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General Buckner's report.

The recently published report of General Backner, in relation to the capture of Fort Donelson, is a calm, lucid, and undoubtedly truthful narrative of that affair. The surrender of nine thousand worn out men, with a scanty supply of ammunition, to an admirably equipped army of fifty thousand, surrounding the little band at all point, and supported besides by then gunboats, was a circumstance which entailed no dishonor, and which could not have been avoided, except by submitting to the massacre of the whole command. General Buckner acted on the occasion as became both a General and a man, a man of humanity as well as courage, and of courage not only physical but moral. No one can read his modest and manly report without feeling the highest respect and admiration for him. We rejoice that he has been restored to the service of his country, and that he may yet be the means of redeeming Old Kentucky from ignominious bondage.

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