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--The city police accomplished a number of arrests on Saturday. Most of the parties having been taken in custody for drunkenness and similar offences, were let off, with the exception of Daniel Ruffin, a free negro, arrested for stealing from Beverly Randolph a cloth coat, worth $50, and from Thos. Wright a gold ring, worth $21. He was held for examination before the Mayor. The following arrests were made yesterday, viz: Thos. Tardy, for stealing a pair of boots, worth $6, from J. Nortlinger; William McGinness, for trying to rescue Tardy from the officer after he had been taken in custody, and Samuel Howard for throwing stones at Jas. Mander's house.

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Thomas Wright (1)
Thomas Tardy (1)
Daniel Ruffin (1)
Beverly Randolph (1)
J. Nortlinger (1)
William McGinness (1)
JAs (1)
Samuel Howard (1)
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