Thursday, July 16th, 1863.
Specie and Bank Notes.--The new exodus of foreigners from Richmond has had the effect of advancing the premium of specie, as the demand is temporarily much greater than the supply; but, in fact, transactions are insignificancy small, as very few holders are offering their gold. The brokers bid $7,50 premium for gold and $7 for silver. The asking rates are $8.50a9 premium. Bank notes have gone up like a rocket. The buying rate is $1.25a1.30 premium; the selling rate $1.50a 1.60.
Bonds and Stocks.--The sales since our last report embrace Confederate bonds (100 m) at 103a189½ and int; do 7'a, 109, Va. neg'd stock, 135, N. Carolina sixes, 250, Missouri do, four coupons on, 275; Bank of Virginia stock, 90; Bank of Richmond do, 110, Ins Co State of Va, 42½.
Produce, Provisions, &c.--Bacon is scarce and in better demand; we now quote at $1.45 a 155 for hoground. Butter — under an increasing demand prices have advanced; we quote at $1.75a2.25 per lb. Cheese, $1.50a1.75 per lb. Dried Fruit--Apples $10 per bush, Peaches $16 per bush. Eggs $1.50a1.75 per dozen — Hay $9a10 per 100 lbs., very scarce and wanted. Lard $1.55a1.60 per hundred lbs. Potatoes — New Irish $40a45 per bush. Corn Meal $10a10.50 per bushel. Corn $10 per bushel. --Flour — Superfine $31a32; Extra $33a34; Family $36a37 per bbl. Wheat — There is very little or none offering, the mills are buying nothing, having no business to do. We quote from $5.50a6, though some prime qualities may bring high.
Groceries.--Sugars are still unsettled, yet we now quote common browns at $1.50a1.75 per lb. Molasses $11.50a12.50 per gal. Coffee $3.25a4. Rice 15a20 cts. Salt 35 Candles $2.25a2.50.
Tobacco.--The market is better and prices have improved. Inferior Luge $12.50a75; good do $15a25; common Leaf $30a35; good Leaf $35a40; fine Wrappers $65a70; and fine bright Wrappers would bring a much higher price, say from $1.75a2.25.
Liquors.--Whiskey $25 to 40--the last named figure for a price article; Apple Brandy $29; French Brandy (imitation) $45 to 50.
Leather.--Sale $3.75 to 4. Harness $4 to 4.25; Upper $5 to 5.50; Cal $350 to 4 per dozen.