Northern news.
An immense war meeting had been held at Milwaukee. Fifty thousand people were in attendance. The railroads in the State passed all free for the occasion. All business was suspended. Resolutions were passed recommending the drafting of a million of men.
Numbers are leaving St. Louis for the Southern army, to avoid the Northern draft. Arrests are being made there on the charge of disloyalty.
Back of Cape Girardeau the Confederates have a Wisconsin regiment surrounded.
The fighting at Bloomfield, Mo., was continued for three days. An additional force had been sent from Cairo to the assistance of the Yankees.
Memphis dispatches of the 30th state that Gen. Bragg has a force of 80,000 men in motion, and Memphis is threatened. It is expected that obstructions to navigation will be established above Memphis. A gunboat fleet will patrol to keep the river open.
Curtis refused to go to Vicksburg without a direct order from Lincoln. Curtis and Commodore Davis passed Memphis Saturday for Cairo.
A rumor prevails that Curtis's whole army was about to start on an important expedition to some unarmed point.
Over six hundred stores and private dwellings in Memphis have been taken possession of by Yankee authority — the owners in some cases being expelled.