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A Correction.

--Some seven or eight days since we gave an account of the arrest at the Star Saloon, on Main street, of a bogus Colonel and Lieutenant, pretending to belong to a Louisiana regiment, and a private, who professed to belong also to a Louisiana regiment, who was charged with aiding the others in an attempt to come the substitute dodge over a Mr. Wingfield, of Hanover. The parties, as related by us, being detected in the act of swindling, were committed to the military prison for trial by court-martial. One of the participants in the frond was get down as R. C. Ingalis of company A, 14th Louisiana regiment from papers found on his person. The real name of the party in question was Charles McNutt, of company C, 14th Louisiana. It appears from a statement furnished by Mr. Ingalis that McNutt purchased his furlough with the expressed intention of visiting his home, and consequently assumed the name of the party from whom he purchased it. When he was afterwards detected in an unlawful action here the name of the other party was still given, and caused private Ingalls, of company C. 14th Louisiana, to be subjected to reproach. McNutt is still to prison and, measures having been taken to identify him, he will hardly be tried on punished as Ingalls.

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