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Two hundred and fifty dollars reward.

--On or about the 18th of September last I directed my man Jake to ride my horse through North Carolina to my home, in Gainesville, Georgia. When last from he was on his way to the Valley of Virginia for the purpose of procuring horses to take to Georgia. He was with one Lieut Humphreys, with out my authority. He is quite black, broad shoulders, stout, sound teeth, apparently lame, stammer badly, and is about five feet six or eight inches high. If found on his way to Richmond or Gainesville, Ga, I will give one hundred dollars for his apprehension and delivery to me, or two hundred and fifty dollars for the apprehension and delivery to me of him and any white man claiming to have him in charge, if for any other purpose than delivery to me. For delivery or further information apply to Jno H Core. Commissary General's office

Dunstan E Banks,
Adj't 24th Ga res't no 10--3t

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