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The enemy on the Peninsula.

Some excitement was created upon the arrival of the York River train yesterday afternoon, which brought the intelligence that the Yankees had again made their appearance in considerable force on the Peninsula, and that their actions indicated an advance on this city. Later in the evening, however, a courier arrived, bringing the news that during Monday night a negro regiment, a regiment of cavalry, and some artillery, advanced about twelve miles this side of Williamsburg, where they had pitched their tents, manifesting no disposition to proceed any further. The impression is that their designs only for plunder, and that no advance is meditated at this time upon Richmond. In either case ample preparations have been made, and they have only to make a demonstration to insure a signal repulse.

It is known that a few weeks ago Major General Foster, who has been strongly reinforced at Fortress Monroe, had organized a diminutive "on to Richmond," which was on the eve of starting, when an order from Washington countermanded his orders to move, and relieved him from the command of the department. It is also certain that the force at Fortress Monroe has been made of considerable size, and that at Newport News there is a very large encampment, under the command of Brigadier-General Heckman, of New Jersey.

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