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Auction prices in Charleston

There has been a great deal of talk about prices of blockade goods falling in consequence of excessive importation, and on the other hand it is states that the importers are putting off this calamity (to themselves) by holding on to their goods. In carrying this determination out it is said twenty-one cargoes are held in the Confederacy unbroken. We give the following list of prices received at a cargo sale in Charleston Friday:

Liverpool salt, $70a76 per sack; mess pork, $170a185 per bbl; clear pork, $165 per bbl; pickled beef, $155 per bbl; black pepper, $2.90 per lb.; mackerel, No. 1, $51 per kit; palm oil soap, 91a92½c per lb; castile soap, $1.40a1.55 per lb; matches, $8a11.50 per grose; blacking, $2.50a20 per doz; printers' ink, $2.75 per lb; Hyson tea, $4.05 per lb; Cognac brandy, $30a42.50 per gallon; Martell's brandy, $170 per dozen; champagne, $205 per dozen; Hennessey brandy, $161a166 per doz; Madeira wine, $22 per gal; whiskey, $23a26 per gal; New England rum, $20.50 per gal; Jamaica rum, $21 per gal; alcohol, $25a26 per gal; Geneva gin $81 per doz; Holland gin, $111 per doz; English shot, $1.70 per lb; rifle powder, $7 per lb; Windsor soap, $9.25 per doz; London starch, $1.45a1.50 per lb; hemp rope, $2.05 per lb; Florida cigars, $63 per M; bicarb soda, $1.66 per lb; extract logwood, $1.95a2.10 per lb; pulverized rhubarb, $7.75 per lb; chloroform, $9.25 per lb; balsam copaiva, $7.50a8.25 per lb; powered tartaric acid, $1.15a1.25 per lb; camphor, $13.50 per lb; spirits turpentine, 80 cts. per gallon; hoop iron, 25 cts. per lb; tin, $111a115 per box; hammers, $5 per dozen; carpenters' adzes, $2 each; pins, $6a7.75 per pack; percussion caps, $11.25a12.25 per M; cast steel, $4.10 per lb; Congress knives, $67a82 per dozen; pocket knives, $68 per dozen; men's bluchers, $10a14 per pair; men's walking shoes, $12.50 per pair; spring boots, $25a29 per pair; ladies' cloth gaiters and boots, $12.50a21.50 per pair; boys calf elastic boots, $11 per pair; madder prints, $1.17½a2.25 per yard; furniture prints, $1.65 per yard; striped debege, 95 cts, per yard; check ginghams, $2.50 per yard; printed muslin, $1.05 per yard; black and white muslin, $1.60a1.65 per yard; printed organdle, $1.75a1.90 per yard, printed jaconets, 1.62½a1.75 per yard; black, white, and state prints, $220 per yard; linen dowels, $2 per yard; linen table clothes, $7.50 each; huckaback towels, $21a31 per dozen; linen cambric handkerchiefs, $11.50a30 per dozen; merino shirts, $100a110 per dozen; heavy mixed English half hose $15 per dozen; brown cotton half hose, $18 per dozen; women's heavy white cotton hose, $28.50 per dozen; girl's white cotton hose, assorted sizes, $24 per dozen; ladies' colored lisle gloves, $6.50 per dozen; lisle Berlin gauntlets, $14 per dozen; ladies' white, black, and colored silk gloves, $20 per dozen; flax thread, $6.50a7.50 per lb; shoe thread, $8.25 per lb; Faben's lead pencils, $11.50 per dozen.

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