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Hustings Court.

--This Court of Magistrates transacted the following business:

Wm. Mann, a free negro, charged with burglariously entering the dwelling-house of Peyton Randolph, on the night of the 10th of November, and stealing a coat worth $200, was arraigned and plead not guilty.--The Court acquitted him of burglary, but found him guilty of larceny, and sentenced him to receive 39 stripes.

Robt. Huculus, tree negro, charged with feloniously receiving a lot of chairs, stolen from N. B. Tapscott, knowing the same to be stolen, was tried and acquitted.

Tom, Henry, and Burwell, slaves, charged with breaking into a store-house of the C. S. Government and stealing 32 barrels of flour, was tried and sentenced to receive 39 lashes.

Chas. Rose, charged with being engaged with the above negroes, in stealing flour, was examined and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons.

Jeremiah Tibets, charged with entering the store-house of Smith, Lipscomb & Co., on the night of the 3d of December, and stealing one $20 note, was examined and remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. Tibets is a paroled Yankee prisoner.

George Wise, stealing a gold watch of Geo D. Wootton, on the 5th inst., was examined and sent on for final trial before Judge Lyons.

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James Lyons (3)
Geo D. Wootton (1)
George Wise (1)
Jeremiah Tibets (1)
N. B. Tapscott (1)
H. Smith (1)
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