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Runaway horse.

--A horse which was attached to a light four-wheeled wagon, containing two men, ran away yesterday at 10 o'clock, as the vehicle was descending that part of Broad street leading to the Central depot. He became, prior to reaching a wagon in the street above Antelottis, furious and unmanageable. The occupants attempted to jump out. One of them cleared the wheels, the other was caught up by them and twisted around and very much injured. One of the wheels was totally demolished. The horse, after falling some distance from the wagon, apparently dead, was induced to rise, and appeared when led off as docile as if he had not been doing anything. A barrel of ‘"contraband"’ which was in the wagon covered with said cloth, was thrown out about ten feet in the street by the sudden stoppage, and the head falling out, all the liquor was wasted and run into the gutter.

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