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Gen. Lee's army — the Potomac Re-Crossed.

Yesterday, during the day, we had a number of rumors in circulation with reference to the army of Gen. Lee. One was that the enemy had succeeded in getting in our rear, and had occupied the town of Winchester. The report, however, proved to be unfounded.

Late in the day an official dispatch was received by the President from Gen. Lee, conveying the information that our army had recrossed the Potomac at Williamsport. The particulars of the crossing we were not able to obtain, if, indeed, any were given in the dispatch. The news that our army has again returned to Virginia will doubtless create a damper upon the feelings of the enthusiastic, who saw in the invasion of Pennsylvania reason to believe that there was nothing to prevent Gen. Lee's successful march to Philadelphia; but among the reflecting there will be a sense of relief experienced that our gallant army has succeeded in recrossing the river in safety.

The 52d Va.suffered very little.--Lieut Col. Skinner, of Staunton, was wounded.

Among the losses in the 3d Va. are — Killed: Lt Col. A D Calcotte, Lts Guy, Murden, Arther, Mitchell. Wounded: Adjt. Stewart, Capts Hodges and Tuck, Lts Brown, Jackson, Birdsong, Fraetas, Gorner, White, and P H Arther. Missing: Capts Phillips and White, Lts. Gleason, Garey, W W White, Drewry, Wren, Cage, and W M Tuck.

Company D, 14th Va., sustained the following losses: Capt Coghill, Lts Taylor and Adkins, wounded and missing; Lt Chalkley had a leg amputated and was left in the hands of the enemy; Orderly Sergeant W Godsey and privates Childress, Wells, Colton, Bough, W Cheatham. E Perdue, and Thos Perdue, are missing; Hughes and S Cheatham are wounded and missing.

In the Boydton (Va.) Cavalry — Missing: Lt Gales, privates Gregory, Arnold, Nash, and Robertson Wounded. Capt White.

22d Va. Battalion (Heth's Div'n)--Wounded: Sergt W C Winn, Corporal Dalton, privates Shorter, Shelton and Berkeley.

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Colton (1)
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