The Legislature.
--In the Senate, the following resolutions of inquiry were offered, viz: By Mr. Dulaney. Of abolishing the office of Board of Public Works. By Mr. Seddon. Of providing for an increase of the annuity on the part of the State to the Virginia Military Institute for the purpose of meeting the largely increased expenses of State cadets. By Mr. Lynch. Of reporting an original bill, or amending the present law, in relation to getting possession of money or property under false pretences, so as to inflict proper punishment upon persons who may be falsely obtaining the property of farmers and others under pretence of being agents of the Confederate Government.The unfinished business of yesterday — the bill authorizing and requesting county and corporation courts to provide for the maintenance and support of the families of soldiers in the service of the Confederate States was taken up and laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Coghill, the bill regulating prices was made the order of the day for 1 o'clock on Tuesday next.
The bill declaring what contracts shall be payable in currency was taken up and passed — ayes 20; noes 13.
The bill authorizing the transfer of causes from courts which cannot be held by reason of the presence of the public enemy to other circuit courts not so situated was passed.
The bill to abolish the Auditing Board, and providing for the settlement of the claims now unsettled before said Board, was adopted.
The bill authorizing and requesting county and corporation courts to provide for the maintenance and support of the families of soldiers in the military and naval service of the Confederate States was again called up by Mr. Armstrong, when he proposed an amendment appropriating $500,000, instead of $400,000 for the families of those residing within the lines of the public enemy. The amendment was agreed to.
The bill was finally laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.
In the House, Senate bills incorporating the Virginia Volunteer Navy company to pay certain claims against the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, and to repeal the law establishing a pay department for the Virginia forces were read a second time and committed.
Mr. Rutherfoord, from the Committee of Courts of Justice, made an adverse report upon the resolution to exclude from the rights of citizenship persons holding any office, or voluntarily containing under any usurped Government of the State. On motion the resolution was recommitted.
Mr. Buford, from the Committee on Banks, submitted a report, which was laid on the table, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution as to the expediency of causing the banks to redeem their currency in Confederate notes.
Mr. Anderson reported a bill from a special committee to whom was referred the memorial of the mechanics of Richmond, to regulate the prices of all products of the State, and all merchandize sold therein.
Senate bill to increase the pay of certain officers of Government, which was under consideration yesterday when the morning hour expired was taken up, and after some discussion was recommitted to the Committee on Finance.
The order of the day, the bill to reorganize the militia, was taken up and continued under consideration during the day.