgeon in charge.
    Payments made will be endorsed on the descriptive lists, which will be returned to the soldier, and transportation furnished in kind under the act cited will be endorsed on the descriptive list and also on the furlough.
    When the soldier rejoins his command the descriptive list will be returned to the company commander, who will, after recording the payments made, destroy it
    Quartermasters are prohibited from paying soldiers absent (as set forth in this order) from their commands except in the manner herein ordered.
  4. IV. Persons not liable to conscription who may wish to volunteers may be enrolled as volunteers, and receive transportation to the company they select. The enrollment will be communicated by the enrolling officer in each instance to the company commander.
  5. V. Soldiers who furnish and able-bodied recruit, who is mastered into service under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, are entitled, when on furlough, to transportation home and back.
  6. VI. The provisions of Paragraph V, General Order No. 31 (1863,) are held to apply to non-commissioned officers and privates entitled to furlough, under act of Congress, approved February 7th, 1863. Re elected officers are not allowed transportation or commutation in lien thereof, under any of the acts providing furloughs, bounty and transportation to persons re-enlisted or mustered into the service.
    In each case, the commutation allowed in lien of furlough will be paid by the Quartermaster of the command to which the soldier belongs, and by no other Quartermaster.
  7. VII. Captains may receive the rations in kind allowed them by law, or commute them at the Government price.
  8. VIII. The following is published for the information of the army.
    "An Act to provide for Retiring Officers of the Army.
    "The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the President be, and he is hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of any General commanding a department of any army, to discharge from service any officer of the Confederate States Army, or of the Provisional Army of the Confederate. States, who has no-command, and cannot be assigned to any appropriate duty, or who is incompetent or inefficient, or who may be absent from his command or duty without leave: Provided, that any officer who may be discharged for incompetency, inefficiency, or absent from his command or duty without leave, shall be entitled to a trial before an examining board, under existing laws, if he demands it of the Commanding General within thirty days: Provided further, that it shall not extend to any officer who is absent on account of his captivity.
    "Approved, February 17, 1864."
  9. IX. All officers, whether of Regular or Provisional Army, absent from their commands and not on duty, as well as those who are without assignment to duty by competent authority, will report their address by letter to this office, stating the circumstances of their absence from duty, and if unassigned, when and where last on duty.
By order.
(Signed) S. Cooper,
Adj't and Insp'r Gen. fe 24--6t

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