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The Fallen brave.

Richmond, Va., May 18th, 1862

To the Editors of the Dispatch:
With painful feelings do we chronicle the death of a brave and gallant martyr; yet with the stings of deep and bitter sorrow, attending the memory of him whose fall we deplore, it is with pride that we endeavor to render feeble justice to one to whom all honor is due.

While each day that passes away on the underlaying pinions of Time shrouds our country in mourning for cherished sons, victims to the leaden bullet or the virus of disease, our hearts are brought to lament the fall of none more patriotic and gallant than 2d Senior Lieutenant Wm. H. Gregory, co. K, 23d regiment Virginia volunteers, who fell mortally wounded in the late severe battle near McDowell. Young, brave, and talented, the future was full of promise. Ever zealous in the cause of freedom and justice, when the dark clouds of war hovered over our fair land he was among the first to step forth in her defence. Having endured with Spartan firmness and cheerfulness the dangers and privations of a twelve-months' campaign in Western Virginia, he at last laid down his life upon the altar of Liberty, a worthy sacrifice in a glorious cause. When borne from the field his dying words were, ‘"Tell my father I died doing my best."’


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