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The United States furnishing arms to Mexico.

--The Havana correspondent of the Charleston Courier sends that paper the following piece of intelligence under date of June 8th:

‘ The Captain-General and the French Consul here have received intelligence that among the spoils captured by the French at Puebla was a box containing the full correspondence between the Mexican and United States Governments, where it appears that the latter has been furnishing the Mexicans with men, money and arms, to be used in their contest with the French. The correspondence has been immediately forwarded to France, and it is not improper to presume that it will greatly affect the amicable relations between the Emperor and the Yankees. This information is reliable. It comes to me from the officials I have named, through a Southern gentleman who had it from them personally. Among the prisoners captured by the French at Puebla were fifteen hundred Californians, who with a body of Spanish deserters from Prim's army, almost wholly defended the city during the late siege.

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