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Dodging the consequences.

--Yesterday morning two of Capt. McCubbin's officers appeared before the Mayor, to answer the grave charge of stealing $100 from John Schmidt, on Friday last. Schmidt keeps a grocery near the corner of 21st and Main streets, and on the day named, after attending an auction sale, returned home and found a number of detectives in front of his door. He had left $190 in one of his trunks when he was taken to Castle Thunder, and when he returned his money was gone.

The examination of other witnesses disclosed the fact, that the detectives had discovered in Schmidt's house seventy-five grain bags, which had been stolen from the Confederate States Government, and which they had taken into their possession.

Schmidt proved that he had purchased the bags of a white man last spring, for seventy-five cents each; but the fact that he bought them so cheap, and that he had them concealed beneath the bed, caused the Mayor to hold him to bail in $1,000, to answer for receiving the goods, knowing them to have been stolen.

There being no evidence to sustain the charge against the detectives, they were promptly acquitted.

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