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The city Tax bill.

--The ordinance passed at the last meeting of the Council, imposing taxes for the support of the City Government, prescribes the following rates: Real estate, that owned by incorporated joint stock companies, savings institutions, and insurance companies as well as private parties, $1.15 on every $100 value thereof; on personality, save slaves, $1.25 on each $100 of value; money and credits, do.; white persons, head tax St; slaves, $5; on interest and dividends, 5 per cent; dividends on bank stock, 8 per cent; merchants, traders, and shopkeepers, divided into twenty-four classes, shall pay — the 1st $3,000; 21, $110; 3d $2,000; 4th, $1,500; 5th, $1,210 &c; manufacturers, divided into fourteen classes, shall pay the 1st, a license tax of $4,000; 2d, $1,540; 3d, $2,000; 4th, $1,500; 5th, $1,000, &c.; stock and exchange brokers, divided into seven classes, and shall pay — the 1st, a license tax of $1,500; 2d $200; 3d, $900, &c.; keepers of ordinaries and houses of private entertainment divided into ten classes shall pay — the 1st $1,500, at $1,850, 2d $780; 5th, $300, &c.; keepers of private boarding-houses, eight classes, shall pay — the 1st, $200, 2d, $150, 3d, $100, &c; keepers of saloons, for the sale of other than spirituous liquors &c.; keepers of negro jails, $100, &c.; again for hitting out slaves, desires in houses, mules, and horned cattle, $100 each; auctioneers divided into twelve classes, shall pay — the 1st $3,000; 2d, $2,500; 3d, $2,000; 4th $1,500; 5th, $1,250; 6th, $4,000; 7th, $750; 8th, $700; 9th, $600, 10th, $400; 11th, $300; 12th keepers, of cook-shops and eating-houses six classes, and for the 1st class, $200 tax; express company, with office in Richmond, $500; telegraph do., do., $100; keeper of livery stable, $1 on each stall.

At the meeting at which the tax bid was passed, a motion was made to strike out the tax on auctioneers, and the ayes and need being called, resulted as follows: Ayes — Saunders, Dancon Epps, Wynne, Stokes, and Griffin Noes — Grattan, Hill Burr, Scott, Crutchfield, Heskins, and Glazebrook.

The Committee on Finance will commence at an early day to classify persons and firm, after which notice will be given for objection to be made, if people see fit to make any.

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