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Twenty five Dollars reward.

--Will be paid for the arrest and confinement in tail, so that I can get her, of my negro woman Celia. She left me in Manchester, Monday, March 16th, 1863, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and is believed to be in or near Manchester or the city of Richmond. Celia is about 30 years old, but looks older; is a little under the medium height; very stoutly made; of a gingerbread color; has thick, but remarkably narrow eyebrows, looks somewhat grum, and talks rapidly. She had on when she left a home made linsey dress; a gay colored, double blanket shawl, and a quitted hood. She carried a bundle of clothes with her. Address Jos. Wells, Manchester, Va., or the subscriber,

Chas B. Trebs,
Richmond city. ap 1--5t*(W F & M. W F)

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