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The Confederate Navy.

Another Confederate steamer is out, but was pretty thoroughly searched by the English authorities before she left. She was called the Lord Clyde while lying at Cardiff. On the night before she was to sail the custom house authorities searched her thoroughly; ripping open several bales of clothing to find arms. They found none, however, and were hardly ashore before the captain east loose from the wharf and sailed off. The English papers state that she is for the Confederate Government. At Hartlepool (Eng.) an iron screw steamer, 310 feet long, has made her trial trip. She is a blockade runner, built for the Charleston steamship company. The U. S. merchant ship Charles Hill was destroyed by the Alabama on a voyage from Liverpool to Montevideo. The cargo was British property, and much excitement has been caused in Liverpool by its destruction. The Alabama has burned 74 Yankee vessels since she started out.

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Montevideo (Virginia, United States) (1)
Hartlepool (United Kingdom) (1)
Cardiff, Onondaga county (New York, United States) (1)
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