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Baltimore American, of the 28th ult., one day has been aved. The British steamer I, with der and arms, had been capture by the Final fleet and taken into Port .

vessel had been captured in the Potomac with ntity of for the South. A large ity of Confederate bank bills were on board. Riley was ted on her with a large Confederate mail.

Dispatch from Stoneman's Station, Va., dated th says:

‘ orts came back and fast yesterday, to the that the were in force on our right but investigate in proved that there was no for direction only a few prowl outs having a discovered. The real cause examine as the appearance of heavy of the enemy infantry on the south side of Banks and United States with purpose of preventing our the river-house points.

’ The latest the Southwest is given in Dispatch from Providence, La., the 17th, the says:

‘ rundown evening the marriage of the Mississippi with headwaters of the black river consummated and this morning stream wide is raging and tearing the the levee. It is impossible what the .

There are reaching us by way of burg, the my have evacuated Halue's and that Massachusetts regiment has sent up the to garrison it. If this is or evacuation of Vicksburgs. I do not believe, however, as no such rations against the bluff as

Correspondence Press expedition, since the reported battle . Both the and navy are reposing, for movement another direction.

battery that has been taken off the U. S., DeKalb, and ated so as to command the enemy at wood, was forced to re the place being, hot for occupation.

present land and force is probably in . The Mississippi will soon be brought aid, at the levees being cut to drown out rebels.

’ On Saturday night barge, containing a and bushed of past the batteries Vicksburg in safety, the use of Administrate's fleet.

Memphis Bulletin Wednesday says that of Admiral Porter's gunboats had reached river by the route, and had Greenwood.

further our forces above wood abandon the undertaking the a passage, and we retiring when they General Quimby's on en route to rein them. A conference had, the result of unknown, but it was not thought that in con of the success of route the whole .

--operations against Vicksburg-- on the way Yazoo Pase to be

Dispatch from Helena, dated on the to the Cincinnati Commercial, gives the interesting informal from the Yazoo Expedition:

‘ Gunboat Mar arrive from near Fort yesterday, with dispatches Porter. It to Vicksburg the Marmora brought dispatches from to Gen. that the gap in at the head of Yazoo Pass be greatly Gen. Prentice had a large force to commence work immediately. The the Pass is eight feet belong the level of the ppi. The project is to the levee all let the flood run , hoping to the rebels out at Greenwood.


New York dispatch, of the 27th inst., says:

‘ Rebel Colonel, Talcott, was in this say, en route for Europe has been Fort Lafayette. He was constructor rebel fortifications at York and Fort and formerly was an officer the United State army.

, Deputy Auditor of the State, and and members of the legislature, at rested at Salem, on the ult., for for Jeff Davis.

were arrested in Indiana on the for cheering for Jeff Davis in the street.

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