Later from Europe.
The steamship Adriatic, with dates from Liverpool to the 27th ult.--three days later — has arrived at St. John's:
Gen. Lee's advance on Gen. Meade attracted much attention.The Daily News says that, while the Confederates are unable to dislodge Rosecrans, Lee's movements are so inconsistent with ordinary principles as to baffle all attempts at explanation. Gen Meade had nothing to gain by delivering battle in the centre of Virginia, and wisely declined to challenge his opponent until he reached his selected field, when, no doubt, he will be ready to receive him.
The Times says the last blow has yet to be struck, and the Federals will have extraordinary good for tune if a third battle on the scene of two defeats reverses the associations connected with the ill ened field of Bull Run.
The Times thinks Rosecrans will have to capitulate or retreat, and the former appears the most probable.
Henry Ward Beecher was entertained at a fare well breakfast in Manchester on the 24th. Thanks were voted to Mr. Beecher for his various addresses, and congratulatory speeches were interchanged.
It is semi-officially announced that the Princess of Wales is expected to become a mother in March next.
The Mexican question.
The Moniteur gives a report of the reception by Napoleon of the Mexican Deputation. He does not in any way allude to the Archduke Maximilian.The Paris correspondent of the Times thinks it doubtful that the French Chambers will accede to the guarantees demanded by the Archduke, viz: the integrity of the new Empire and a loan.
The Polish question.
The Memorial Diplomatique has published a dispatch to the French Minister at Vienna, containing proposals for guaranteeing Austria against eventualities in case Russia refuses to adopt the course suggested by the allies in reference to Poland. it is dated in June last.A great number of important arrests are reported in Warsaw, including forty members of the municipality.
The Saxon Consul has been confined to his house and his effects sealed up.
Numerous engagements and the dispersal of some strong insurgent hands are reported.
The Nord says there is no truth in the report that Russia is building war vessels in the Black Sea and that her relations with Turkey have been disturbed.
Liverpool cotton Market.
Latest by telegraph.