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Patriotic in Albemarle

--A public meeting was held in Charlottesville on Monday, which was presided over by Thos. J. Randolph, R. W. N. Noland acting as Secretary. It was addressed by Hon. Jas. P. Holcombe, who was followed by Senator Wigfall, of Texas.--Senator W. Said:

‘ He would like to test the patriotism of the people of Albemarle, and see if they were worthy sons of honored sires. He would like to know how many farmers there were here present who would pledge themselves--

  1. 1st. Promptly to gather in and hand over to the Government agents their ten per cent. tax in kind.
  2. 2d. To set aside one other tenth to be sold to the Government at the prices that prevailed before the war, and take payment in Confederate bonds.
  3. 3d. To invest all their surplus funds, as far as practicable, in Confederate bonds, in stead of land and negroes.
Gen. Wigfall was proceeding with his remarks, when interrupted by cries from all parts of the house, "Put the vole!"

The Hon Shelton F. Leake proposed that the assemblage resolve itself into a meeting of the citizens of Albemarle, to consider the suggestions made by Gen. W., and called Cel Thos. J. Randolph to the chair. R. W. N. Noland was appointed secretary. Various resolutions were offered, pledging the meeting to the suggestions of Gen. W., Which were advocated by Messrs., Loake, Randolph, Early, Farrish, and others, when the following were unanimously passed with loud acclamation:

Resolved, That we, the people of Albemarle, pledge ourselves promptly to gather in and turn over to the Government agents our produce tax; that, in addition thereto, we will set aside one other tenth, to be sold to the Government at the prices obtaining before the war, and taking the payment there for in Confederate bonds; and that all the rest of our surplus products shall be sold at or below the schedule fixed by the State Commissioners, either to the Government or consumers, and that we will invest the proceeds of such sales, as far as practicable, is Confederate bonds.

2d. That professional men, and mechanics, will pay in one-tenth additional tax.

3d. That a committee of five be appointed to secure the signatures of citizens to this pledge, and carry out the purpose of the resolutions.

The Chairman appointed Messrs. Wm. W. Minor, Wm. H. Southall, Shelton F. Leake, Richard H. Crank, and Wm. T. Earley a committee under the third resolution, to which, on motion, the Chairman of the meeting was added. Papers were circulated in the meeting, and a large number of wealthy and influential gentlemen signed the pledge.

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