Hustings Court.
--Saturday the time of Judge Lyons's Court was consumed in the trial of two cases, many witnesses being called to the stand to testify pro and con Wm H. Murphy was first tried for swindling Samuel Wright, of N. C., out of $1, 200 by the substitute dodge, pretending to be an officer, and receiving a bogus soldier into an imaginary company commanded by himself. Murphy had been arrested several times before for similar practices, but always managed to escape. In this case the evidence was perfectly clear. He was sent to the penitentiary for 4 years. Murphy who was formerly a Captain in the 15th Louisiana regiment, was arrested by the detectives of the Provost Marshal.Lieut. Arthur C. Douglas, of Rodgers's cavalry, was next put on trial, charged with stealing Major John Wilder Atkinson's horse. In this case the evidence left it doubtful whether the prisoner took the horse with felonious intent. The jury, giving him the benefit of it, acquitted him. Douglas had a good many friends in Court, as was shown by the fact that the verdict of not guilty was greeted with considerable applause. The Sergeant endeavored to stop the noise, and succeeded in a short time. One individual, who was detected in making a boisterous manifestation, was promptly carried before the Judge and fined ten dollars.