The transactions in specie are very light, and hardly afford data for quotations. Gold is rated by the brokers at $17.50 to $18, buying price, and selling at $19 to $20. We quote silver as follows:
Buying rates, $14 to $14.50; selling, $17.
Bank Notes.--There is now no difference in the bank notes of the several Southern States. The brokers are paying for this paper from $3 to $3.25, and selling it at $3.50 to $3.75.
Confederate Bonds.--8 per cent convertibles, 110; cotton interest loan, 155; 100 million loan, 8 per cents., 105 to 115; 15 million loan, 185 to 190; 7 per cents at par; 7.30 interest notes, par and interest; 6 per cents., 95.
State Bonds.--Va. registered, long dates, 235 to 250; past due, 203; North Carolina 6's, old, 550; new, 280; North Carolina 8's, 285; Central Railroad 6's, 262; Orange and Alexandria, 250; Richmond and Danville Railroad, 250.
Stocks.--Traders' Bark, 180; Bank of Virginia, 129; Bank of Richmond, 120; Richmond, Importing and Exporting Company, 1,400; Old Dominion Trading Company, 850. At the extra session of Legislature the shares of this company were reduced to 500. Petersburg Importing Company, 225.
Gain.--The receipts of grain continue very light and the sales few. We have heard of sales of wheat at prices ranging from $15 to $20, as to quality. Corn is worth from $11 to $12 per bushel.
Flour and Meal.--There seems to be less uneasiness manifested with reference to the supply of flour, but no material decline in price; extra may be quoted at $110, and superfine at $105.--Corn meal is selling by the quantity at $12 to $13; at retail from $15 to $16.
Groceries.--The stock of groceries in the market is rather light. We may quote coffee at $10 per pound by the sack; sugar, $3.25 by the barrel; salt, 30 to 35 cents per pound; rice, 32 to 33 cents per pound.
Country Produce and Vegetables.--Bacon, hoground, $3 to 3.25; lard, $3.25; butter, $4 to $4.25; cheese, $3.25; eggs, $2.50 per dozen; Irish potatoes, $10; sweet potatoes, $12 to $15; fresh beef, from 70 to 90 cents per pound, according to quality; tallow, $2.75 to $3.
Liquors.--Whiskey, from $55 to $80, owing to the quality of the article; apple brandy, $48 to $55.
Tobacco.--This article is not quite so lively as usual. We quote at last rates.
Leather.--We quote sole leather at $6.50 to 7.50 per lb; upper do. $7.50 to 9; harness do $7 to $8.