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What Soldiers'"Snacks" are made of

The Petersburg Express, of Saturday, has the following paragraph, which will cause a weak feeling in the stomach of many of our soldiers, who have taken "snacks" in that town:

The negro women (two in number) who served cooked dog meat to the soldiers near this city, a day or two since, were caught and a whipping of 39 lashes administered to each. The dish was served in the shape of a Bruns wick stew, in which dog and pork meat were promiscuously mixed, and dealt out to purchasers at the rate of one dollar a snack. Though a singular taste was observed about the meat, the discovery that any portion of it was canine was not made until a considerable part of the stew had been eaten. An examination of the bones was then made, when they were found to be veritable dog bones. We are glad to know that a swift and just punishment was visited upon the women who perpetrated this infamous deception.

The love of money is the root of much evil, and we again advise our soldier friends to be on their guard against eating cheap meat pies, served by irresponsible negro cooks. They know not what they may eat in them.

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